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November 10, 2020

November 10, 2020

1. CALL TO ORDER: @ 6:41 p.m. Meeting was conducted online through Zoom meeting software due to the COVID-19 restrictions associated with groups of 5 or more persons gathering in a single location.

2. ROLL CALL: (P - Present, E - Excused, A - Absent without notification)

President - Paul Lisko
Water Maintenance -
John Hines
Legal – Paul Rightley
Vice President – Keith Rigney
Water Compliance -
John Hines
Firewise - Ann Cooke
Secretary – Cindy Hines
Roads - Dave Stuedell
Architectural - Josh Toennis
Treasurer - Jeremy Oepping
Parks - Cindy Hines

GUEST(S): Suzanne Star, Marsha Gaillor

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Jeremy made the motion to accept the agenda. David seconded the motion.
MOTION: All approved.

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on October 13, 2020, were approved. David made the motion to accept the minutes. Jeremy seconded the motion.
MOTION: All approved.


President – Paul Lisko reported:
• Establish protocol for replying to emails from members. If an email is sent to a board member, and other board members are cc’d, the board member to whom the email is sent should respond to the sender. If a cc’d member has a comment, that input should be conveyed to the emailed board member. CC’d board members should not respond directly to the sender.
• Appointment of new directors to the Board (3 for 3-year terms; one for a 2-year term)

Vice President – No Report

Secretary – In Cindy’s absence, Paul Lisko reported:
• A special Zoom meeting was held on November 7, 2020, to hold a vote for new board members. Out of 155 property owners, 142 were eligible to vote. Per bylaws, 1/3 of 142 needed to submit ballots (48). We received a total of 57 ballots. Josh and Keith each received 67 votes, Paul received 63 and Ann in received 58.
• Josh confirmed that he would like to remain as the chair of the architectural review committee, Ann will remain as the Firewise coordinator. Jeremy made a motion to approved Josh and Ann in those positions. David seconded. All approved. Keith Rigney would like to be named vice president and Paul Rightley will take on the legal director’s position. Ann made a motion, Josh seconded. All approved. Josh, Keith and Paul have three-year terms and Ann has a two-year term.

Treasurer: Jeremy Oepping reported:
• The balance in the accounts as of October 31, 2020 is as follows:
◦ Operating Account: $127,091.93
◦ Reserve Account: $118,484.48
• As of October 31, we have 13 delinquent accounts. Total of delinquent accounts is $8,985.04.
7 of the delinquent accounts sit at $500 or more. 6 are less than $200.
• The October amount of $666.67 was transferred to Reserves during the month.
• There was one change in property ownership in October from Zwicke to Paquin at 346 Los Griegos Road.


Water Maintenance – John Hines

General –
• Weekly inspections of pump and well houses.
• Assisted Dave Raue in installation of culvert at Redondo Vista over water line.
• Met at Ethan Moll, 1309 Los Griegos Rd to assist in repairing water leak at stand pipe.
• Started construction of fence around water shed.
• Went to La Cueva and measured water tanks and measured distance from Aspen Grove Well to Fire Station.
• Investigated Raw sewage spill into Water valves and meter cans at 1151 Los Griegos Road

Water System Misc:
• Well meter readings were sent to NMED on 11/04/2020.

Water Usage: Meters were read Nov 1, 2020 by John Hines. Harold Corn provided the setup, John Hines read the meters, and Mark Stanley distributed the Readings and Usage reports:
• System 1
◦ Wells Pumped 649,875 gals (504,927) gals, (...last month's data...)
◦ Usage = 447,329 (303,655) gals
◦ Daily Average Household Usage = 163.97 (115.020) gals
◦ Main Line Leakage Rate = 4.5 (4.7) gpm
◦ Leak Flags Identified = 12 (13)
◦ Users > 7,000 gals = 12(9);
▪ 9,957 gals (leak flag);
▪ 8201 gals (no leak flag)
▪ 7,719 gals (no leak flag)
▪ 29,812 gals (no leak flag);
▪ 32,210 gals (leak flag);
▪ 7,911 gals (leak flag);
▪ 9,237 gals (no leak flag);
▪ 95,133 gals (no leak flag);
▪ 10,380 gals (leak flag)
▪ 8,973 gals (leak flag)
▪ 41,126 gals (leak flag)
▪ 14,098 gals (leak flag)
The highest water usage was 95k gallons for a household with no leak flag. There were 3 additional households, also on system 1, with very high monthly usages of 41k, 32k and 30k gallons and the leak flags were set on all three. Collectively, these 4 households accounted for 44% of the total water usage on System 1.
• System 2
◦ Well Pumped 204,160 (205,171) gals, (...last month's data...)
◦ Usage =182,592 (180,891) gals
◦ Daily Average Household Usage =92(94) gals
◦ Main Line Leakage Rate = 0.5 (0.6) gpm
◦ Leak Flags Identified = 7 (7)
◦ Users > 7,000 gals = 4 (7);
▪ 8,476 gals (no leak flag);
▪ 10,483 gals (leak flag;);
▪ 11,659 gals (no leak flag;);
▪ 11,587 gals (no leak flag);

• Summary: Nineteen (19) users are above the 7,000-gal recommended usage threshold.

