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September 14, 2019, Annual Member Meeting

September 14, 2019

1. CALL TO ORDER: President, Judy Kilburg called the meeting of the Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners’ Association to order at 3:00 ?p.m. at the Sierra los Pinos Fire Station.

2. ROLL CALL: (P-Present, E-excused, A-Absent without notification)

Pres - Judy Kilburg
Water – Harold Corn
Legal – Paul Rightley
VP - Harold Corn
Water Compliance – Tamara Weary
Firewise – Paul Lisko
Secretary-Geraldine Burnworth
Roads – Dave Stuedell
Architectural- Paul Lisko
Treasurer- Jeremy Oepping

3. INTRODUCTIONS: Judy Kilburg introduced herself and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Each Board member in attendance introduced themselves and identified their position on the Board. The members in attendance also introduced themselves.


Judy stated that our first order of business is to count the ballots to make sure that we have a quorum to conduct official business. MOTION: Sally Hunter moved to conduct the order of business, Peter Ververka seconded. All approved.

6. READING AND MEMBERSHIP APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Judy Kilburg stated that the minutes were posted on the SLPPOA website for several months for member review where everyone had an opportunity to read the draft annual meeting minutes dated September 8, 2018. Judy asked for a motion from the floor to approve the minutes. MOTION: Sally Hunter moved to accept the minutes from last year’s annual meeting. Peter Ververka seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

a. President Report-
b. Vice President Report-
c. Secretary Report :

Since last January we’ve had new members join our community. We would like to welcome the following homeowners:

1) Joseph A. And Lisa M.Clark

2) Benjamin J. Grenzer

3) Heather L. And Erik P. Grove

4) Tim Harrison and Marsha Gaillour

5) Gregory A. And Mary R. Kopacka

6) Ethan Moll

7) Joshua and Megan Roybal

8) Travis L. And Katrina L.. Woodard


d. Treasurer Report:

2) Financial Status-
1. Financial Status

a. The balance in accounts as of August 31, 2019 is as follows:
Operating Account: $174,418.66
Reserve Account: $116,759.34
b. Past due accounts: We have 13 delinquent accounts totaling $5,645.98. Of the 13, 8 accounts owe very minimal amounts attributed to unpaid interest.
c. The legal costs to date are:
Other Legal Costs: $6,768.13
Lawsuit Legal Costs: $52,673.59
2. Expenses

a. The first chart shows the YTD 2019 SLPPOA total expenses through August 31, 2019.

The light blue piece of the pie has Administrative Costs in the amount of $13,188.32 which includes costs such as:
• Accounting/Tax Prep fees
• Bad Debt
• Insurance
• Legal Fees
• Lien/Collection Costs
• Management Fees
• Travel Mileage
• Office Supplies
• Postage
• Printing
• Safe Deposit Box

The orange piece is the transfer of funds from the Operating Account into the Reserve Account which is $5,333,36.

The grey area is for the Common Areas in the amount of $17,257.26. The Common Areas include:
• Certified Water Operator
• Line Location services
• Parks
• General Water - Repair & maintenance
• Water System 1 - Repair & maintenance
• Water System 2 - Repair & maintenance
• Repair & Maintenance – Roads
• Snow removal
• Water Conservation Fees/Taxes
• Water Sampling

The yellow area is Taxes and Other Expenses - $110.00. This includes:
• Boundry Surveys
• Corporation Commission Fee
• Taxes – State

The dark blue section represents the Utilities at $4,675.49.

b. Water Expenses
On the next chart the Water expenses are further detailed:
In the little dark blue section at the top is the Water Conservation Fee/Taxes - $338.08
The small green sliver is the Water Sampling - $49.57
The light blue piece is Certified Water Operator Cost - $1,416.19
The small orange wedge is for General Water Repair & Maintenance – $0.00
The grey wedge is for Repairs & Maintenance of Water System 1 - $1,303.49
The large yellow section is the Repairs & Maintenance for Water System 2 - $5,713.97



