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April 11, 2017

April 11, 2017

1. CALL TO ORDER: President, Ms. Judy Kilburg called the meeting of the Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners’ Association to order at 7:18 p.m. at the SLP Fire Station.

2. ROLL CALL: (P-Present, E-excused, A-Absent without notification)
Pres - Judy Kilburg P
Water – Peter Veverka E
Firewise – Eleni Fredlund P
VP - Harold Corn P
Roads – Terry Vergamini P
Parks/Architectural – Max Otero P
Sec/Treasurer - Lorraine Otero P
Legal – John Fredlund P

GUESTS: Mr. Joe Brophy and Ms. Suzanne Star

Mr. Corn mentioned that Mr. Veverka called him from the veterinarian office and he would not be in attendance.

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Ms. Kilburg asked if everyone had a chance to review the agenda. Mr. Corn made a motion to approve the April 14, 2017 agenda. Mr. Otero seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Ms. Kilburg asked if everyone had reviewed the second draft of the meeting minutes. Ms. Fredlund made a motion to approve the second draft of the minutes and Mr. Otero seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

a. President – No Report, Ms. Kilburg stated that she didn’t have anything to discuss over and above what is on the agenda.
b. Vice President – No report.
c. Secretary/Treasurer: Ms. Otero provided the following Monthly Report:

The balance in the accounts as of March 31, 2017 are as follows:
Operating Account: $158,844.28
Reserve Account: $ 84,121.45
Special Assessment Account: $5,218.34

Past due accounts:
We currently have twenty-four past due accounts which total $25,946.53. HOAMCO does not send out reminder statements after the due date, which may explain the increase in delinquent accounts. Of these 24 accounts, two are considered uncollectible in the amount of $9,679.09.
Eight members are making payments and all the others will be sent reminder letters.

Legal costs for the lawsuit increased by $1,242.16 to a total $34,318.53. Mr. Fredlund mentioned he was not aware of the last billing. Ms. Otero said she would scan the invoice and forward to him.

I received notification from the HOAMCO homewise website that there is a sale pending for a home on Mesa Verde Rd. Estimated closing date is 5/12/17.
Received a request from a title company for disclosure documents on a home on Los Griegos Rd. I provided them the HOAMCO portal website where they can obtain the documents.

Received word from Mr. Porch that the audit is almost complete. He’s requesting a few more documents which I’ll get to him. He cannot prepare the 2016 taxes until he completes the audit. He would like to file for an extension on the taxes to give him a little more time.

a. Water
i. Water Maintenance – Mr. Corn said Mr. Veverka gave him a few notes to provide to the Board. Mr. Corn reported that Mr. Veverka wants to install a couple of valves on System 1. One at Mimbres to isolate it so the section can be smaller for testing. The second valve will be placed at the James place because it seems to be leaking. It’s the last one of the old style valves on System 1. We can’t get a good isolation test because it’s leaking. We might be able to put in a new line eventually. We want to put the valve in before we do the meter loop testing so it’ll give us better data. Mark Stanley would like to put some monitoring cans at different locations like the one can at the fire department meter loop, it’ll be larger and you can crawl inside to put in the static probes they use for testing. It’ll be a little expense upfront but a good investment down the line. They will be able to monitor 24 hours should they need to. They still plan on doing the meter loop test later this month or next month. Mr. Otero asked if they were still on board for replacement of the 1,000 foot section of pipe. Mr. Corn responded yes.

ii. Water Compliance – Mr. Corn provided the following report March 2017 Water Compliance-Meter Report
Water System Coliform/Microbiological Reports:
System 1 sample, 2/11/17
Total Coliform - Absent
Total E. Coli - Absent
Disinfected, Residual 0.06 mg/l (136 Mimbres Way)
System 2 sample, 2/11/17
Total Coliform - Absent
Total E. Coli - Absent
Disinfected, Residual 0.17 mg/l (1514 Los Griegos)
Water System Compliance Schedule required by NMED DWB for 2017 (re: Frank):
TTHM are from 6/1-6/30 (1 sample) due date in June.
Lead & Copper 6/1/17-9/30/17 (5 samples) due date is due from June-September
HAA5 (halo acidic acids) 9/1-9/30/17 (1 sample) due date in September
Microbiological samples monthly (1 per system every month; total two)
CCR (Consumer Confidence Report is due on July 1 to NMED but must be submitted to NMED DWB by June 17 for review by Maria Medina.

Mr. Corn said he found someone that may be interested in helping with the compliance requirements duties.
It is not certain if Frank will be doing all these or not.

