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Ballots for Bylaws Amendments

Dear Member:

Enclosed, please find ballots with eight amendments to the Bylaws currently being proposed.
Most of these changes were suggested and developed by the previous Board. In keeping with
continuity, the current Board is now tasked with mailing ballots to SLPPOA members of record
to cast a vote either for or against each of the proposed amendments. Please look over each of the
amendments carefully and then make your decision accordingly. Completed ballots may then
either be mailed or submitted in person at a special meeting called for the purpose of this vote.

If a member chooses to mail in their ballot, then it should be mailed to Sierra Los Piños Property
Owners’ Association, 950 Forest Road 10, Jemez Springs, NM 87025. Please write “Ballot
Enclosed” in the lower left corner on the face of the envelope. Be sure your ballot is mailed in
sufficient time to arrive before the special meeting being called to discuss proposed amendments.
Ballots received after that time will not be counted.

The special meeting being called for this purpose has been scheduled to occur at the La Cueva
Volunteer Fire District Station 2, also known as the firehouse in Sierra Los Piños, located at 950
Forest Road 10, Jemez Springs, NM 87025. The date of the meeting will be Saturday, April 18,
2020. The starting time of the meeting will be 2:00 PM, Mountain Standard Time.

At least sixty percent of the members, eligible to vote either in person or by proxy or by mail,
have to be in favor of an amendment in order to enact its change in the Bylaws. Any member
who wishes to have their ballot submitted by proxy at the scheduled date and time of the special
meeting must provide that proxy with a notarized letter, which will designate that person as his
or her proxy. That letter will then be presented and relinquished to the Board and kept on file.

I look forward to each of you becoming engaged in this process. The Board encourages you to
get involved as an active participant in this most basic of all democratic processes, i.e. casting a
vote. Let your thoughts be known on each proposed amendment, either by mailing in your ballot
or by attending the special meeting on April 18. I hope to hear and/or see each of you very soon.


Paul S. Lisko, President
SLPPOA Board of Directors