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July 12, 2022

Sierra Los Pinos Property Owner’s Association (SLPPOA)
Board of Directors Meeting
July 12, 2022 at 6:35PM via Zoom

The meeting was called to order by the acting president Keith Rigney with the following members present: Josh Toennis, David Stuedell, Jeremy Oepping, Ann Cooke, Kristi Cross and John Hines – Non-voting member. Cindy Hines was not present.

Guests: Harold Corn, Mary Moore, Suzanne Star, Barbara Van Ruyckevelt, Amber Gaston, Mana Babicz.

Approval of Agenda: Ann Cooke moved to approve the agenda; Jeremy Oepping seconded the motion; and, there being on opposition, the motion carried.

Approval of Minutes: David Stuedell moved to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2022 meeting; Josh Toennis seconded the motion; and, there being no opposition, the motion carried.



Keith Rigney: As you all know, the Board no longer has a standing president. I will be filling in, in this role until elections come around in September.

Paul Lisko’s official last day was on July 5, 2022. I do have a few things on the agenda for his work within June.
Paul has been dealing with many requests between 6/20 and 7/2 to former legal director about the VRBO for 66 Ashley Lane. He has not received any replies. With his absence I (Keith Rigney) will follow up with this task.
This was covered last month but Paul added that he gave the go ahead to Brian Riley about fixing the turn from High Road onto FR 4AM. For people that do not know, many of the board members met at the top of High Road to discuss the allowable changes to be made to the corner. The changes are needed to allow a water truck or tinder to make the corner. Keith Rigney will get in contact with Brian Riley to obtain updates on this project.
An email was sent out that Thompson Ridge slash pit will be open on 7/23 from 8AM to 4PM.
The local volunteer fire department is scheduling chipping in SLP in late July on a date to be determined. Possibly the 30th of July.

Ann Cooke: I will also cover this in my section later on.

Keith: I will leave it at that and allow Ann to cover this later.

VICE PRESIDENT (Keith Rigney):

1. The first topic I would like to cover is the setup of our annual meeting. It is currently proposed to be on September 10th at station 2 (52) located in SLP. The only issue with this is that we do not have the ability to stream it without internet. I do feel it is convenient for most people but don’t want people to miss out just because of attendance. I am unsure if anyone has any other ideas that could better fit our situation, but it would be nice to get it set up for Cindy Hines to send out the newsletter.

David Stuedell: I think it would be beneficial for the Board to get internet set up at the volunteer fire station. Whatever price it is, couple hundred or 500 for set up, I think it would be beneficial to utilize it. I know LANET might have the ability to reach it but am unsure if they can or not.

Jeremy: The only issue with this is that our association does not have the ability to place anything on the building as it is not ours. And it is hard to justify that cost when we will only use it once a year.

Keith: I was just about to say the exact same thing as we do not own or control the building. I have heard in the past that the Fire Department does not want a tower put on their building. The other option is for someone to take their unmounted Starlink dish down to the station. We could easily steal power from the station to get it up and operational. I would use mine but it is hard mounted and I would prefer to not take it down.

Scott Dewitt: We have the ability to use my Starlink. It is currently just set up on a table. Could easily move it. It does need a good view to the north but am unsure how good it will work down at the station.

Keith: That would be incredible! I can easily meet up with you beforehand and do a test run if that is okay? Then we will be able to get the newsletter out stating we will be doing in person and virtual.

Scott: We can for sure do that.

Keith: Great. Thank you so much. I will make it an action item to send you an email and try to get this tested. Thank you all for the help. Our meeting will be at the volunteer fire station, with hopes of being virtual as well.

2. With our proposed agenda emails, I also sent out the annual CCR for water. This document needs to be approved by the board to be sent out. Once approved John Hines can get it sent out by email or newsletter.

John Hines: To clarify we don’t have to send it out to the public. It must be produced annually. This can be posted on our web page, sent out by letter, or mailed.

Keith: What have we done in past years?

John: In past years we have just posted it on our web page. This CCR is also being produced with 2021 data.

Keith: So this information is just a year late then?

John: That is correct.

Keith: That makes sense. Thank you for the clarification. Is that okay with the board to give approval for John to post this information on the web page? Everyone agrees.

Barbara Van Ruyckevelt: I think it is important to get this information produced on the web page. I would like to read it.

