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Tester wanted for high efficiency wood stove heat exchanger

Our neighbor Mark Taylor is looking for someone interested in testing his new heat exchanger. Please contact him if you are interested in helping:

I am a mechanical engineer with many years of experience in thermodynamics. I work for the Lab in the accelerator division. My wife Becky and I live at 170 Hovenweep

I have designed and am testing a new kind of heat exchanger for wood stoves. I’ve built several prototypes and have been testing them for about a year and a half. The heat exchanger mounts on top of a wood stove with a 6” connection, and while using it I have found that my wood consumption has been cut in half, and I can bring my 1800 square foot house from 60F to 70F in about 1.25 hours. If the efficiency starts to drop because the surfaces get coated with soot, I can clean the heat exchanger in about five minutes, with little more effort than changing a vacuum cleaner bag. I am looking for beta testers that would be willing to install this heat exchanger on their wood stove free of charge, so that I may gather more data before bringing it to market.

I need to have it tested in other households by objective observers who are willing to give objective feedback. The ‘objective feedback’ is my only consideration, otherwise they can keep it, or give it back, and return their stove to its original configuration. It would require the removal of 48” of stove pipe to give the heat exchanger enough space to be installed and cleaned.

I would prefer to extend this offer to people who heat their homes primarily with a wood stove, and who have a basic understanding of thermodynamics, that is, people who understand BTU/hr and kilowatts. I currently have one prototype available… I will provide instructions and/or assist the people in the installation of the unit. I hope to test the unit in three homes in our area.

Please feel free to stop by anytime if you’d like to see the heat exchanger in operation.

Mark Taylor