c. Water

Water Systems Overview (Parts, Pieces and Agencies):
• NM 811 One Call
◦ SLPPOA is a UFO member (Underground Facility Operator)
◦ We must follow NM Regulation Commission Rules to include mandatory marking of all planned excavation areas.
• NMED (New Mexico Environmental Department)
• Office of the State Engineer District 1 - Monthly Well Meter readings are submitted.
• NM Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (Aquifer Monitoring Project)e
• NMRWA - New Mexico Rural Water Association
• Sandoval County LaCueva Volunteer Fire Dept. is a recipient of SLP water.
• Our road contractor was supplied SLP water for surface compaction.
• SLPPOA operates two separate water systems:
◦ SYS 1 serves Units 1, 2, 3, & 10.
◦ SYS 2 serves Units 4 - 8.
◦ Included are three active wells, one booster pump, five storage tanks, and many miles of water piping.
◦ Pumping electrical controls and equipment.
◦ Two ISAACS Radio Well Controllers.
◦ Two Micro Design LevelCon Water Storage Monitors (transmit data over Verizon's celluar system).
◦ Monthly and Emergency Meter Reading is provided by trained volunteers.
▪ Equipment includes a Handheld Reader, dedicated Win 7 Laptop, and software programs running on each.
▪ Individual member anonymous water usage is posted to the SLP web pages as well as a "leak flag".
◦ Maintenance includes volunteers and contractors providing preventive and emergency services.

Water Maintenance Year in Review:
• Sept. 2018 - Notified a high Sys 1 user they were leaking ~2.3 gpm on 9/11. Further consultation was given on how to repair the leak. The Hovenweep well chlorinator is back on line (electric relay was replaced 2x by Frank Naranjo). The Aspen well chlorinator tubing was reconnected by me.
• Nov. 2018 - NMRWA, Bill Conner, held a “Board Duties” all day training in Jemez Springs, of which I attended a half day.
• Feb 2019 - A call for help from a member on System 1 turned out to be a ruptured service line leaking approximately 5-10 gpm. I assisted turning the water off within 15 mins and supplied parts for an emergency repair to the homeowner.
The anonymous water usage report revealed an absentee homeowner used 18,278 gals for the month of February. Follow up on that high usage revealed a constant water flow rate of ~0.5 gpm. The water was shut off and the owner notified.
• March 2019 - Board member Max Otero noticed a ruptured frost free hydrant on System 2, Unit 7. Max turned the water off at the meter, notified water chair, then called the absentee owner. The owner will fix the leak next time he is in the area.
A returning out of country member in Unit 2 notified me he had a leaking, ruptured frost free hydrant, but has shut off that section of his service. His service was turned off during his extended absence.
• April 2019 - Meter Loop Main Line Leak Testing was accomplished on System 1. Two sections of main supply lines have been tagged for replacement.
• May 2019 - Several Members are diligently pursuing private property water leaks. I have recently worked with three members. Two leaks have been fixed (one long service line was completely replaced). Kudos to these conscientious members.
• June 2019 - Installed a Continuous Monitoring Device on the Aspen well by Scott Christensen, with NM Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (Aquifer Monitoring Project). Water levels in all our wells were measured.
The Hovenweep well chlorinator was off line (electric relay was replaced 2x). The Aspen well chlorinator tubing was reconnected by me.
• July 2019 - We repaired a Sys 1, unit 3, valve box stand. Installed a new meter can assembly on Sys 2. Repaired a SYS 1 leaking Fire Stand, replaced a SYS 2 Fire Stand with a Fire Hydrant. A SYS 2 leak was noted to be unsustainable, > 30 gpm and would not surface above grade.
• August 2019 - We isolated lower Los Griegos in order to sustain some water storage. Periodically the valve was opened to supply morning and evening water. One homeowner, completely without water for 4 days, we backfed from a kind and generous neighbor. Volunteers installed 3 new isolation valves on lower Los Griegos and Cerro Pelado, determining the major leak was on Cerro Pelado. Subsequent Maintenance line leak location and repair was accomplished by contractor labor. Two additional leaks were repaired, one just outside the SYS 2 steel storage tank and another on the booster pump line.

QUESTION: The common areas are water & road and other things, parks and only a $17,000.00 has been spent this year? Out of a $174,000.00 budget?
RESPONSE: The road maintenance bills haven’t come in yet.
RESPONSE: The road maintenance costs was $40,000.00.
RESPONSE: The bill was submitted in late August and will be paid in early September.
QUESTION: Directed to Harold: Re: PRC: How are you going to handle that when somebody calls 811? Do they call you or someone else?
RESPONSE: We have to have a group of people on the list.
RESPONSE: How long do you have, 2hours?
RESPONSE: We have 48 hours.
RESPONSE: If we receive a letter of a violation, we have to follow-up. If it doesn’t affect us we can just go online and check it off.

iv. Water Compliance:

Water sampling is required for Public Water Systems by the New Mexico Environmental Department Drinking Water Bureau (NMED DWB).
The 2019 Sampling Schedule included:
• Routine monthly sample are collected for Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform/E.Coli, and the disinfection residuals are reported and filed with NMED for each water system by our Water Operator Frank Naranjo. All monthly Samples for the year reported Total Coliform & E.coli as “absent”.
• Metals testing (Jan 2019 & March 2019), Fluoride (March 2019), Nitrate/Nitrite (March 2019), Organics Testing (March 2019), Total Cyanide (March 2019), Total Trihalomethanes (July 2019), and Total Haloacetic Acids (HAAs) were all tested this past year and were within acceptance limits. All were “non-detects”.
• CCR (Consumer Confidence Report) was drafted and posted on the SLPPOA water web page in May 2019. A copy was also posted on the Station 52 door.
• Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts sampling has been completed in Sept 2019 and results are at HEAL for testing. Pending results from Frank Naranjo.
• May 2019: SLPPOA received a non-compliance violation for not submitting the monthly Total Coliform/E.coli results to the NMED in the required time frame. This was due to a glitch when the website and filing system were updated. The samples were submitted for the month of May and were “absent” for both TC/EColi. The non-compliance violation will be included in the 2019 CCR to the NM Water Bureau and to all SLPPOA residents.
• Working on completing the NM Water Rights Perfection report and paying associated fees for lots that have not been developed but still require water rights to be maintained.
QUESTION: Do you guys flush? To flush out chlorination by-products?
RESPONSE: No, we don’t have to do that.
RESPONSE: Water Compliance is providing a spreadsheet to track all of the test results. It will be provided at the end of the meeting, if anyone is interested in the drinking water requirements, that information will also be provided at the end of the meeting.
b. Roads:

Winter Plowing and Sanding
3. We had two loads of cinders delivered for a cost of $762.42 each load
4. We pay $8500 per year for 7 plowings - two year contract
5. We pay $1500 per year for 5 sanding – two year contract  
6. Plowing is called in when there is 4"+ of new snow or icy conditions
7. Morning notice will be as early as 6am with a max response time of 4 hours to start plowing
8. After the initial 7 plowings we will pay $1000 per plowing
9. After the initial 5 sanding we will pay $300 per sanding

Plowings - 10

Sandings - 5
12/3/2018 - 4 hrs.

12/15/2018 - 2.5 hrs.
12/27/2018- 4.5 hrs.

1/5/2019 - 2.5 hrs.
12/29/2018- 4.5 hrs.

1/25/2019 - 3 hrs.
1/2/2019 - 7 hrs.

2/19/2019 - 2 hrs.
1/13/2019 - 7 hrs.

3/14/19 - 1.5 hrs.
1/18/2019 - 6 hrs.

1/24/2019 - 6 hrs

2/19/2019- 4.5 hrs.

2/23/2019 - 5 hrs

3/14/19 -  7 hrs

Road Grading
We had our roads graded at the end of July with 5 loads of concrete fill provided, We paid $39,356.18 for this service.

Road Improvements
We ask that each of our members make sure to keep your bar ditches and culverts along your property lines clean and well maintained. This is the responsibility of the property owner. Well maintained bar ditches and culverts will keep the water flowing off from the roads. Clogged bar ditches and culverts causes our roads to wash out and maintenance is very expensive. Let us all pitch in and help eliminate these problems. 

• If there are ditch or culverts issues that need review and/or culvert replacement, please email
QUESTION: How long does it take?
RESPONSE: Plowing takes 4-10 hours depending on how severe the snow is.
QUESTION: Is Bootzin part of the association?
RESPONSE: No. We’re not responsible for his property.
QUESTION: So do you give me any back-up [ when addressing Bootzin ] ? Or is it just up to me?
RESPONSE: We will back you up when addressing Bootzin.
RESPONSE: We need to work on getting things systematic.
Harold Corn stated that the County took over Hovenweep Loop. He said that we worked with them to get cinders and they put the wrong stuff, but they finally fixed it this year and they did a good job.
Dave Steudell stated that the hope is because of taxes, to get them to maintain and plow the roads through the County (for S.L.P.), but we are not having any luck with that right now.
RESPONSE: Good luck with that.
c. Legal: In the absence of Paul Rightley, Judy Kilburg presented the Legal Report:

i.We began the year with litigation. On 7/22/19? The court ruled in favor of the Board. We haven’t heard when the court date was set.

ii. Attorney is working with us regarding the delinquencies.

iii. We have made an official contract with the SLPPOA Webmaster. He took over management of the website. We are now paying him$50.00 an hour. Since then he has re-designed and improved the website.

iv. BYLAWS changes


d. Firewise

At the November 2018 board meeting, it was reported that there was one resident on Los Griegos Road approved to burn slash on November 2nd and again on November 10th. Mention was also made of giving consideration to invite Donald Griego, Director of the State Forestry Department, to meet with interested members of our community that may want State Forestry to assess their property and provide input about how they could further Firewise their property. He was invited and was willing to make a presentation on defensible space, but this did not happen due to the change in NM state government administration in January, when Mr. Griego was removed as NMSFD Director and replaced.