Compliance Report – John Hines

Water System Coliform/Microbiological Reports:
• System 1 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 10/24/2020, RT 002, 241 Trilobite Trail
◦ Total Coliform - Absent
◦ Total E. Coli - Absent
◦ Disinfected, Residual 0.05 mg/l
• System 2 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 10/24/2020, RT 006, 1223 Los Griegos Road
◦ Total Coliform - Absent
◦ Total E. Coli - Absent
◦ Disinfected, Residual 0.09 mg/l

Paul asked if John would go ahead and send out leak flag letters to the people showing up on the report. John will draft a letter, send it to Paul for review, and John will send it out.

Roads – David Stuedell Reported:
• Three culverts were installed. Dave Raue has sent an invoice. One property owner is to be billed for the cost of the culvert across his driveway. Jeremy will find out the appropriate way to handle that. $729.09 is due. A signed letter was received from Tatum approving the removal of trees and road widening on his property on upper Los Greigos.
• David is still looking into the acquisition of signs for specific road identifications and miscellaneous traffic info.
• Snow plowing contractor’s recent breakdown and contingency plan going forward. We should send out email notices to residents if there is an issue. David doesn’t think we will be charged for the plowing that was not completed due to the truck breakdown. Raue does not have a contingency plan if this should happen again. Can we find someone to be a back up? Paul knows Martin Crane and will be happy to contact him to see if he could act as a back up.

Legal – Paul Lisko (acting) Reported:
• Determination of whether property owners of Unit 6 are subject to annual assessments
◦ Phone contact with mapper at Sandoval County Assessor’s Office, Oct. 28th. The only way to find out if the current owners executed the restrictive covenants would be to do a title search.
◦ Phone contact with Bob Bootzin confirmed restrictive covenants not executed.
◦ Paul talked to our attorney who will draw up a contract between SLPPOA and a potential purchaser of these lots where they would pay an amount to be determined for their use of SLPPOA roads.
• Sent Policy on Vacation Rental Properties to HOA Attorney for review and comment
◦ Requested input on non-compliance from owners of B&B Hovenweep Haven

Firewise - Ann Cooke Reported:
• Has submitted the certification request for Firewise in 2021. She reported that $100,000 of volunteer time and funds were spent in the Jemez.
• She received an email from Luke McLarty from the Forest Service. They will be burning slash piles this winter. They reported that smoke will be visible from these fires.

Architectural –Josh Toennis reported:
• No new requests for architectural review were submitted for the month of October
• Request form for home improvement of residence at 28 Bonito Way still incomplete

Parks – Paul Lisko for Cindy Hines Reported:
• Cindy is willing to continue as acting Parks director until such time as we get another board member.

• Update on LA Net: Permit from SFe Nat’l Forest; Installation of SLP repeater. LANet hit a snag with location of their equipment on Pajarito Ski area. It has caused some delays, but they are moving forward. Dave was able to contact Verizon rep who works with LANL. They have started to research our situation. He is optomistic that they will be able to help improve our cell service. – D. Stuedell
• Follow-up with HOA Attorney re: covenants for mobile vs. manufactured homes. The attorney said that a mobile home is the same as a manufactured home and should not be allowed. Units 3, and 4-10 do not allow mobile homes. Units 1-2 allow mobile homes, but the owner must build a fence around the mobile home or build a home which would completely enclose the mobile home. Josh will make a note so that future architectural review members will know. – P. Lisko

• Identification of rules that may allow members to drill individual private wells. There was some discussion regarding whether a property owner would be able to drill a private well on their property. No one really knew the details. John said he would look into it and Paul Rightley is willing to help. – D. Stuedell

• Clear road of downed trees and provide alternate escape route from Los Griegos. Tamara provided her PowerPoint presentation to Paul. Paul has been onboarded as a member of Fire Adaptive Communities. As a member, projects can be put forward and this would be a good project for them to support. They are getting him in touch with Sen. Heinrich’s office for support of the project to develop a secondary escape route. – P. Lisko
• Develop comprehensive water policy: Per-gallon fee structure; Shut-off protocols. John has received two examples of fee structures from other municipalities. They both used a tiered structure. One had no shut-off at all and the other didn’t shut-off until 6-8 of unpaid bills. – J. Hines
• Recommendations for placement of large storage tank to be acquired from Intel. John sent photos of the tanks at La Cueva. The concrete slab to hold the tank would be 10’ x 16’ and 18” thick. He suggested that if we should eliminate the idea of placing the tank at the Aspen Grove well site. He felt a location at the fire station would be better. Paul suggested that John contact fire chief, Lee Taylor for information regarding the tank at Intel. Paul will find out who to talk to as Sandoval county. They should share the costs for installation. – J. Hines

10. NEXT MEETING: December 8, 2020 @ 6:30 p.m.

11. ADJOURN: David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Paul R seconded the motion.
MOTION: All approved.


Submitted by: Cindy Hines