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Special Assessment Vote Results

Dear Members
The Special Assessment for $300 per lot for water infrastructure projects was passed by the membership on May 4.

Members Eligible to vote - 141
Quorum required (second vote) - 43
Ballots Received - 82
Ineligible to Vote - 4
Eligible Votes 78
Needed to Pass - 52

Vote Tally
Yes - 72
No - 5
Abstain -1

Jemez Mountain Fire Preparedness Workshop

Saturday April-20 9:00am to 12:00pm

We invite you to a community event

There will be presentations and handouts from a wide variety of professionals on being ready and preparing you, your family, pets, your house and property for a Wildfire or Evacuation.

Followed by a time of Q&A and light meal.

The event will be held on April 20th @ 09:00am

At Jemez Mountain Baptist Church
6 Riverview Ct
Jemez Springs, NM 87025

Sponsored by:
La Cueva Volunteer Fire Department
Jemez Mountain Baptist Church

Flier attached below.

Water Meeting Summary

SLPPOA Member’s Meeting
Water Long-term Goals and Funding
February 24, 2023

Scott DeWitt introduced board members - all present except Suzanne Star, Barbara Van Ruyckevelt, and Dave Studell

Donna Smith spoke to the membership to review the information packet that was sent to the membership and answer questions. The information packet is available at:

Infrastructure Meeting Info Packet

Info packet attached for upcoming SLPPOA Water Long Term Goals and Funding Discussion.

LOTS of smoke in SLP

USFS is burning a LOT of piles around the border of our neighborhood. Smoke will be all over.

SLPPOA Water System Meeting

Saturday February-24 10:00am to 12:00pm

Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners Association meeting to discuss our water system and ask for member input.

FEBRUARY 24, 10am LCVFD Station 2

Water Infrastructure projects and funding meeting. This session will discuss:

how water is supplied to your house;
how the system is funded, and
near term projects to maintain and improve the system
long-term needs.

Prescribed fire

USFS Jemez Ranger District is planning to burn the slash piles along Mesa Verde (FR134) starting this coming Thursday.

Lee Taylor
La Cueva District
Sandoval County Fire Rescue

Prescribed burn

USFS will be burning up to 171 large slash piles south of Sierra de Los Pinos starting today. The burn will take place on San Juan Mesa off Forest Road 10, smoke may be visible from all areas in the Jemez as well as from Bernalillo, Rio Rancho and the I-25 corridor north of Bernalillo.

Lee Taylor
La Cueva District
Sandoval County Fire Rescue

Water Billing Meeting & Vote

Saturday October-28 2:00pm to 3:00pm

SLP fire station 2-3pm

For more information about the water billing proposal.

Questions?--contact the water management team at

Welcome New 2023-2024 Board Members

President - Scott DeWitt
Vice President -Ann Cooke
Secretary- Farita Tasnim
Treasurer - Suzanne Star
Water - Daniel Wirth
Roads - Dave Stuedell, and Angela Mielke
Long Range Planning- Barbara Van Ruyckevelt
Architectural- Donna Smith
