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Water Compliance Report for January 2015

The 2014-2015 Board of SLPPOA is pleased to report that our Drinking Water Systems have successfully passed the Sanitary Survey conducted by the New Mexico Environment Department’s Drinking Water Bureau (NMDWB) in November 2014:

This accomplishment was achieved due to 2000 hours of 2014 effort by your Water Compliance Officer and volunteer time from the Board members. Thanks to the swift actions of Board Member Peter Veverka and volunteer Harold Corn, the only significant discovery found (motor cover off) was fixed before we even officially received the Sanitary Survey results.

In order to achieve this accomplishment, the 2014-2015 Water Compliance Officer and Board had to overcome the deferred maintenance and direct violations left over by the Board of Concerned Members of SLPPOA (CMSLPPOA). Instead of blaming the water operator for all of these deficiencies, the present Board took ownership over our Water Supply systems and started communicating with DWB officials in Santa Fe and Albuquerque.

The CMSLPPOA are responsible for the Sanitary Survey performed by the NMDWB on October 13, 2011 (WSSID NM35654-23). This survey was NEVER responded to by these “Concerned Members”, putting SLPPOA in direct violation with the State. This easily could have resulted in our drinking water systems being shut down. The results of this survey involved:
(a) 7 very serious Significant Deficiencies where SLPPOA was required to consult with the NMDWB within 30 days and take corrective action no later than within 120 days.
For example, one of these deficiencies was that there was no Certified Operator employed by SLPPOA. An operator was finally hired in 2012, but in February 2014 our NMDWB-certified Water Operator finally quit after months of negative harassment and abuse by CMSLPPOA. A new operator was subsequently hired.

(b) 10 Regulatory Deficiencies where SLPPOA was required to consult with the NMDWB within 30 days and outline the timeframe for correcting these deficiencies.
For example, one of these deficiencies was that records of past sample results were not available at the time of the survey.

Not only this, but these “Concerned Members” had not written the required Drinking Water Sampling Plan, the Emergency Response Plan for SLPPOA Drinking Water Systems, and the Operation and Maintenance Manual for SLPPOA Drinking Water Systems. Again, my neighbors, we are pleased to report to you that all of these have been officially submitted to and reviewed by the NMDWB and your current Board Members, who are all responsible for our health and well being.

Dr. Jack Nyhan
SLPPOA Water Compliance Officer
January 12, 2015