Keith: My internet cut out shortly but what I think you said, with the approval from the board we will hopefully get it posted this coming week for you to read.

3. I think Cindy, who is not here, will be the main point of contact for this. What I would like to do is email the current ListServe and ask the question if people still need to be on this email list Tell them to ignore this message if they want to keep receiving messages or send an email to get taken off. For the new people here, the ListServe is a large emailing address or list that can get in contact with everyone that lives in SLP. I am pretty sure Cindy has done part of this work already. Can you confirm John?

John: Oh great. Bring me into this. I know she has said that the current list has a bunch of people who no longer live in SLP but she has for sure worked on a new list that should be more up to date and current.

Keith: I guess she beat me to it and did it for me already. I will contact her and see if there is anything else we can do. Thank you, John.

4. Jeremy and I have been in contact with HOAMCO and they made the grueling suggestion of looking into cutting down the number of board members since it is a large board of 9 people with only a max member listing of 161. This is totally a long process but with 5 people potentially leaving, it makes it an option to look into. I want to pitch this to the board as a potential idea in the future. I am unsure how to get it done but it’s just a suggestion.

Jeremy Oepping: Mind if I jump in and add a little more information?

Keith: Yes, please.

Jeremy: This all started when I reached out to HOAMCO about the current state of 5 board members leaving. They brought up this idea as a potential solution. Email from Michael Franciosi at HOAMCO:

“Something you or a future BOD may wish to consider, and although I know that passing any amendment to the governing documents can be excruciating, a board of 9 seems unreasonably large for an association of only 161.  It may be easier to have a board of 3 or 5 in staggered 2-year terms than a board of 9 in staggered 3-year terms.  Just an idea, and certainly something that would need to be considered by the entire membership.  I do know though that finding volunteers to serve on a board can many times be challenging, thus the thought of reducing the number.”

In this same email Jeremy talked to Michael about potentially having HOAMCO take on more activities for our board. The reply is as follows:

“With regards to Treasurer duties, typically what we see with Accounting clients, is that the invoices are sent to HOAMCO directly.  The portfolio accountant assigned (Summer in this case) would code the invoices, and then sometimes the invoice is then sent along via the software that we use (Strongroom) to a board liaison (typically the treasurer) for a final review prior to issuing payment.  We could certainly change to that protocol going forward if the Board should wish.

I’m not clear what you would be looking for by “maintain our membership listing”.  We would enter any new owner information into Caliber once our Escrow Department received the closing paperwork.  Beyond that, I’m not exactly sure what information you would be looking for.   Homeowners can send us updates to their contact information via our website, but of course that is incumbent upon the homeowner to do so.  I’m happy to talk with you or your board members further about what you are looking for and how we may be able to assist.”

This is something the board can start looking into and taking action on if needed depending on the number of volunteers in the future.

I did attend the water management meeting this last Saturday.

5a: On July 11th. 2022, John Hines and Harld Corn set up a meter loop test. This is to hopefully show us where most of our leaks are at and allow us to hopefully go after these problem areas. I am sure this will get covered more in depth.

5b: John Hines was able to receive a quote for backup generators for our water system. It came out to $2500 for 3 generators. These will be utilized when our area is out of power to keep our water system running. I am not putting this up to vote right now as this does not include building storage, getting an electrician or any anything else for the setup of the generators. This is a $7500 bill that I am unsure we even have the budget for.

5c. John Hines asked D. Salazar for a quote for approximately 450 linear feet of pipe replacement. This is our steepest section of pipe within system 1 and has had concerns of leaks in the past. We will assess the results from our meter loop later and this might get pushed back in priority.

5d: The Water Management team has been working on newsletters that I sent out to the board already. This is to improve communications between the board and its members. This will also be able to inform our members of our current water issues of leaking 50% of our water on system 1. These will be drafted up by the WMT and approved to be sent out by the board. These can be sent to the updated list serve, be mailed, or presented at the annual meeting.

Jeremy: Of what I did read of them, I do like them and think the idea of informing the members is a good thing.

5e. The WMT team has also been working on a Memorandum of Understanding between our association and the local volunteer fire department. This came up due to the issues of the Mora fire. They were able to save their city but ended up collapsing their water main lines due to pulling too much water. FEMA is now assisting them in rebuilding their entire system, but we want to make sure we protect ours. The WMT is nearing its final draft of the document, then I will send it to Lee Taylor for approval and comments. After that it will get presented to the board for feedback and approval. The last step will be to get it signed by the county. There will for sure be updates to come on this subject.

