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July 10, 2018

July 10, 2018

1. CALL TO ORDER: President, Ms. Judy Kilburg called the meeting of the Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners’ Association to order at 7:18 p.m. at the SLP Fire Station.

2. ROLL CALL: (P-Present, E-excused, A-Absent without notification)

Pres - Judy Kilburg
Water – Peter Veverka

Firewise – Tamera Weary
VP - Harold Corn
Roads – Brian Nelson
Parks/Architectural – Max Otero
Sec/Treasurer - Lorraine Otero
Legal – Judy Kilburg

GUESTS: John Fredlund, Joshua Cantrell, Sondra Cantrell, Barbara Van Ruyckevelt, Suzanne Star, Eric Peterson, Erik Grove, Mary Moore, Kevin Stillman, Brad Shurter, Mark Stanley, Dave Schmitt and Maggie Schmitt

Ms. Kilburg stated that the Water Committee will be making a draft proposal presentation for Board comment and acceptance.

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION Ms. Weary made a motion to accept the agenda. Ms. Otero seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: MOTION: Mr. Otero made a motion to accept the minutes of June12, 2018. Mr. Veverka seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

5. PRESENTATION BY WATER COMMITTEE: Mr. John Fredlund, Committee Chairperson, presented the draft proposal to the Board. The Board then had an opportunity to discuss and ask questions regarding the draft presentation which Mr. Fredlund addressed. MOTION: Mr. Corn made a motion to accept the Water Committee presentation. Mr. Veverka seconded the motion. There were no oppositions. Ms. Kilburg said a 30-day notification will be provided to the membership for the formal Water Committee presentation.

a. President – No report.
b. Vice President – No report.
c. Secretary/Treasurer: Ms. Otero provided the following Monthly Report:

i. The balance in accounts as of June 30, 2018 is as follows:
Operating Account: $130,699.57
Reserve Account: $120,813.79

ii. Past due accounts: We have 20 delinquent accounts totaling $14,651.51. Of these 20 accounts, 5 are in foreclosure or bankruptcy in the amount of $8,937.48. The remaining 15 delinquent members are all making payments and 7 of the 15 owe very minimal amounts that are attributed to interest. It appears the letters HOAMCO sent out were successful.

iii. We have one pending sale estimated to close on 7/20/18.

iv. The May and June monthly transfer checks in the amount of $666.67 each were deposited into the LANB Reserve account on June 12, 2018.

v. The legal costs for June were unchanged and remain as follows:
Other Legal Costs: $959.44
Lawsuit Legal Costs: $51,949.63

vi. The June 2018 newsletter was mailed to all members on June 21st.

vii. The Combined Reporting System report was submitted on 7/2/2018. This report is required to be filed in Jan and Jul each year and it reports gross receipts which we don’t sell anything so our reporting is $0.

viii. The Water Conservation Fee report due each Jan and July was completed for July. The calculation came out to $192.33. I sent the form to HOAMCO and asked they make payment prior to Jul 25th to avoid penalty fines.

a. Water
i. Water Maintenance – Mr. Veverka said Mr. Brad Shurter called him that there was a big leak in the middle of the meadow. He wants to thank Chris Ross for his help and Zec Robinson who came out with his back hoe to get the leak fixed. Mr. Veverka also thanked Mr. Otero and Mr. Corn. Mr. Veverka reported that the electrician came by today and brought all of our permits. Now we need to get JMEC to come and get us connected.

ii. Compliance – Mr. Corn provided the following:

June 2018 Water Compliance-Meter Report
Water System Coliform/Microbiological Reports:
System 1 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 6/16/18, RT004 87 Aspen Grove
Total Coliform - A
Total E. Coli - A
Disinfected, Residual 0.04 mg/l
System 2 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 6/16/18, RT005 631 Aspen Trail
Total Coliform - A
Total E. Coli - A
Disinfected, Residual 0.06 mg/l

Water System Compliance Schedule required by NMED DWB for 2018:
Hall Environmental Analysis Laboratory ran TTHM-IND (Trihalomethanes) tests on 6/20/2018. Sample taken at 87 Aspen Grove had No Detectable issues at the Reporting Limit of 0.500 ug/L.
Well meter readings for May were filed with NMED, 7/9/2018.

Water System Miscellaneous:
The Hovenweep well is still OFF-LINE!
Two meter can cast iron covers have been received from our supplier and installed.
Two members (highest users on the June 1 meter read) were read on June 5th, 4 days after the monthly read. Results were:
32,377 gals usage / 4 = 8084 gal/day,
3,413 gals usage / 4 = 853 gal/day.
Initiated a Water Delivery Emergency Plan for use when User Demand outruns what SLP can produce. Board and legal action is under consideration.
System 1 experienced an emergency water outage when a connection ruptured on a low point blow-down area. The area was quickly isolated to preserve as much stored water as possible. Volunteers responded for diagnostic excavation on a weekend. Repairs were completed early the next week.

Water Usage: Meters were read July 1, 2018, 2018 by Harold Corn and his Daughter Sherri. Mark Stanley provided and distributed the Readings and Usage reports.
System 1
Wells Pumped 702,351 (751,224) gals, (...last month's data...)
Usage = 393,874 (412,698) gals
Main Line Leakage Rate = 7.1 (7.6) gpm
Leak Flags Identified = 11 (11)
Users > 7,000 gals = 16 (14); highest users = 44,430 gals (NO leak flag); 30,201 gals (leak flag); 26,703 gals (NO leak flag); 20,902 gals (NO leak flag); 19,979 gals (leak flag); 15,958 (leak flag)
System 2
Well Pumped 406,730 (404,470) gals, (...last month's data...)
Usage = 208,832 (195,420) gals
Main Line Leakage Rate = 4.6 (4.7) gpm
Leak Flags Identified = 5 (4)
Users > 7,000 gals = 7(6); highest users = 24,383 gals (NO leak flag); 17,523 gals (NO leak flag); 14,169 gals (NO leak flag); 11,963 gals (leak flag); 9,699 gals (NO leak flag), 8,976 gals (NO leak flag)
Higher than normal usage abounds for June. All residents are encouraged to conserve their usage.