At the January 2019 board meeting, mention was made that during the El Cajete Fire, my insurance company was proactive and contracted with a group called Southwest Fire Defense from Los Alamos to provide defensible space to insured property owners’ residences. This company had a truck manned with individuals stationed at Amanda’s Store during this fire incident. They were on-call and available to move wood piles, rake up pine needles, and take other actions appropriate in providing defensible space at no additional charge to the insured home owner. My insurance company is Safeco/Liberty Mutual.

At the February 2019 board meeting, I reported having attended a workshop hosted by the Nature Conservancy in Santa Fe, where much was accomplished. The Greater Eastern Jemez Wildland Urban Interface Corporation drafted a proposal and presented it for request as a pilot program to conduct thinning projects on private lands in the region. The funding focus for the Nature Conservancy is its primary concern to support a healthy, viable forest and watershed by reducing the risk to the greater Jemez Springs’ watershed. These projects apply to Jemez Springs, the Pueblo of Jemez, Sierra los Piños, Thompson Ridge and Seven Springs. The shared watershed will be improved and area forests thinned to help prevent wildfires. The treatment identified in the initial project starts out small but helps us get our foot in the door with the hope of acquiring future funding to treat private land so that people can make their land defensible and protected from wildfire while improving the water quality downstream.

At the March 2018 board meeting, I reported that the GEJWUIC received $25,000 from the Nature Conservancy to conduct a thinning project on the Casa Angelica property in the Jemez Mountains. A wildfire protection plan will now be coordinated through Sandoval County in support of this project. The Pueblo of Jemez, as the thinning contractor, will now train six persons on such operations with an emphasis on both the technical and the safety aspects of same.

At the May 2019 board meeting, it was reported that La Cueva Volunteer Fire Department, Sandoval
County Fire District 5 and Jemez Mountain Baptist Church sponsored the ninth annual Fire
Prevention Workshop on Saturday, April 13, 2019. The workshop ran from 9AM until 1PM and
contained short presentations from a number of different specialists and community members
regarding the context of wildfire problems in the Jemez Mountains, fire and fuel management in the area, personal emergency preparations for the upcoming fire season, and ways to reduce risks to properties and save lives. Approximately 80 persons were in attendance for the workshop.

On April 26, 2019, a meeting entitled, “Protecting Jemez Mountains Communities, Forests and
Water,” was presented to the public at the Jemez Springs Village Conference Room, from 5:30
to 7:30 PM. Representatives from the Nature Conservancy, the Greater Eastern Jemez Wildland-

Urban Interface Corporation, the Jemez Pueblo Natural Resources Department, and NM State
Forestry discussed forest restoration initiatives such as the Rio Grande Water Fund and state-
funded programs that will enable Jemez Valley residents and land and water managers to work together in decreasing the risks of wildfire, thereby protecting of our homes and forests and assuring the sustainability of viable watersheds.

At the June 2019 board meeting, an inquiry was made by board VP Harold Corn as to the status of a portion of the adjacent national forest on the north end of the neighborhood which has been marked for thinning for approximately three years at this point in time. I stated I would check with the USFS.

At the July 2019 board meeting, it was reported that volunteers from La Cueva Volunteer Fire Dept used a Sandoval County chipper to process slash piles from residences throughout SLPPOA neighborhoods. Property owners were required to place slash piles close to the road to provide easier access for chipping operations. Photographs taken during the chipping were posted to the SLPPOA website.

As for last month’s inquiry on the 3-year-old untreated unit marked for thinning on the north end of the SLPPOA neighborhood, USFS Timber Management was contacted and stated it would be done by concurrent logging crew activity as it progressed forward from the East Fork Trail toward Bennett Lane.