6. The last subject I have is a huge ask but I am trying to understand and put a plan in place. I understand this is volunteer and we will do our best but by the September 10th meeting, I would like for everyone to look at their respective areas and give me possible budgets for their plans. I want this to create a plan for the next 2 to 5 years. We have issues right now that have not been addressed in the last 3 years and I find it extremely disturbing and frustrating. This will also help me understand what our current budget is and if we have the ability to make improvements. I know this will most likely affect water and roads more than anyone else, but I still want to factor in the worst-case scenario. Using our attorney for architecture or anything like that. This also allows us to extrapolate the information from D. Salazar’s quote and how long and how expensive it will be to replace all our lines in system 1. It can show if our current budget is stable or losing money. There are a lot of benefits to this that will allow us to show the members where their money is going. I know this is a big ask but it will be nice for us to use.

Jeremy: I have most of this data already produced and can show you the changes over the years and the assumptions we made.

Keith: I did not know we had something like that. Would you be able to send that to me. Then I can break it up as needed and send their respective portion to them and ask if it is correct or not? Perfect. Everyone expect an email from me. Thank you all. Next, we have Secretary Kristi Cross.

SECRETARY (Kristi Cross):
Since the meeting minutes were approved, I have already emailed Mike and asked that he post the minutes, so hopefully they will get posted sooner than later.

I had sent everyone the Service Provider list to review and I have the one change that Keith had added. If there isn’t anything else to add, I’ll get it uploaded and also posted to Facebook.

TREASURER (Jeremy Oepping):

The balance in accounts as of June 30, 2022 is as follows:
Operating Account: $164,268.25
Reserve Account: $103,831.37
As of June 30, we have 8 delinquent accounts totaling $13,793.04. (decrease of $10,793.61 from last month).
Association President drafted, and Treasurer sent, a ‘reminder’ via certified mail to all delinquent property owners on May 23. Treasurer to work with attorney and HOAMCO for liens to be filed per SLPPOA lien policy (accounts exceeding $500) after July 1.

I have never filed liens in my time as treasurer and I never thought I would. There is a reason to why we did it this time and it shows after gaining around $10,000 this last month.

The June amount of $666.67 was transferred to Reserves during the month.
There were no changes in property ownership in June.
Updated Member Listing 7.12.22


Keith: I am going to continue to add this topic in the agenda until our September meeting and we get more people on the board. We are actually lucky enough today to have two people that are thinking about joining the board. They are Scott Dewitt and Mana Babicz. With me still being on the board after September, I am glad to have them here and even be thinking about joining the board. I did just receive a message in chat from Amber Gaston. She says she is Scott Dewitt’s wife and she is interested in joining the board as well. This puts 3 people here and I really cannot thank all of you enough. Please feel free to ask us any questions or reach out to me afterwards

Jeremy: To make it clear, it is normal for any people interested in joining the board to write up an autobiography that the board can send out for members to vote on them. You will need to send this out sooner rather than later and we don’t have much time left.

Keith: You are exactly right Jeremy. My plan was to email everyone interested after the meeting to see if they really do want to join. If they want to, I would then ask for a biography and have it sent out around our next meeting.


Water System Maintenance:
Weekly well and pump inspect
Called for locates at sites of two suspected leaks by David Romero from Rural    
Scheduled David Salazar contractor to dig up suspected leaks on Mimbres Way but after digging we found no leak.
Attended two Water Management Team meetings. Discussed priorities to recommend to the board.
Helped homeowner with water turn on.
Read meters July 1st
Met with David Salazar to request quote on replacing 400 feet of four inch line.
Got estimates for two emergency generators for wells
Located valves for Meter Loop testing