Water System Misc:
A System 1 member is still using an excessive amount of water usage at 57,751gals (last month was 60,360 gals) but no leak flag? This owner was informed and we were assured the water would be on only when water was needed, but apparently the leak has not been fixed. Mr. Corn needs to contact them.
The highest System 2 member has doubled their water usage to 34229 gals (last month was 17940 gals). Mr. Corn said he would get with Mr. Otero as the leak is by his residence.
Water Usage: (Meters were read on April 1, 2017 by Harold Corn & amp; Peter Veverka, reader setup by Mark Stanley)
System 1
Wells Pumped 756,712 (681,426) gals, (...last month’s data...)
Leakage Rate = 10.5 (10.8) gpm
Leak Flags Identified = 12 (14)
Users > 10,000 gals = 4 (2)
System 2
Well Pumped 204,500 (150,771) gals, (...last month’s data...)
Leakage Rate = 1.0 (0.8) gpm
Leak Flags Identified = 5 (8)
Users > 10,000 gals = 2 (3)

Leak flag email notices have not gone out for March.

b. Roads – Mr. Vergamini reported that he talked with Martin Crane and Mr. Crane will continue the contract for one more season and then he will quit. His five-year contract ends next year. After that he wants to sell his snow removal equipment. Ms. Kilburg said we will have to get our sander back from him when the contract ends.
Mr. Vergamini said it was decided where the cinders will go, between the basketball hoop and meter for the fire station. The cinders will be far enough away to discern which pile is ours versus the pile that belongs to the county. Mr. Crane said the last pile was used for the past two years.
Mr. Vergamini suggests a phased approach for the proposed road maintenance. For Phase 1 he will talk to Pamela Tuttle and Chris Luster and request quotes for the maintenance which will involve crowning, ditching and grading of all roads. Phase 2 will involve culverts and other items to be determined. Ms. Kilburg said he needs to get a hold of Ms. Tuttle so that the two contractors understand the formal scope work so they bid on the same thing. This needs to be done quickly because the roads are wet now. We need to vote on this at the next meeting. Ms. Kilburg stated that Ms. Tuttle told her if they can tie our job into three other jobs that they’re bidding out it could be more cost effective for us. Ms. Kilburg explained that they put the materials in with equipment rental so they can mix as they grade then roll it so it’s all done in one process and the materials don’t end up on the side of the road like in the past. She doesn’t know what the estimated cost is as it depends on how much road is to be covered. Mr. Corn asked the name of the company that Ms. Tuttle works with and Ms. Kilburg did not recall the name. She will provide Mr. Corn the information later. Mr. Fredlund asked if these contractors would appreciate doing individual driveways as well. Ms. Kilburg asked Mr. Vergamini to ask the contractors about this. Ms. Kilburg said that no maintenance was done last year and we can’t skip a year like that again.

c. Legal – Mr. Fredlund reported the following:
Star’s Appeal:  Mr. Fredlund hasn’t seen any email traffic that the Court has placed the matter on a Calendar. SLPPOA does not have to file anything until the Court does that.
Reconsideration Costs: Reminder that the hearing about the $1,857.00 awarded costs from the “request to reconsider” hearing will be heard in court May 23 at 10:30.
Delinquent account status – Ms. Otero instructed our attorney to dismiss the lawsuit for the big one that has since been paid in full.
d. Firewise – Ms. Fredlund reported that Fire Preparedness Day will be hosted by the Jemez Mountain Baptist Church, Saturday April 29th, 0900 through lunch, lunch to be provided. LCVFD is planning a demo/practical on how to use a fire extinguisher, and a presentation on Evacuations; many other agencies will be participating.

Earth Day Highway Clean-up - This year, our Annual Earth Day Highway Clean-up will be on the very date of the original celebration of Earth Day: Saturday, April 22, forty-seven years ago! We will begin the highway “clean-up” no later than 10am to be done by 12 noon. Stations where you register, pick up trash bags, and safety vests -- to be returned to the Station-- will open at 9am. So you can start as early as you want after you’ve registered, and as soon as your partner has arrived -- since we work in teams of two. Stations to register will be at the following places: The Trail House in Cañon, Stage Stop in Jemez Springs, and Amanda’s in La Cueva. You may choose your own mile to clean-up by contacting Margaia by email or phone: 829-3617 or Otherwise, you will be assigned a mile when you register. So sign-up now if you wish to reserve your clean-up mile for Saturday, April 22! THANKS!

