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September 11, 2018

September 11, 2018

1. CALL TO ORDER: Vice President, Mr. Harold Corn stated a quorum is met and called the meeting of the Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners’ Association to order at 7:15 p.m. at the SLP Fire Station.

2. ROLL CALL: (P-Present, E-excused, A-Absent without notification)

Pres - Judy Kilburg
Water – Harold Corn
Firewise – Paul Lisko
VP - Harold Corn
Roads – Paul Stuedell
Parks/Architectural – Max Otero
Sec/Treasurer - Lorraine Otero
Legal – Paul Rightley

GUESTS: Suzanne Star, Mary Moore, and Peter Veverka.

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mr. Harold Corn stated that Ms. Judy Kilburg would not be in attendance at tonight’s meeting but she did prepare the agenda and some notes. MOTION: Ms. Otero motioned to approve the agenda and Ms. Weary seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Mr. Corn asked if everyone had reviewed the draft meeting minutes for last month, August 14, 2018. MOTION: Ms. Weary made a motion to accept the minutes and Mr. Otero seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

5. ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTOR POSITIONS – Mr. Corn stated that we do not have to have the same officers in place and each office is open for nomination to any of the nominees.

a. Officers:
i. President – Ms. Judy Kilburg was nominated and accepted the nomination via prior email communication.
ii. Vice President – Mr. Harold Corn was nominated and accepted the nomination.
iii. Secretary – Ms. Lorraine Otero was nominated and accepted the nomination.
iv. Treasurer – Ms. Lorraine Otero was nominated and accepted the nomination.

b. Directors/Committee Chairpersons
i. Water
1. Maintenance - Mr. Harold Corn was nominated but said he will be in and out a good portion his final year of his Board term. He accepted the nomination but said he will work closely with Paul Lisko who is interested in this position but would like to work with Mr. Corn to learn more about the water maintenance position without taking on the total responsibility at this time.
2. Compliance – Ms. Tamara Weary was nominated and accepted the nomination.
ii. Roads - Mr. David Stuedell was nominated and accepted the nomination.
iii. Legal – Mr. Paul Rightley was nominated and accepted the nomination via prior email communication.
iv. Firewise – Mr. Paul Lisko was nominated and accepted the nomination via prior email communication.
v. Parks – Mr. Max Otero was nominated and accepted the nomination.
vi. Architectural – Mr. Max Otero was nominated and accepted the nomination.

MOTION: Mr. Stuedell made a motion to accept that all these individuals be placed in the positions identified above by acclamation. Ms. Otero seconded the motion and there were no oppositions.

Mr. Stuedell questioned if the Officers could get payment for their service to incentivize more participation and competition. At a minimum can they get their yearly dues paid? This would offer some enticement for stability. It was stated that the bylaws do not allow the officers to accept payment. Mr. Stuedell suggested that we look at the possibility of changing this bylaw section.

a. President – Ms. Kilburg provided a written report regarding the following:

Ms. Kilburg wanted to thank everyone for their part in making the annual meeting a success. She also wanted to welcome and thank the new Board members for their willingness to volunteer their time and Mr. Corn echoed the message. Election results: Paul Lisko got 79 votes; Paul Rightley got 51 votes; and Dave Stuedell got 62 votes. All these positions are three-year terms. There is still one, two-year term that is vacant and the Board could appoint someone to that position.

Ms. Kilburg also wanted to add a note as follow-on to Saturday’s Annual Meeting when discussing with Ms. Star and other members about the co-op and the previous attempt at a co-op. Ms. Kilburg said it wasn’t a co-op as Ms. Star stated. It was indeed a Mutual Domestic Water Corporation as is evident on the Secretary of State’s website for Sierra los Pinos. A Mutual Domestic Water Corporation is still listed on the website although it is listed as “inactive”.

Ms. Kilburg also had a note about the Roads and snow removal but it will be addressed a little later in the meeting.

Legal – she is waiting on the attorney’s final review of the proposed bylaw changes.

Management Company Accounting Firm – Possibly set up a meeting with the new company to discuss expectations.

b. Vice President – Mr. Corn said that for the new members it’s very important for them to become familiar with the bylaws, the four sets of covenants and the HOA Act. They are listed on the SLPPOA website.

Mr. Corn mentioned that we don’t have a credit card for the Association and we should maybe have one. He said there was a problem using a credit card years ago but maybe should be looked at again. Mr. Stuedell suggested a debit card. Mr. Otero said that we usually pay from our individual credit card and then get reimbursed which is a relatively quick process. Ms. Weary suggested a pre-paid card however; the card has a monthly depreciation fee.