Water Usage:
System 1

Wells Pumped 621,220gals., ( 682,048 gals.....last month’s data...)
Usage 312,908 gals ( 361,468 gals.)
Daily Average Household Usage =117.20 gals/day (132.50 gals/day)
Main Line Leakage Rate = 50%
Gallons lost= 308,312
Leak Flags Identified =8(9) 9 repeat
Users > 7,000 gals = 13(17); 6 with leak flags
21,173 gals ( leak flag);
15,879 gals (leak flag)
8,665 gals ( no leak flag);
8,803 gal s ( leak flag)
9,873 gals ( no leak flag)
18,041 gals ( no leak flag)
18,202 gal s ( leak flag)
8,177 gals (no leak flag)
8,594 gals (no leak flag)
8,207 gals (no leak flag)
10,812 gals ( no leak flag)
8,381 gals (leak flag)
11,432 gals (leak flag)

System 2
Well Pumped 180,210 gals, (204,280.last months data...)
Usage = 175,675 gals (200,505) gals
Daily Average Household Usage =96.00 gpd (102.67 gpd.)
Main Line Leakage Rate = 2%
Gallons lost= 4,535
Leak Flags Identified =3(5) 3 repeat
Users; 7,000 gals = 4 (5);
14,142 (no leak flag)
10,450 gals (no leak flag)
12,158 gals (no leak flag)
13,209 gals (no leak flag)

Harold Corn’s report is as follows:

On July 11, 2022 a group of volunteers gathered to perform approximately 18 isolation points from the far end of Water System 1 to the closest isolation valve to the storage tank farm continuously monitoring an ultrasonic digital meter at just below the tanks.

Volunteers include (THANK YOU VERY MUCH!):

Instrumentation Specialist - Mark Stanley, on vacation here offering his expertise for this effort, monitored and collected flow rate data from beginning to end, analyzed results.

Water Operator - John Hines, excavating and cleaning valve stands, controlling well production, etc.

Project Coordinator - Harold Corn, ex-SLP Water Manager, labeled and sequenced the isolation points for data collection.

Residential Isolation - (Pre & Post testing) - Suzanne Star, Mary Moore, Shawn Weary, Carolyn Corn, John Hines, Harold Corn

Isolation Valves & Nodes - Harold Corn, John Hines

Notice was given to the membership on 7/9/2022:

Old ListServe Distribution

New Email BCC list supplied by Cindy Hines

Sierra Los Pinos Facebook Group by VP Keith Rigney

Some door knocking was initiated

An instrumentation dry run was held on 7/10/2022 to exercise the meter to laptop buffering of data every few seconds to a laptop. A problem was discovered but quickly diagnosed by Mark to enable the procedure to go forward. Also, remaining buried valve boxes were located, excavated, and vacuumed if needed by John Hines.

Isolation Procedure Steps:

8 am - Seven Volunteers met at the Fire Department.

(The above portion of Harold’s report was copied from previously provided information

8:30am - Isolated and recorded each lot meter shut off because one of the things that you do not want is a contamination of your data, a meter that is not shut off or a home, so someone starts using water. We try to prevent that. This time we kept a log of who we shut off.

9-11:30am - Sequenced 18 test sections while monitoring and recording the flow rates

12:00pm - Reopened in the reverse order all isolation valves

12:30pm - Reopened all residential service valves

1pm – John Activated both System 1 wells; so probably the residents were without water for three or four hours.

Now here’s the golden egg that we are really looking for. The preliminary results, we have a lot more looking at the data to do, and we’ll produce a later in more detail, but

Baseline leakage for System 1 before isolating any sections (with the ultrasonic metering system) was approximately 4.1 GPM

Now, to answer your earlier question I overheard, Keith, that does not exactly match the gallons per minute as calculated. So, in that is possibly some errors in the metering, maybe some meters aren’t working, etc. and that would help bring that into alignment.

The other significant thing we noted was there was no significant drop in the flow rate appeared from the beginning of where we started through the currently replaced 4 inch main lines. That, by the way, also includes that short 400 foot section we were going to replace. That does appear to be intact and solid as far as no leakage.

Here’s the real golden eggs here:

Two significant sections have dropped in the flow rate occurring toward the end of the testing:

From the intersection of Mimbres & Ashley Lane to the Meadow Can we had approximately 0.9 GPM or almost 1 gallon per minute. That was the smaller of the two leaks discovered.

The other leak was from the Meadow Can to the Aspen Well Valve. That’s the main line going past the fire department. What was surprising was that it varied from 1.8 to 4.0 GPM, so Mark called it what seems to be a variable leak. So if you hit it kind of hard or you open a valve, it would leak harder than steady state.