At the August 2019 board meeting, it was reported that the logging contractor, currently conducting operations near Bennett Lane, was contacted directly about thinning of that small, marked Unit #4. Contractor Joby Conley stated he was not responsible for that unit and directed me to speak about it directly with USFS TMO Rick Duran. Mr. Duran stated that the unit was not in Conley’s contract. He further stated it would be thinned by a USFS district sawyer team once the annual fire season had ended. The USFS has also developed a ten-year plan which includes thinning of acreage on private land. In consideration of this, SLPPOA covenants, which indicate properties maintain 400 stems per acre, will have to be revised to reflect current and more environmentally appropriate timber management practices. Otherwise, SLPPOA residents may effectively be denied any potential funding currently being expended by the Nature Conservancy through the Rio Grande Water Fund for watershed improvement.

For the coming year as SLPPOA Firewise Coordinator, I plan to take the lead to change covenants from standard compliance of maintaining 400 stems per acre, since that is not environmentally sustainable.

QUESTION: What is the stem?
RESPONSE: It’s 30-60 trees (if we want to get the federal funding)

QUESTION: Minimum or maximum?
RESPONSE: It doesn’t really specify for federal funding. Its better if the wording is cleaned up. Paul said he will be working on the covenant changes. Members should expect a letter or notice from SLPPOA Firewise Committee regarding this matter. If you would like a copy of what the committee has, one can be sent electronically.

Harold reminded all to write down anything we did to reduce fire fuel this year, citing Ann Cookes Firewise list.

e. Parks-Judy reported:

v. Inspections were done on a monthly basis by Max Otero the Parks Chair Person who along with his wife, Lorraine Otero the former Secretary/Treasurer of SLPPOA has moved.

vi. A table needs sanding at one of the parks

vii. Shaun Weary has been doing the mowing for the parks

f. Architectural Changes-

At the October 2018 board meeting, the Architectural Review Committee received two requests. One was approved by the Committee. That property owner was planning to put a remanufactured home on an existing foundation. The other request was from a new member who was getting ready to close on purchase of a property and had a few questions. He was given information on the covenant restrictions.

At the November 2018 board meeting, one architectural request was received for construction of a garage. Approval of the request was pending upon return of one of the committee members from vacation to review the request.

At the May 2019 board meeting, four requests for architectural committee approval had been received. Max Otero, who was the Architectural Review Committee chairperson at the time, had two of them approved and was reviewing the other two prior to his departure from the SLPPOA community and his position on the board. He provided a brief overview of what the approval process entails. At that time, I volunteered to take over responsibility for chairing the Architectural Review Committee.

At the June 2019 board meeting, it was reported that three home improvement requests had been received. Per SLPPOA regulations, the Architectural Review Committee must consist of a minimum of three persons to make reviews and subsequent approvals. Besides the chairperson, this currently includes SLPPOA residents Peter Veverka and John Hines. The latter was to be contacted to determine if he wished to still serve on this review committee. There were three requests in need of review at the time. One of them was for demolishing an old barn and constructing a new garage in its place on my personal property. Consequently, I had to disqualify myself from the review process to avoid any potential conflict of interest. Tamara Weary offered to chair the conducting of this review instead.

At the July 2019 board meeting, I reported that, on July 2, I received an email from Don Griffo, a realtor with Realty One of NM. He had a potential buyer who wanted to know “if hot tubs and swimming pools are ok in the HOA?” After a check of restrictions and conferring with board members, as well as members of the Architectural Review Committee, I finally replied that it was OK for an owner to excavate and install a below-ground pool with the stipulation that the pool could not be filled from an existing SLPPOA well. Upon follow-up with Mr. Griffo, he had made the sale and stated the new owner may want to excavate and install a pool at some later date. With regard to that possibility, I extracted pertinent information from relevant SLPPOA documents, for consideration by the Board. It was determined that SLPPOA does not have access to any additional water rights to support such changes to the covenants. As to other requests for property improvement, on July 9, a request to convert a carport into a garage on Lauer Lane was reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Committee.

At the August 2019 board meeting, one request for home improvement was reported as being made to the Architectural Review Committee. This was for replacement of metal roof panels of a residence and adjacent garage on Trilobite Trail. The color being requested was given as “copper metallic.” As there has been precedent for this color roof in the SLPPOA community, the request was ultimately approved.



h. Paul stated to the members that the policy and permit was posted on SLPPOA website for further review. Paul passed around copies of the policy, but the permit was mistakenly not included with the copies. He shared the copy of the permit that he had in his file for member review.

