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July 2005

Meeting started at 7:20

Minutes read, amended, approved.

Treasurer - Balance of $58,000 includes checks just signed. Expenses since June 1 mostly water and maintenance. Corrections to maintenance allocations discussed. 3 people have still not paid dues. All these are in some state of confusion. Notices with finance charges sent. Agreement to use audit services.

Water - Hovenweep got their new pump. Got more water above the pump with 13 gpm. That may increase our overall usage. Brought history file for filling in blanks in Bootzin letter. Read this letter. Board voted to send. Kirk saved SLPPOA some money by installing starter box himself. CCR will be mailed to 8 none non-electronic types.

Roads - Not here. Talking to Gardner in town, hopeful and pleased with his response, but he has not sent bid. Asked that all done by September 1. Need to figure out where water will come from for truck - possibly the water bladders once fire season is over. More culverts are showing. 3 on FR10.

Architectural - Not here

Legal - David will do something about the wall someday.

Parks - Under Construction 85% complete on Chaco Park.

FS/Firewise - More chipper days in August. Opening our collection area August 27th. It will remain open, chipping every 2 weeks, until October 22. Finish chipping Sulphur flats November 5.

General Meeting/Elections - Saturday September 10. Potluck at 1:00. Agenda includes reading last year’s minutes. Committee reports from past year from etc., Special assessment. Ann read the letter going out.

There is a place in the by-laws that discusses quorum requirements, which don’t exactly agree. We agreed to interpret the b-laws to require 60% voting.

John email Karen with Jeff Eichorst’s name for elections.

Old business -

Special Assessment - Kirk had comments clarifying what needs to be changed about us - how much becomes mutual domestic. We need to know how to separate water from the rest of the association’s business. Lots of discussion of all the ups, downs, and considerations.

Meeting adjourned at 8:36