So, as a I said before, a more detailed report will be provided to the Water Management Team, and eventually to the Board, and I think the team will be discussing the details of all of the data that came in.

That’s all I have, unless you have some questions that John or I could answer.

Keith: It looks like water is now done. We’ll jump this over to Dave Stuedell if he’s able to get back in.

Dave Stuedell: Yeah, I’m back in, I got the power outage too.

Roads (David Stuedell):

David: This will be very quick and fairly easy, I think. We have Tug Leeder scheduled tentatively for the week of August 22nd to do our road grading. So you can put that on your calendar and hopefully, it won’t change. Any questions on that?

Keith: No, we’re going to need it after these last couple of storms..

David: I might try to contact Windstream because of the lines that tend to get broken during the grading process, and there is the issue that Harold has brought up, but it didn’t seem to be an issue last year, is that the compaction equipment that compacts the road and kind of vibrates the community would be detrimental to our water system, but John said he didn’t see any increase in leaks last year, so I’m assuming everything will be fine. That’s all I have on the grading.

On the old sander/spreader unit that’s sitting by the fire station, I have that listed in Craig’s list, I had a scammer last month, who sent us a $10,000 check from some company, I don’t know what that was about, but we’re only asking $500, so we ripped up the check.

And then we have a thing, which would probably be best for Josh to talk about, as far as the cinder – and maybe we just want to address it in his section, but the whole thing with the cinder shed that Jonathan has proposed to build there so he can load and keep the cinders dry and have a better system overall. I have seen the plan come out and I think they are going to attack it in phases: Phase 1, just do the ramp, and then Phase 2, do the structure, but I think it probably would be best for Josh. I think we should move forward on approving this, at least Phase 1. Any questions there and, Josh, what do you think?

Josh Oepping: Yeah, I can address it more in my section and we can answer any questions there, as well.

So that’s really all I have. One last thing is that we might want to put in – I’ve been cleaning my culverts for my road area. They fill up quickly and if you don’t keep them clean, then it runs over the road and clogs the culvert and pretty soon you don’t even know you have a culvert there So we might want to put that in the newsletter, as we normally do, but that’s all I can think of for roads.

Keith: Thank you, David.

Legal (Vacant)

Keith: We will move on to Legal. As Paul Rightley is no longer with us, we do not have a person for Legal, so delegation of activities until September, if someone would like to join this role? I believe I can take over these roles. I already said earlier I was going to talk about trying to contact the house about the VRBO. So, I will have updates on this, this coming month if there is anything to report.

Firewise (Ann Cooke)

Ann Cooke: I am going to start with the fact that the Volunteer Fire Department is voluntarily going to chip slash on July 30th. They need an RSVP if you have slash to be chipped. They request that the slash be aligned so that all the cut ends are facing the same direction. They do not want to detangle a slash pile. So, everything aligned so they can easily feed it into the chipper.

I would like to request that this be at least posted for people to see and, if we could have a notice put out to all SLPPOA residents through an email, that would really be nice. I can work with either Cindy or whomever to get that notice out to the membership so they can prepare for it.

I am just going to make a comment as to the slash pit being open at Thompson Ridge. The discussion has been that the Forest Service will not leave it open all the time, because it has been abused, and so the 28th it will be open during those hours for people to bring slash there, and probably there will be somebody there monitoring good behavior during that time, probably from the Forest Service. So that’s another opportunity.

The last thing I’d like to report is that I was just in contact with Southwest Fire Defense, who has given the estimate for getting seedlings out of Black Bear Park, and they are planning to be up this coming Thursday. I have notified and been in contact with the two property owners that are behind Black Bear Park and they have also been notified that work will occur this coming Thursday, unless something happens at the last moment. And that ends my report.

Keith: Perfect. And I can make a Facebook post once you get an email put together for the newsletter, I will mimic your email and I’ll post it on Facebook for you.

Kristi: I’m not sure if everybody got it or not, but I had an email from John Fredlund about the slash.

Ann: Yes, that it is. We may want to expand a little bit on it, so that people understand that they do need to contact Lee Taylor, so that he knows where to go to get their slash.

Keith: Thank you, Ann. Now we’ll jump into architectural with Josh Toennis.

Architectural (Josh Toennis):

Josh: We had one request that was submitted for a property over on Hovenweep that had installed a fence previously without a request. The request was not approved, and an email has been sent out to the property owners requesting changes be made to the fence to bring it within compliance.