QUESTION: I was gone and I had my home leased. If someone comes for a week, it doesn’t apply?
RESPONSE: Judy stated that there are guidelines for Vacation Rentals that need to be followed. Paul reminded that the permit was not included with the policy, and that the property owner would have to designate someone to manage the property while they are gone. This is only regarding short term property rentals. AirBnB and B&Bs and vacation rentals will have to comply.

QUESTION: What about the people who allow family and relatives and those who advertise to their neighbors for rentals?
RESPONSE: If they are charging money, they have to comply.

c. Water Engineer: We are currently consulting with a professional on our water system. We met with John Schrandt of Sierra Engineering Solutions. He submitted a proposal to improve domestic water supply/usage with residence of SLPPOA. He has done similar work at Canon.

Harold stated that we are in discussions with John. We have provided signatures. Our management company follows best business practice, but we can sign a waiver at the next board meeting and the board has to deal with HOAMCO. John also does civil engineering as well. He does roads and water control. He visited us during our crisis and he helped us. He not only helped us with water main but he helped with roads. He can provide good input.

d. Governor approved modification changes to the Home Owners Act (See SLPPOAWebsite)
i. There is a $300 (state limit) for disclosure changes on property sales- section (if property doesn’t sell within 60 days and more information can be disclosed)
ii. There is an enforcement of covenants section
iii. There is a New Board Members signature of affidavit requirements- section



i. Paul passed out copies of the Vacation Rental Properties policy for S.L.P. members to review
j. There needs to be more follow-up concerning common water supply
k. Charge excess usage 7,000+ a month, attorney to review and determine
l. There are tax consequence concerns from management company and waivers
m. We need a more experienced attorney
n. Judy is having to play phone tag with the attorney
o. There needs to be more follow-up is on delinquent properties and notification process
p. The Committee needs to look at tax consequences
q. Have attorney review proposed bylaw changes
r. We need to do Fire Station Property address correction
s. We need to change bylaws to collect attorney’s fee, but if we lose we will have to pay
t. We need to design each bylaw to stand alone, should vote on each individually
u. The New Board can continue



a. Mark Stanley helped with water meter reading, reports and analysis for our water meters each month.
b. Shawn Weary helped with water issues, water leaks, and parks.
c. Brad Shutter helped with meter readings and water issues.
d. Peter Ververka helped with water isssues.
e. David Schmidt helped with water issues, solars, consulting and troubleshooting.
f. Tom Carter helped keep roads open for us during winter months and helped with water leaks.
g. Zech Robinson helped with water leaks on system 2.
h. The Herraras graciously provided water for household members during horrible leak problems on system 2.
i. Aaron Robinson helped with turning water on and off, mornings and evenings on system 2 during water problems time period.
j. Sherri Bingert? Or Sharon? helped with meter readings.

We’d like to thank those volunteers for their help.

12. We need volunteers:

22) To review the minutes of today’s board meeting by non-board Members.
Peter Ververka volunteered.

2) We need to take a break to count ballots.

Paul reminded everyone that the permit was not included and any policy changes can be approved by the Board.

QUESTION: Are we going to hold visitors to that standard, and not ourselves?
RESPONSE: There is an animal control ordinance. For people that are renting, who are tenants. What you do with your property is your business. There has to be some rules that they have to abide by. Just report it to animal control.

QUESTION: Does AirBnB have to be notified the night before?
RESPONSE: Notification is necessary you have two weeks to file that permit. The permit is good once a year. It is good for the remainder of the year.

QUESTION: Are you going to enforce this?
RESPONSE: We are not going to police this. We will find out from neighbors and the Board will follow-up.

QUESTION: Will the Board will rely on the residence?
RESPONSE: We will follow-up when we get a complaint from neighbors.

QUESTION: Have you considered lowering the number of votes required to change bylaws?
RESPONSE: We need 2/3 votes to do that.

QUESTION: What about New Mexico Environment Department programs?
RESPONSE: Do you have a contact person?

13. No nominations from the floor. Time to turn in Ballots. We need 3 volunteers to count ballots.

w. While counting we take a break to enjoy the potluck.

b. Running for the Board we have Jeremy Oepping, Geraldine Burnworth, Cindy Hines. No Speeches.

c. Jeremy and Geraldine were voted in by the Board to help out. Now they are on the Ballot to be officially voted in.

14.ADJOURNMENT at approximately 4:00? p.m.

15.BOARD MEETING (election of officer/director positions discussion)

Submitted by: Geraldine Burnworth, Secretary
