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January 8, 2013

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:27pm by Judy Kilburg, President. Other board members present were Mr. Brophy, Mr. Shaw, Ms. Fredlund and Ms. Pero. Also attending was Harold Corn.

Approve Minutes of November Meeting:
The minutes were read. Mr. Brophy moved to accept the minutes, with minor corrections, and Ms. Fredlund seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.

Officer and Committee Reports:

Financial Reports: Mr Shaw presented the account summary and balance sheets. There were no unpaid bills from December 2012. He also noted that 72 ½ lots have already paid the 2013 annual dues. One address for Koenigsburg keeps returning, and there is no forwarding information.

Water Shut off Notices: Mr. Shaw is preparing five (5) letters to be mailed. Date will be determined by Mr. Trujillo's availability to perform the actual shut off.

New Members: Two new members have purchased property in SLPPOA.
Hudson purchased vacant Unit 1, lot 32.
Otero purchased former Hobart residence on Los Griegos.
A welcome letter, with membership forms and CCR's to be mailed to Otero’s.

Billing for Special Assessment Mr. Shaw will mail billing for special assessment A new account to keep these monies separate will be created.

Meeting with Accountant: Ms. Kilburg met with accountant and gave the data file for tax preparation.

Water Operator Report: Mr. Trujillo was not present to give a report.

Meter readings have been done and are all ok.

Overflow trays for chlorination tanks have been ordered.

Aspen Grove pump house leak repaired, Jan. 7.

We are very close to our annual allowable limit for water usage. Ms. Kilburg presented two reports which follow monthly water usage on all three wells. Out of a total 19million gallons allowed, we are currently at 18, 589, 180 gallons. Mr. Shaw asked what happens if we go over our allotted water rights. It was believed that there would be fines involved. This then led to discussion about how these costs would be recovered. The consensus is that people really need to do a better job of conserving water. Ms. Star to post this information on listserv. Mr. Corn mentions trying again to make a credit application for water that is returned back into the ground.

Meter Project Planning Status: There was no meeting due to holidays. Mr. Ververka to hold meetings the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.

Baker Utility's Wes Dyer met with Mr. Corn and Mr. Veverka. He recommends standardized meter size of 3/4”. Mr. Corn agrees and believes we should follow that recommendation and vote to standardize all fittings. Ms. Fredlund moves to select 3/4” meters on all lots, with the exception of the Fire Station, which should have a 2” meter connection. Ms. Pero seconds.

Vote is approved.

Mr. Dyer also mentioned that he has contacts with leak detection agents and has recommendations for valve placement and will forward that information.

There is a shared connection on Ponton's and Blount’s property of which Baker’s recommended solution is a larger can with two meters branching off to the separate lots.

Mr. Veverka is ordering meters for the 9 cans that were installed last fall.

Rural Co-op annual meeting is in March. Mr. Corn suggested we send either Mr. Trujillo or Mr. Veverka.

Mr. Brophy and Mr. Corn are working to install new disconnect switch and new battery for levelcon. Need to order backup battery.

System 1 isolation valve – to be discussed at Water planning meeting Jan. 16

Water Tank Status
No news. Survey cannot be done until snow is clear. Precision Survey in Los Alamos and GPS will be contacted to see if one of them will do the work. Eleni will contact Peter to schedule.

Mutual Domestic Status. No news.

Mr. Brophy reported that 5 plows and 2 sanding trucks have been active. Pete will charge for sanding.

It was requested by several residents to have Pete fix the “triangle” created at the entrance to Trilobite from Hwy. 4. Mr. Brophy will mention this to Pete.

New sand barrel placed at Eohippus and Trilobite.

Nyhan's proof of insurance due in March.

Water Operator contract up for renewal in May.

Liability insurance renewal is coming due in July.

Architectural: No new business

Parks: No new business

Firewise: No new business

Ms. Fredlund moves to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Brophy seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8.58 p.m.