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Water System 1 Update --- BETTER NEWS

Members, Neighbors, & Friends,

TWO System 1 Well, Submersible Pump/Motors have been replaced today, Wednesday, 6/10, by professional well companies!

NEVER in my memory of SLPPOA have we ever had to replace/repair two wells in one day. Correct me if I am wrong?
Currently, both System 1 wells are pumping at their maxium capacity.

Thanks go out to:

President Paul Lisko for monitoring the Hovenweep well site today
Mark Stanley - for calculating our System 1 average leakage rate

The not so good news from Mark & myself is that System 1 appears to have developed a large leak (or consumer water usage is up) that is almost unsustainable with oa single large producing well. We will be troubleshooting and perhaps calling on volunteer assistance to locate leaks. Please be watchful for suspicious wet spots and report to

Thanks to all of you for your cooperation and patience during a water supply perfect storm.

Happy showering!