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KEY ELEMENTS OF THE BAER ASSESSMENT (Jaroso Post-Fire Response Burned Area Emergency Response)

KEY ELEMENTS OF THE BAER ASSESSMENT § A federal BAER assessment team is working with the Santa Fe National Forest ( and coordinating with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and other local agencies to strategically assess post-fire impacts to the watersheds in the burn area of the recent Jaroso Fire that burned approximately 11,000 acres of the Pecos Wilderness area. § The BAER assessment team is evaluating watershed conditions to determine the level of potential risks to human life, safety, property, natural and cultural-heritage resources, and determine if there are appropriate and effective emergency stabilization measures that can be implemented on federal lands in a timely manner to reduce unacceptable risks from potential flooding and debris flow threats. § The BAER assessment team conducts field surveys and uses science-based models to rapidly evaluate and assess the burned area. § BAER assessment teams are staffed by specially...