SLPPOA Newsletter November 2003
The intent of this newsletter is to report the official minutes of the Board meetings and other unrelated events or notices which may be of interest to our Association members.
Board meetings are normally held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:15 PM at the SLP fire station. All property owners are welcome.
Next meeting: Wednesday January 21, 2004
Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners' Association: Minutes for the November 19, 2003 Board Meeting.
Meeting called to order with a quorum: Kirk Thompson, Nate McDowell, Ann Cooke, Brian Reardon, Wendy Bisset, Orlando Archuleta, Karen Taylor
Absent: Mike Doub, Guests: Don Bednar
Minutes recorded by Petra Pirc
Review of last minutes:
Passed by Wendy, Ann, Brian, Nate Kirk had some corrections (these were included in the final version of the October minutes, NM).
2004 Budget: Kirk made move in favor seconded by Donna for 10% increase which amounts to $379.50. All board members in favor. The 2004 budget is $57,324.00 See the attached spread-sheet for details on dedication of moneys.
Water: Don Bednar finished fixing several water leaks 2 weeks ago on Mimbres, still one leak on Scouts Lane. There is an underground leak at system 2 that has not been located yet. Disinfection of the new section of pipe to the booster station by Chlorination is done. On Saturday, a tour of the pump and booster stations is planned for 2pm. Don's contract - Kirk asked an increase rate to $30 dollars per hour (up from $20). Nate made move in favor, Orlando seconded. All board members in favor
Architectural: Don pointed out some previous board members were too overzealous for enforcing architectural rules (even though residents make improvement to the property, it gets scrutinized by the architectural control). This is not an issue in the last year, however.
Roads: Orlando brought a copy of proposed improvements needed for the association roads.
Legal: No news
Fire Wise: No news
Forest Service: They are done with controlled fires on Cat and San Juan Mesa for this year, as the moisture levels (snow) has increased, the temps have now become too cool and the days will not warm up enough for a burn of the area to be productive until next year. There will be one last chipper day for this year on this Saturday, Nov. 22rd.
Parks: Eric Larson when on the board and in charge of the parks, purchased 2x10 to rebuild picnic tables in front of Fire Station, which are being stored at this time. Scott Watson expressed interest to build the tables. Nate will also contact a thinning company to thin a cul-de-sac area over on Chaco off of Hovenweep Loop.
Unfinished business: Proposed for letter to Bob Bootzin. The letter restated that unit 9 is not part of the SLPPO association. There are 6 lots between in units 5 and 7 that he can potentially sell into association. Lots 21 and 22 of Unit 7 at the end of Los Griegos - have no access to assoc. water, yet. In which case there are membership dues to the association from these lots. We expect him to decide if these lots are part of the association - if yes then he must pay dues by December 31st . He can choose not to develop them and then he will have no responsibility to pay. Third option is to change his mind and develop lots in the future but he would need to pay $5145 plus reasonable difference in lapsed time from 2003 till decision to develop.
If Bob decides to develop unit 9 he will not be able to connect to Association's water system.
Board agreed unanimously to send the letter to Bob Bootzin to start the dialog.
2nd letter to Stewart - to start dialog regarding his well which is in Los Griegos road.
Next meeting is January 21st 2004
Meeting adjourned at 10 pm.