Ms. Fredlund put the above information on the list server along with chimney cleaning. Ms. Kilburg will also as Mike to post the Chimney sweep on the SLPPOA website.

e. Parks – Mr. Otero said grass has not grown much at this time.

f. Architectural – Mr. Otero reported that he had one inquiry and it’s in process.

a. Audit Status – Ms. Otero previously discussed this in the Treasurer report.

b. Senate Bill 244 - Ms. Kilburg thanked Mr. Corn for keeping on top of this. He received notification that the Governor vetoed Senate Bill 244 so the HOA act remains as is. Ms. Kilburg will provide the letter with the veto information to Mr. Schacht to post on the website.
c. Meter Can Install on Vacant Lots – Mr. Corn did not have anything else to add from last month. He asked if the lot had sold. Ms. Kilburg stated that until we get disclosure requests we don’t know if there is a sale pending. Mr. Corn said the installation cost will more than likely increase in the future and we are stuck with the special assessment amount but we have latitude with the connection fee.

d. Google Drive – Mr. Fredlund tried to create a Board account but “slppoaboard” without a period between the two words and with a period between and both were taken. He did a google search and did not find another “slppoa” other than us. He will pick another name. He requests that everyone create their google account so he can give you rights to the different folders in the Board account. It will have two-factor authentication.

a. Residential water leak flags – Mr. Corn already discussed above.

b. Excess usage policy (surcharge/meeting) – Mr. Corn said that this is in the works. Possibly a special assessment. The Legal opinion wasn’t too helpful. We have nothing in place to encourage people to fix their water leaks. Ms. Kilburg said this will be a long-term project as it may require changes to the bylaws. Mr. Fredlund said it would be good to have this ready for the annual meeting in September.

c. Draft policies – Ms. Kilburg Protection of Member Information (Need to Know); No Lien – Now that we know the determination on the Senate bill won’t impact our No Lien policy, Ms. Kilburg will send it out again for Board review. It just formalizes what the Board voted on about two years ago. A lien will not be filed for amounts owed that are less than $500 or for those amounts over $500 as long as members are making regular payments.

a. Restrictive Covenants Violation – Ms. Kilburg reported that a restrictive covenants violation has been filed on a property on Ashley Lane. Since this property is vacant/abandoned the bank doesn’t want to invest any more money to clean it up. The bank is not responding to calls or emails. Ms. Kilburg suggests we contact the health department. Mr. Corn said we could possibly clean it up but Ms. Fredlund said we need to be careful not knowing what hazardous materials are there. Mr. Fredlund offered to call the health department to report the situation.

b. Funds Transfer to Reserve Account – Ms. Kilburg asked the Board to take a look at the financial report to see where excess funds can be transferred. Ms. Kilburg said when we have large expenditures it should be taken out of the Reserve account and not the operating budget, like the main water line replacement.

c. Star Agenda Request
Ms. Star questioned what the policy was that was voted on last month. Ms. Kilburg stated it was the Protection of Member Information Policy. Ms. Kilburg said it will be posted on the web with the other policies. The Board voted on it a while back and this was just the formalization of that policy.

Ms. Star had several comments regarding the Reserve Study.

1) Why wasn’t the acid inventory document given to the company that did the study. Mr. Corn stated that he didn’t know if it was provided or not.

2) The report states that the wells are in the infrastructure but why are the wells, booster station, and the tank in the booster station not added to the acid inventory worksheet. Mr. Corn stated that the company was shown all the facilities. Ms. Star said our wells are our biggest asset and should be included.

3) The report states 156 homes but we only have 155 lots. Needs a correction.

4) The report states we have 144 meters but we put in, she believes, 147 meters.

5) The report states the unit cost of a meter at $467. Where did this come from? The meter costs only $200 and cans were approximately $700. Ms. Kilburg said the company was given actuals for those costs. Ms. Star said the numbers need to be accurate.

6) The report states valve replacement one, quantity one. We have 33 maybe up to 40 valves in our system, what does one mean? Ms. Kilburg said she needs to look at the report to see exactly what Ms. Star is referring to.

7) The report states in the Conclusion…”encourage your association to develop specific plans with regard to the largest capital expenditures, in particular stucco, retaining walls and sewer replacement lines. It appears this is boilerplate language and should be removed.

NOTE: Mr. Corn stated that a member asked if other members had complaints regarding their assessment values. The county has been updating assessment values but it had more to do with undeveloped lots and those members will see as much as triple increase in value. He said he knows of one assessment that it is being protested as that older subdivision doesn’t have water like we do.

10. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, May 9, 2017, 7:15 p.m.

12. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.


Delinquent Accounts

Meeting commenced at 8:29 p.m. and adjourned at 9:27 p.m.

Submitted by: Lorraine Otero