Mr. Corn said this is his final year of his term on the Board and he will no longer serve on the Board after that year.

c. Secretary/Treasurer: Ms. Otero provided the following Monthly Report:

i. The balance in accounts as of August 31, 2018 is as follows:
Operating Account: $118,810.30
Reserve Account: $122,167.71

ii. Past due accounts: We have 17 delinquent accounts totaling $10,823.88. Of these 17 accounts four are in foreclosure or bankruptcy in the amount of $7,576.36. However, we just received a check on the largest delinquent account which will reduce this amount to just over $1,800. Of the remaining 13 delinquent accounts, 6 are slowly making payments and the remaining 8 accounts owe very minimal amounts attributed to unpaid interest.

iii. The August monthly Reserve transfer check in the amount of $666.67 was deposited into the LANB Reserve account on September 4, 2018.

iv. There are three pending sales. One was estimated to close on 8/31, one on 9/6 and one on 9/21.

v. Two new member packages were issued.

vi. The legal costs to date are:
Other Legal Costs remain unchanged at $2,627.03
Lawsuit Legal Costs remain unchanged at $51,949.63

a. Water
i. Water Maintenance – Mr. Corn mentioned a resident with a long-time leak finally fixed his leak now that his house is up for sale. Mr. Corn assisted him in finding the leak. They found a big root ball in his driveway which was causing the leak which is now fixed. Another member with a leak on System 1 has a leak about 2.3 gpm. The resident said they put in a pressure regulator and will get the leak fixed. Mr. Corn also mentioned that the electrician will be coming tomorrow to finish repair on the Hovenweep well.

ii. Water Compliance – August 2018 Water Compliance-Meter Report

Water System Coliform/Microbiological Reports:
System 1 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 8/18/18, RT004 87 Aspen Grove
Total Coliform - A
Total E. Coli - A
Disinfected, Residual 0.01 mg/l
System 2 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 8/18/18, RT008 720 Los Griegos Rd.
Total Coliform - A
Total E. Coli - A
Disinfected, Residual 0.1 mg/l

Water System Compliance Schedule required by NMED DWB for 2018:
Vernon Trujillo, Dept of Health/Scientific Laboratory Division, sampled our wells on 7/24/18. Multiple reports are available.
Well meter readings for July were filed with NMED, 9/8/2018.
Cloudy water issue on Sys 1 Bonito Way has been cleared up. A separate microbiological special sample test was performed at 107 Bonito Way by Frank Naranjo on 8/18, our water operator at no extra charge.
Total Coliform - A
Total E. Coli - A
Disinfected, Residual 0.1 mg/l

Water System Miscellaneous:
The Hovenweep well is back ON-LINE but the chlorinator contactor circuit has malfunctioned. It should be back online this week.
A new logon/app for the LevelCon water storage is in progress. Information will be sent out via the list server or newsletter when this is ready.

Water Usage: Meters were read September 2, 2018, 2018 by Dave Schmitt. Mark Stanley provided and distributed the Readings and Usage reports.
System 1
Wells Pumped 600,464 (569,332) gals, (...last month's data...)
Usage = 303,562 (294,289) gals
Main Line Leakage Rate = 6.4 (6.2) gpm
Leak Flags Identified = 10 (12)
Users > 7,000 gals = 7 (10); highest users = 83,354 gals (leak flag); 9,357 gals (NO leak flag); 8,8574 gals (NO leak flag);
System 2
Well Pumped 374,990 (467,680) gals, (...last month's data...)
Usage = 173,366 (276,061) gals
Main Line Leakage Rate = 4.4 (4.3) gpm
Leak Flags Identified = 7 (5)
Users > 7,000 gals = 5(5); highest users = 15,682 gals (NO leak flag;); 12,779 gals (NO leak flag); 11,616 gals (leak flag); 9,272 gals (leak flag);

Highest August user for System 1 has been contacted, and promised to fix their leak. Indication was that they had installed a PRV in our meter can assembly?
Spent time with a long time leaker resident on System 1. Isolation and troubleshooting produced a root ball the size of a basketball. A satisfactory repair under the driveway was completed.