We have another request for a fence over on Trilobite that is currently under evaluation by the control committee and I expect approvals from that here shortly.

The last one will be the request for the cinder structure at the Fire Station. I met with Jonathan probably almost two weeks ago now. We walked the property and kind of figured out the best way to lay the loading ramp and the structure out. We kind of decided there is a natural embankment there already, that we could kind of use as a possible loading ramp, so cutting a little bit of a road down the side of that embankment and then having a short retaining wall to be able to load the spreader with his tractor, and then the cinder structure would be located right next to it there, basically running parallel to that edge. If anyone has any input on this or any questions about it, I would be happy to answer them. We do have a layout that people can look at if they want to, but this will be going to the control committee and hopefully it will be approved here shortly so Jonathan can get started on it. That’s all I have unless there are some questions.

David Stuedell: Thank you, Josh, for going over there and doing that with Jonathan.

Keith: Thank you. Now we’re going to move to Parks, which is Cindy Hines. She is out for the evening, so I did copy some things in here that I will read verbatim.

Parks (Cindy Hines):

Keith: Cindy said: (1) My term on the Board is up in September and I will not be running for re-election. Someone will need to take over the GoDaddy account. It’s not hard and I am happy to train you. I only have to access it once per year when the annual payment is due and again when we need to update the forwarded emails.

I do not know the entirety of what GoDaddy provides for us, other than the email services and the forwarding programs, but I assume I will be putting someone in contact with Cindy to get this moved off her plate once she is gone in September.

(2) Road signs are still making progress going up.

This is going up in her spare time with her husband, John Hines.

(3) Black Bear Park has been repainted. With the recent rains, it will need to be mowed soon. Volunteers needed.

Cindy is going to send out a newsletter, but she is planning on needing volunteers to get that entire park mowed/weed-eated. Let me know if anyone wants to help and we can pass the information on to Cindy.


Keith: This is actually from Paul before he left. District Ranger Brian Riley stated in an email 6/8 that the thinning project from Mesa Verde Road to Forest Road 10 remains a priority and will resume when the Jemez road crew is available after fire season, which started two months earlier this year.

I don’t know if, Ann, you would like to pick up this task. I have not seen any communications on this. I don’t know if this falls under Firewise, but either I can take it or I believe you can take it. Whatever works best for you.

Ann: I’d be happy to take that on.

Keith: Perfect. I’ll contact Brian – I have to contact him about something else – so we can get updates moved towards you.


Keith: As I said earlier in this meeting, Lee Taylor stopped by my house tonight. He was checking the flooding damage. He recommended that I reach out to Brian Riley as well, the District Ranger. The main reason why he recommended this was because we need to get in touch with the bar, I don’t remember that acronym, but due to the flash floods we received earlier today, we would like to get some action taken on this, or this is going to continually happen. We hope not. I will be kicking this off, hopefully tomorrow, with an email. So hopefully we can get some relief on these flooding issues, and we just hope they don’t continue.


Keith: These are both produced by Paul Lisko. The first one is, once again, about Brian Riley on treatment of FR 4AM for an alternate evac route. I believe this is just contacting him to see when this work will be done, if they need anything of us, and if they thought our idea was good to proceed. I can put that under my agenda.

Delivery and installation of Intel water tanks to SLP Station #52 for fire suppression: Once again, I did talk to Lee Taylor about this today. He kind of brought me up to speed on the volunteers end of things, so I will be addressing this with the Water Management Team this coming weekend, and this task will mostly be covered by the Water Management Team. I don’t think anyone on the Board has time to cover this, and that’s what I believe the team is there for. We will have better leads on this. Paul Lisko did say he would take lead on this through the Water Management Team, so expect updates from me in my portion about these tanks.

Does anyone else have anything they want to say, touch on, we need to discuss for tonight? If not, we will close this meeting. The next Board meeting is Tuesday August 9, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. This will be our last meeting before we all meet in person down at the Fire Station on September 10th.

Thanks everyone. I’m sorry I lost power during part of the meeting tonight. I suggest that we adjourn this meeting at 7:46 p.m.

Ann Cooke moved to adjourn; Jeremy Oepping seconded the motion and; there being no opposition, the motion carried.