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System 1 Main Water Line Replacement

System 1 Main Water Line Replacement

Sys 1 water main replacement is running on schedule.

Today, Monday, our contractor successfully connected the newly installed main on Mimbres at both ends. Sanitization and full, normal water pressure was accomplished.

Tomorrow, Tuesday Aug 8, each service line on Mimbres will be connected to the new main water line.
If you live on Mimbres Way you will have NO water tonight but can plan on water service returning sometime tomorrow barring any unforeseen circumstances.
We apologize for this inconvenience.

Residents North of the valley, Units 1, 3, & 10 could expect the same low or variable water pressure during this final period of reconnecting (tomorrow).
Tonight, the water for Units 1,3,10 (Hovenweep well) will be shut off at 10 pm (to avoid over pressurization and dead heading), and water should return by 5 am.

A few residents on Ashley & FR 10 experienced a few hours of water outage today, but should not experience any further outages.

Thanks once again for your patience.
Questions or concerns call:

Peter Veverka 829-3754
Harold Corn 829-3636