Mr. Corn will get the administrative contact on the State website transferred to Ms. Weary so she can take over the water compliance reporting responsibilities. He will also update the water compliance books in the file cabinet so they are current.

b. Roads – Mr. Corn had some comments from Ms. Kilburg. Hovenweep will need to be graded. Mr. Corn spoke with a County representative and they will put Hovenweep on their list. Mr. Stuedell can request that it be done online. Mr. Stuedell was informed by Ms. Weary that at the annual meeting Ms. Robinson asked someone to check out the drainage coming from the high point at Los Griegos Rd. Ms. Weary said there are a lot of places on the roads where people try to keep the natural drainage going but the water cuts across the road and the water follows the natural curvature. The other Board members offered to help if digging is required in areas that aren’t directly related to a homeowner. Members need to be aware that they own approximately 15 feet of the road in front of their property and if a culvert is there it’s the owner’s responsibility to keep it clear of debris. This needs to be communicated to the members. Another thought is to increase the annual dues to hire a company to routinely clear the debris from the culverts.

Snow Removal – Ms. Weary had several recommendations:
Talk with Los Alamos Landscaping to see if they do snow removal
Talk with Mr. John Hines to see if he would be interested in doing the snow removal during his down time at the LA Landscaping.
Purchase the equipment from Martin Crane and do our own roads but Mr. Crane said if we purchased the equipment we would be required to do Thompson Ridge snow removal also. This would require an operator, obtaining insurance, etc.
Mr. Dave Raue could be another option although he may be close to retirement.
Ms. Weary mentioned that our cinders do not contain the necessary salt mixture which is why our cinders freeze.

c. Legal – Mr. Corn stated the bylaw changes are in final review and should be done shortly.

d. Firewise – Ms. Weary said the Forest Service hasn’t put out the burn schedule for the winter. People are burning slash on their property. They don’t need a burn permit if the fire is 3’x3’x3’ but asks that members please inform the fire department to let them know when you plan to burn. Also the chipper is available for member use at no cost.

e. Parks – Mr. Otero said he mowed the smaller park by the fire station and checked the playground equipment. The grass at the large park is being kept trimmed by the horses that are in that area.

f. Architectural – Mr. Otero said he has one architectural package submitted for review.

a. Webmaster & Listserver Management – Mr. Corn stated he is still talking with Keith McCaslin in Rio Rancho. Mr. McCaslin would like to change the language used on the website to Word Press. Ms. Star said it is an easy language to learn and it would be easier when new members transition on the Board. Mr. Corn talked with Mike Schacht and Mike provided his comments which will be considered.

Mr.Corn also mentioned that Google Drive is used for Board working documents. Mr. John Fredlund set it up and agrees to continue maintaining Google Drive for the Board. The new Board members need to be authorized and the outgoing individuals need to be removed. Mr. Fredlund also agreed to manage the List Server for our community.

b. Accounting Firm Status – Ms. Kilburg and Ms. Otero will meet with the prospective accounting firm to discuss specifics.

c. Water Surcharge Committee Proposal/Bylaw Change Meeting – The proposed date for the meeting is October 27, 2018. This is dependent upon the attorney’s final review and Mr. Fredlund’s availability for the presentation.

d. Garbage Collection Update – Mr. Corn talked with the manager of the transfer station. Our community situation was discussed and it was determined that onsite dumpsters or resident trash pickup are not feasible at this time.

a. Residential water leak flags – Mr. Corn said he is postponing this until the water surcharge proposal gets voted upon. However, he contacted the member with the largest leak flag.

a. Safety Deposit Box Access Authorization – The list of individuals authorized to access the safety deposit box at Los Alamos National Bank is outdated. MOTION: Mr. Corn motioned that the current officers be placed as individuals authorized to access the SLPPOA safety deposit box at Los Alamos National Bank and that the other names be removed. Ms. Weary seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

Ms. Star asked that the following items be added to the New Business.

Reserve Study – What happened to that? There were corrections to be made. Were they ever made? We’ve never been billed. Since it was done in 2014 maybe we need to do another one.

County Jersey Bumpers – The County hasn’t done anything about this. If we get a large snow storm we may need this area for people to park their cars if they can’t get up the hill.

Ms. Mary Moore said the Water Committee members were not recognized for their volunteer contribution at the annual meeting. The Board always asks for volunteers and it was hurtful that they were not recognized for their year-long effort. It was recommended that we do away with volunteer acknowledgement or if we decide to keep it Ms. Weary suggests we start a list from this point forward so we don’t forget anyone in the future.

11. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 9, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

12. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.

Delinquent Accounts

Submitted by: Lorraine Otero