Ms. Kilburg asked if there were any plans in place to replace other sections of the main water pipes. Mr. Veverka said that they need to look at this soon.

b. Roads – Ms. Kilburg said that Mr. Otero and Mr. Corn have been doing some road work. Mr. Corn said he approached Mr. Raue about grading the roads and he said he is busy for about a month and a half before he could get to us. We may need to look at other contractors. Mr. Eric Peterson said he has about 20 feet of exposed cable in front of his home. Ms. Kilburg said it is a phone line and he needs to call Windstream to take care of this.

Ms. Weary said someone had a question about the trenches for water in front of their home. There is nothing in the bylaws that requires the Association to maintain these. Mr. Veverka said there are people that block the natural water drainage which make things worse. Ms. Kilburg said it would be nice if people took responsibility for the trenches in their area but they don’t. Ms. Weary said we may want to remind members at the annual meeting.

c. Legal –
i. Lawsuit – Ms. Kilburg reported that there hasn’t been any word on the lawsuit.
ii. Restrictive Covenants Violations – Ms. Kilburg said she hasn’t had time to draft a second notice to the violators.

d. Firewise – Ms. Weary said she verified the keys the fire department has will open the gate at FR 10 on the south bound and will open the FS gate off of High Road. She walked part of the forest road going out but there are a lot of trees that are unstable and it’s starting to wash out the road with all the rain. It won’t be stable vehicles without four-wheel drive.

The bladders that the fire department has in Area 3 that hold about 5k gallons of water, each cost about $8k each, plus will need another $300 worth of adapters. La Cueva has two, 25k gallon tanks so we have permanent water reserve over there. If we were to do that here it would cost about $300k but it meets the minimum ISO rating of 30k gallons stored on site and lowers our ISO rating. We would have a stable amount of water in the event of fire. It may also lower members’ homeowners insurance but it depends on the insurance company.

Mr. Veverka asked if the County could help with this cost. Ms. Weary said it took six years for La Cueva to get those in because of funding issues.

Ms. Weary also mentioned that the Water Committee presentation needs to consider the amount of gallons of water that each member needs to contribute to the fire department so we can keep our ISO rating. She will talk directly with John Fredlund.

The forest is back open and they have lifted the fire restrictions for the forest but the County has not lifted their burn ban. Mr. Veverka asked if he can use his chain saw to cut up the downed trees on his property. Ms. Weary will find out.

The slash pit is now open.

e. Parks – Mr. Otero said nothing going on right now.

f. Architectural – Mr. Otero reported that he has received one request. Ms. Weary said one individual wants to re-shingle his roof and was wondering if he needs an architectural approval. Ms. Kilburg said he probably should just to make sure the color is acceptable.

a. Webmaster – Ms. Weary said she sent the Board comments to Mr. Luke and she has not heard anything more from him. Ms. Weary told him to send the revised contract to Ms. Kilburg when the changes were completed. Ms. Kilburg said she hasn’t received anything.

b. Sandoval County Cinder/Jersey Bouncer Placement – Ms. Kilburg has placed a call to the County and is waiting on a call back.

c. Appointment of Water Compliance Officer – Ms. Kilburg will keep this on the agenda.

d. Additional Member of Architectural Control Committee – Mr. Otero said Mr. Veverka will be the third member of the Committee.

e. Water Delivery Emergency Plan – Ms. Kilburg and Mr. Corn will review the plan again to ensure the comments from the attorney are incorporated.

a. Spare Parts (water) – Mr. Veverka said the shed needs to be cleaned and organized and determine what items are needed. Mr. Otero is willing to help.

b. Residential water leak flags – To be discussed off line.

c. Excess usage policy (surcharge/metering) – J. Fredlund – discussed at paragraph 5.

d. Mgt Company/Accounting Firms Bids – Ms. Kilburg said she spoke with someone from Integrity Accounting and Consulting which sounded promising. She needs to send them a statement of work. They will bill by the hour until they have a grasp of how much work is involved.

e. Restrictive Covenants – Mr. Veverka said nothing has been done in this regard.

f. Drainage Issue on Cerro Pelado – Mr. Otero reported that this is completed.

g. Nomination Committee volunteer Results – Ms. Weary said we have not had any volunteers come forward yet. An email soliciting volunteers will be sent soon to all members.

a. Proposed Bylaw Changes – Ms. Kilburg said everyone on the Board has reviewed. We will wait to hear back from the Water Committee to see if they have anything else to add.

Ms. Suzanne Star said Mr. Schmitt brought up something that she hadn’t heard. Mr. Bootzin’s personal well had run dry. Does Mr. Bootzin still have SLPPOA water rights for his 22 lots? Mr. Corn said it hasn’t been determined if the well is dry or if it’s something else. Mr. Bootzin will get a well diagnostician to determine what the problem is. Ms. Kilburg said she will get an attorney opinion to find out whether or not Mr. Bootzin has water rights for the 22 lots. The 22 lots are not included as part of the 155 SLPPOA lots. Mr. Kilburg said Mr. Bootzin does not pay Association dues on his lots until his lots are sold.

11. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, August 14, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

12. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m.

Delinquent Accounts
Restrictive Covenants Violations

The Executive Session adjourned at 9:56 p.m.

Submitted by: Lorraine Otero