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Rescheduling Leak Testing Our Water System

SLPPOA members,

My apologies. I had completely forgotten that Monday September 7 was a holiday. I have rescheduled the work to Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the 8th, 9th and 10th. I hope this helps.

American Leak Detection (ALD) will be coming to SLPPOA in order to leak test the system 1 water main. Now that all of the water meters are installed we have been able to determine the leakage rate of our 2 systems. System 2 is presently in very good condition with a leak rate between 4 and 5 percent. System 1 however seems to have a leak rate of as much as 60 percent. In order to test the water main it will be necessary to isolate all of the homes in system 1 by shutting off all the home meters beginning on Monday morning. All services will be returned in the evening and most homes will only be affected for a short time.

While they are here ALD has offered leak testing for individual homes at a considerable savings. They have offered to test homes for $375 instead of their usual price of $725. The water meters have also provided us with helpful information regarding household leaks. Any meter that shows a usage of 1 gallon per hour for 24 consecutive hours will be flagged. This information is available for all members In the monthly water report on the SLPPOA website.

The Board strongly recommends that homeowners check out the SLPPOA website for this information. If you have not signed up yet you will need to register a username and a password will be emailed to you. It's really easy to do from the front page of our website. At the present time 10 homes in system 1 and 4 in system 2 have leak flags. Some of these are probably small. If you have a leak flag check your water usage compared to your neighbors and what you feel your usage should be. If you are concerned I strongly recommend taking advantage of this price offer. Anyone who wants to have their own water system checked should call me at 829-3754 or send me an email at so that I can arrange scheduling.

Thank You Peter Veverka