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May 14, 2013

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:31pm by Joe Brophy, President. Other board members present were Ms. Kilburg, Ms. Fredlund. Mr. Ververka, and Ms. Pero. Also attending were Tony Trujillo and Dave Ponton.

Approve Minutes
Ms. Kilburg moves to approve minutes of April meeting.
Ms. Fredlund seconds.
Vote is unanimous to approve.

Officer and Committee Reports
Secretary- no report.

Ms. Kilburg reports that there is $51,996.42 in reserve
$118,779.13 in general fund
$ 74,357.73 in SA
Total outstanding is approximately $28k. - $9,557 in special assessment and approximately $20K in annual dues.

Late fee billing notices have been mailed for both the Special Assessment and regular dues.

Budget discussion
SLPPOA needs to purchase the software reading equipment before end of May to receive them for $8500, which is more than originally estimated. Price goes up to $10,500 after May 31.

WO Report
Mr. Trujillo reports that repair on chemical feed pump for system 1 was purchased for $700.

More chlorine needs to be ordered.

No samples taken yet this month.

Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)- Mr. Ververks will take care of filling out the report.

Mr. Ponton and Mr. Ververka repaired valve leak on Aspen well.

Mr. Brophy suggest tagging with instructions for any future users.

Meter Project Planning
Only one bid received by deadline, but more are coming.

Special meeting, scheduled for May 28, to be posted and held to review bids.

Meter installation
8 meters istalled
One meter not installed because shut off is already in place.Leak. Detection Mr. Ponton has been in contact with Alburquerque Leak Finders, Steve Gross and Ray
Gordon. He created a plan to put isolation valve on tank so that leak detectors can perform leak test, which required the ability to shut off that part of the system. Approximate cost is $60.

Mr. Ponton and Mr. Ververka will perform necessary fix. Once done, ALF will be contacted.

ALF will test the system for leaks for $1400 for first day, guaranteed to find leaks.

Mr. Ververka moves to hire ALF for at least one day.
Ms. Kilburg seconds.
Vote is unanimous to approve hire.

Conservation and Usage Policies
After some discussion, it was decided that we need to re-send notice to listserv regarding conservation. It's become obvious that some residents are using a high volume of water.

Current water leak rate on System 1 is at 18gpm, or 25,000 gallons per day. That equates to a tank a day.

Sandoval county re-graded FR 10.
Association roads cannot be graded till more moisture.

The water operator contract was reviewed, signed, and approved for one year.

Insurance Policy
the cost of insurance has gone up slightly to $4283.
We are insured for $500,000 for property ( wells, storage, etc.)
Liability- up to $1,000,000 per case.

Mr. Brophy will contact property owner who is required to provide proof of insurance per court order.

No Report

No Report

Stage one fire restrictions begin as of this date.
Fire Dept. looking for better option to move Intel tank.

Ms. Pero moves to adjourn.
Ms. Kilburg seconds
Meeting is adjourned at 9:21 pm