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Fourth Sunday block party

Sunday, September 27 2-4pm at the Playlot at FR10 and Hovenweep.

Come and admire the seedling removal and stump pulling that was accomplished earlier this month for Neighbor Appreciation Day.

Fruit Sale this month to benefit the LaCueva Volunteer Fire Department.

At 3pm there will be a dramatic reading of the Big Orange Splot, by Daniel Pinkwater. It is a parable on the opportunities and challenges of living in a home owners association. Arrive by 2:30 for a rehearsal if you’d be willing to take a part in the dramatization. No memorization required.

Following the reading we are planning to have a Hat Trick drawing. What is the Hat Trick? It is an idea I first heard about from The Kindness Project. (a curriculum outgrowth of the Random Acts of Kindness movement) Names are put in the hat and then each draws one. The exercise is to then perform an act of kindness for the person you have drawn the name of. Google “acts of kindness” if you are in need of suggestions. Anyone can do something, it does not have to be expensive or take a lot of time. If you can manage a budget as low as two minutes of time or fifteen cents of materials you are well qualified to take part.

If you are willing to participate but won’t be there on Sunday, please let us know and we will get your name in the hat and let you know what name you drew. If you think you are up for two or more good deeds this month you could also put in the name of a neighbor or friend in the area and then take for yourself two names from the hat for yourself. Route any pictures or stories of your good deeds back to us for a scrapbook to be shared at next month’s Fourth Sunday Block Party.