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Good morning folks. Have communicated with Ron Gallegos, fire prevention officer for Jemez District. He said they are putting off burn until next week due to dryness. The treatment will be west of 134, south of Hwy 4, towards East Fork Trail. 360 acres will be treated, dependent on weather. The Jemez District has an open window for this treatment until end of December.

Some of you were asking about smoke, and while smoke from forest treatment is not toxic like smoke from burning materials inside a home (plastics, rubbers, paint, rugs etc.), there are some precautions you can take, especially with existing heart or lung disease including congestive heart failure, angina, emphysema, asthma or COPD. The following information was taken from a Fire Wise page.

Stay indoors with windows and doors closed as much as possible. While traveling by vehicle, keep all windows rolled up and the fresh air intake knob on your dashboard turned off.

To maintain quality indoor air while wildfire smoke levels are elevated, do not use candles, fireplaces, gas stoves or anything else that burns. The EPA notes that room air cleaners can help by reducing particle levels indoors but caution against using any air cleaner that generates ozone as it will increase air pollution in your home. Make sure that you shop well before a wildfire occurs and purchase a unit that is the correct size and type to accommodate your home.

Vacuuming stirs up particles already inside your home into the air, so take a holiday from cleaning during the wildfire event! If it is smoky outside, forego outdoor chores such as splitting wood, keep the kids indoors, and skip your daily run. Of course, it goes without saying that smoking tobacco products should also be avoided as that smoke further pollutes already compromised air quality.

If you have heart or lung disease, plan ahead by talking to your doctor about specific steps you should take to protect yourself. Individuals with health conditions that make breathing wildfire smoke more difficult and dangerous may want to purchase a face mask. Paper masks sold at hardware stores for construction work generally will only trap large particles like drywall dust and sawdust, so it is recommended you purchase an “N95” or similar mask and learn how to properly wear it for maximum protection.