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SLPPOA Board Candidate Information and Election Ballot

Peter Veverka

I have been on the board now for several years. During this time I have been responsible for maintenance of the water system. I feel we have accomplished quite a bit in the last few years. There are still improvements to make. We hope to complete a leak test of both systems 1 and 2 this year. Hopefully this will help to identify any large leaks so that we can fix them and I leave the board with the water system improved for whoever takes my place.

Jack Nyhan

(1) SLP residents for more than 30 years.
(2) For the past two years as the Drinking Water Compliance Officer, I have become friends with the other Board Members and worked to aggressively correct all 24 violations that required SLPPOA to respond to DWB over the years. This represented years of neglect by the “Concerned Members of SLPPOA” when they were Board members, and took lots of time to correct (2000 hours in last 2 years)
(3) Instead of blaming the water operator for all of these deficiencies, I took ownership over our Water Supply systems and started communicating with DWB officials in Santa Fe and Albuquerque. We have successfully passed a Sanitary System review, a water tank inspection, and two Consumer Confidence surveys and have fulfilled several other requirements.
(4) Helped Peter Veverka, Harold Corn, and our contractor Dave to help install the cans and shutoff valves for our water system as part of the Special Assessment.
(5) As the Community Relations Board Member I got to know about 2/3’s of the members and worked with you on lots of different issues successfully!

Thanks, Jack Nyhan
[29 Bonito Way, 829-3950]

Scott Bushnell

I've served on many boards and know the gain in progress and time conservation if Roberts Rules of Order are followed. I will bring experience and knowledge to the Board in conflict resolution and legal navigation. I will serve gladly with those who continue making the Association a better place.

Terry Vergamini

Through much persuasion, I will serve, "to be there" when Owners need help.I am willing to be a part of a Board that continues to make progress, making SLPPOA better.
Those who know me, know of my dedication to my commitments.
