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September 15, 2020

September 15, 2020

1. CALL TO ORDER: @ 7:20 p.m. Meeting was conducted online through Zoom meeting software due to the COVID-19 restrictions associated with groups of 5 or more persons gathering in a single location.

2. ROLL CALL: (P - Present, E - Excused, A - Absent without notification)

President - Paul Lisko
Water Maintenance -

Legal – Paul Lisko (Acting)
Vice President - Vacant

Water Compliance -

Firewise - Ann Cooke
Secretary – Cindy Hines
Roads - Dave Stuedell
Architectural - Josh Toennis
Treasurer - Jeremy Oepping
Parks - Cindy Hines and

GUEST(S): Harold Corn, Sumner Dean, John Hines

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Cindy asked to add an item to the agenda changing the time of our regular board meetings. This will be added under the Secretary’s report. Jeremy made the motion to accept the agenda. Cindy seconded the motion.
MOTION: All approved.

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Minutes of the August Special Meeting on August 8, 2020 were approved. Ann made the motion to accept the minutes. Cindy seconded the motion.
MOTION: All approved.
Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on August 11, 2020, were approved. Ann made the motion to accept the minutes. Jeremy seconded the motion.
MOTION: All approved.


President – Paul Lisko reported:
• Paul recapped the events of the Annual Membership Meeting held on September 12th. A quorum was not met, so there were no motions made and no voting occurred. Several members’ emails were added to the ongoing Zoom meeting invites.
• It was reported that the Water Systems Operator’s contract was signed on August 14, 2020, with John Hines.
• Per Article 7, Section 4 of the bylaws, a Special Officer can be appointed to the board. Josh made a motion and Ann seconded, to add John Hines as a Special Officer to the board to give reports on the water system. This is a non-voting position. The board approved the motion.

Vice President – position vacant / no report

Secretary – Cindy Hines reported:
• Newsletters went out.
• Nomination Committee – Members Jen Lake and Holly Gould agreed to serve on the committee with secretary Hines. A deadline for return of the ballots and a special meeting was set for Saturday, November 7, 2020. The ballots are to include any new nominations for board members, as well as Josh and Ann, since they were appointed to the board in the past year and need to be voted on.
• Hines requested reimbursement of $220.00 for the purchase of postage to mail letters and ballots. Ann made a motion for approval, Josh seconded and all approved.
• Hines asked if the board members present would be willing to change the start time of our regular board meetings to 6:30 p.m. and all agreed. She will ask our webmaster to change the time on the website.

Treasurer: Jeremy Oepping reported:
• The balance in the accounts as of August 31, 2020 is as follows:
◦ Operating Account: $143,048.01
◦ Reserve Account: $117,121.74
• As of August 31, we have 17 delinquent accounts. Total of delinquent accounts is $9,190.17
7 of the delinquent accounts are at $500 or more. 9 are less than $200.
• The August amount of $666.67 was transferred to Reserves during the month.
• Two changes in property ownership in August. Jozsef Bakosi and Terry Stright. Jeremy asked if Welcome Packets had gone out and secretary Hines indicated that she did not know it was a duty of the secretary. She will contact the former secretary to see what is included in the packets and to ask if there are already packets made up that can be used.
• FY2021 Budget was discussed: Jeremy provided two documents to the board, including an overview from 2018 to 2021 and the draft budget for FY2021. Jeremy made some adjustments to line items for accounting (decrease), roads (increase) and snow removal (increase). His budget draft keeps dues at the same amount as FY20 with no increase and use the money we currently have in our account to pay for increases and additions. Ann requested a line item be added for tree removal in the parks and open space. She also suggested we make our assessment an even amount such as $910.00.

Paul brought up that he would like to see us come up with a cost per gallon water fee structure. If we went to this type of structure, water costs would be deducted from our annual assessment. We do not have time to enact this fee structure for FY21, but will take the next year to work on it for FY22.


Water Maintenance – No report was submitted for this meeting. It will be submitted at the October meeting.

Compliance – No report was submitted for this meeting. It will be submitted at the October meeting.

Water Administrative –
John Hines reported –
• There is a water leak at Hovenweep Loop and Forest Road 10. He has scheduled a water outage for Thursday, September 17th. He is working with Dave Raue.
• Has sealed holes around pumphouses to keep mice, etc. out. Would like to put up clean, white Masonite on the interior walls.
• He met with Mr. Eaton regarding putting up a privacy fence between the Eaton residence and the water storage tanks.
• Would like to build a fence between the playground at the fire station and the storage shed/stored materials. This is an attempt to keep children from accessing these items and getting injured.
• He has made a list of leak flags that have been consistent for at least two months. He has personally contacted several of the residents and offered to help them find and fix the leaks. He is drafting a letter to go out to residents with leak flags that Paul will review and approve.
• Paul asked if John had any invoices for materials. He indicated that he was working on them and will get them submitted.

Roads – Paul Lisko Reported for the absent David Stuedell:
• David has set up with Dave Raue to perform work to install new culverts.
• A snow plowing/sanding contract is in place and signed with Dave Raue for the 2020-2021 winter season. If Raue decides to retire, he would be willing to sell his truck and plow.
• Tug Leeder reviewed possible excavation work on Bonito Way and Redondo Vista. It was decided to do the work next May when the annual road maintenance is done.

Legal – Paul Lisko (acting) Reported:
• Former SLPPOA attorney Brad Hayes was informed that his services would no longer be needed.
• Paul contacted the Amburgeys regarding a new B&B they are operating to ensure they would be in compliance with SLPPOA policy.
• In conversation with new legal counsel, Scott Turner, Paul discovered that the bylaw amendments did not pass. He pointed out that according to our bylaws, 60% of membership would have to vote in favor, rather than a simple majority.
• Ron Brown, realtor, contacted Paul, regarding the lots at the top of High Road, to ask what assessments buyers would be assessed since we do not provide water or road maintenance to those lots. Brown understands that buyers need to adhere to the covenants but we will not assess them dues. We could make the suggestion they make a donation since they will use SLPPOA roads, ie, Los Griegos to access High Road.

Firewise - Ann Cooke Reported:
Ann indicated there was nothing new to report.

Architectural - Josh Toennis Reported:
• Josh reported that one request had been sent in to approve the placement of a manufactured home at 346 Los Griegos. The request was withdrawn the next day. There was some discussion regarding the definition of a mobile home vs a manufactured home vs a modular home. It was decided to ask our legal counsel so we have a definitive answer should this question come up again, since our bylaws only refer to mobile homes.
• Work was being done to a home on Mesa Verde without an architectural review. A certified letter was sent to the owner asking them to complete the architectural review paperwork before moving ahead with more work.

Parks – Cindy Hines Reported:
• Nothing new for parks
• John mentioned that people moved the log preventing vehicular access to the park on Forest Road 10 and drove their vehicle into the park. He asked if he sees that behavior again, should he ask them to move their vehicle and Paul said definitely yes. John will move the log back iinto place.

• Water Committee – Jeremy reported that when we thought the Excess Water Use amendment had passed, a small committee of members was pulled together to start the process of determining how to enact a policy. Once the amendment was deemed to not have passed, the committee was disbanded. Jeremy wanted to reiterate that the intent of previous water committee(s) was to raise awareness of how much water people were using and not to be punitive or to collect large sums of money.
• Hold Harmless Agreement between Rigney and Bootzin has been completed.
• Update on Cell Tower – Paul reported in David’s absence. David is working on something with LANL and he encourage us to contact our Congressional Reps to support us in getting better cell service. Paul suggested we wait until after the November election to see who is elected and write to them.

• Sample ballot provided by David Stuedell that is used by another HOA. We may be able to take some ideas from it for future elections. We would still like to pursue an electronic voting service and do a hybrid election.
• Paul suggested we have a community event on November 7th in conjunction with the ballot count. He suggested live music and a catered meal. Cindy offered to help. She suggested that perhaps one of the incoming board members could be an events chair.

• Alternate escape route from SLP during an emergency – Paul will follow up.
• Water policy and developing a per gallon fee structure. Develop protocols for shut-off. John and Cindy Hines will work on it.
• Paul feels that getting a water tank set up specifically for fire suppression is important and asked if any of the board members present would be willing to take on that project. No one offered so the item was tabled until we get new board members on board. John offered to start getting costs together.

10. NEXT MEETING: October 13, 2020 @ 6:30 p.m.

11. ADJOURN: Cindy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:18 p.m. Jeremy seconded the motion.
MOTION: All approved.


Submitted by: Cindy Hines