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September 17, 2019

September 17, 2019

1. CALL TO ORDER: President, Paul Lisko called the meeting of the Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners’ Association to order at 7:15 p.m. at the SLP Fire Station. A quorum was met.

2. ROLL CALL: (P-Present, E-excused, A-Absent without notification)

Pres – Paul Lisko
Water – Vacant

Legal – Paul Rightley
VP – Cindy Hines
Water Compliance – Tamara Weary
Firewise – Paul Lisko
Secretary-Geraldine Burnworth
Roads – Dave Stuedell
Architectural-Paul Lisko
Treasurer-Jeremy Oepping
Parks-Cindy and Tamara

GUEST: Judy Kilburg, Suzanne Star

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Paul Lisko asked if anyone had issues with the agenda as it is written? Dave made a motion to keep the meetings shorter, down to an hour or so. Paul said that we would do our best. MOTION: Jeremy motioned to accept the agenda. Tamara seconded the motion. All approved.

MOTION: Tamara motioned to accept the minutes and Jeremy seconded the motion. All approved.

a. President- Paul Lisko reported: Kurt Moore from the D.W.U.A. in Canon contacted Paul. Paul provided an information handout from the New Mexico Environment Department Drinking Water Bureau for the Board to read.
b. Vice President – No report.
c. Secretary - No report.
d. Treasurer: Jeremy Oepping reported: September 17, 2019

1. The balance in accounts as of August 31, 2019 is as follows:
Operating Account: $174,418.66
Reserve Account: $116,759.34
*Reserve account closed at Enterprise and Transferred to HOAMCO on 9/4/19

2. As of August 31, we have 13 delinquent accounts totaling $5,645.98, a decrease of $250.34 from July.

3. The August monthly Reserve check in the amount of $666.67 was deposited August 2.

4. There was one change in property ownership in August.

5. The legal costs to date were unchanged:

Lawsuit Legal Costs: Unchanged at $52,673.59.

Other Legal Costs: Unchanged at $6,768.13


a. Water
i. Maintenance

August 2019 Water Maintenance-Meter Report

Water System Maintenance:
• System 2 – A Major Leak was suspected on 7/30 after draining the lower Los Griegos main for the Fire Hydrant installation AND during road contractor maintenance. Pumping at 30 gpm, we could not recover and store water in the tanks. Troubleshooting was difficult due to few isolation valves in the area. Experts from Sierra Engineering Solutions and a Circuit Rider with the New Mexico Rural Water Association were brought in for help. When the entire lower portion of Los Griegos, Aspen, and Outliers was isolated, and only then could we restore water to the upper and far half of Los Griegos and the storage tank area. Water was supplied to the lower Los Griegos members in the morning and evening by volunteers for several hours each day to allow usage. Many times the water supply was insufficient to supply the member usage demands and the leaks. Three new isolation valves were installed by volunteers over a period of a week plus. Finally on 8/15, the major leak was further isolated to the lower portion of Cerro Pelado. A special thanks goes to Paul Lisko who coordinated repair efforts in my absence. Volunteers included Shawn Weary, Brad Shurter, Zech Robinson, Peter Veverka, Aaron Robinson and Mark Stanley.
• On 8/19 Additional parts were requisitioned, 811 Locating was requested, and contractor scheduling began.
• 8/22 Leak investigations began on Cerro Pelado with contractor DCS Enterprises interfacing with JMEC, Windstream, Bob Bootzin developer, and others. One unmarked underground secondary electrical line was hit. Work stopped until JMEC arrived. Three dry potholes were the result of this day's efforts.
• 8/23 A leak was found and repaired by DCS Enterprises at the end of the branch line on Cerro Pelado.
• 8/24 Water service was restored to the two residences on Cerro Pelado.

System Misc:
• Well meter readings were sent to NMED on 9/7/2019.
• A member reported low water usage numbers. The meter was removed, cleaned, inspected, and reinstalled. Additional maintenance or replacement may be necessary. This type of maintenance problem will affect overall system water audit results!

Water Meter Usage: Meters were read Sept 1, 2019. Harold Corn provided the setup and read the meters. Mark Stanley distributed the Readings and Usage reports.

System 1
◦ Wells Pumped 539,732 (609,065) gals, (...last month's data...)
◦ Usage = 266,425 (315,688) gals
◦ Daily Average Household Usage = 99 (115) gals
◦ Main Line Leakage Rate = 6.1 (6.7) gpm
◦ Leak Flags Identified = 10 (10)
◦ Users > 7,000 gals = 7 (11);
1. 15,500 gals (NO leak flag);
2. 12,369 gals (leak flag);
3. 11,106 gals (leak flag);
4. 10,257 gals (NO leak flag);
5. 10,211 gals (leak flag);
6. 7,082 gals (leak flag);
7. 7,058 gals (NO leak flag);

• System 2
◦ Well Pumped 957,360 (502,430) gals, (...last month's data...)
◦ Usage = 202,874 (217,305) gals
◦ Daily Average Household Usage = 102 (110) gals
◦ Main Line Leakage Rate = 16.9 (6.4) gpm
◦ Leak Flags Identified = 7 (1) …skewed due to loss of water (last month)
◦ Users > 7,000 gals = 7 (6);
8. 25,568 gals (NO leak flag;);
9. 13,261 gals (leak flag;); high due to water purging and draining
10. 12,409 gals (NO leak flag;); high due to backfeed to neighbors
11. 9,858 gals (leak flag;);
12. 9,312 gals (leak flag;);
13. 8,914 gals (leak flag;);
14. 7,331 gals (leak flag;);

Compiled 9/14/2019 by H. Corn

Water System Reports:
• System 1:
◦ New Mexico Water Testing Laboratory Inc.
▪ Sample collected on 08/24/2019 by Frank Naranjo.
▪ Location RT 004, 87 Aspen Grove
▪ Chlorine: 0.10 mg/L
▪ Sample was Non-Detect (ND) for Total Coliform and E.Coli
• System 2:
◦ New Mexico Water Testing Laboratory Inc.
▪ Sample collected on 08/24/2019
▪ Sampling Point: RT006, 720 Los Griegos Road
▪ Chlorine: 0.16 mg/L
▪ Sample was Non-Detect (ND) for Total Coliform and E.Coli

• Samples collected for Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts in Sept. Pending results.
• Received information back regarding Water Rights perfection payback. Updating the form based on edits from SLPPOA President and VP.

Compiled by T. Weary, 09/17/2019

b. Roads – Dave Stuedell reported: Dave asked if the Agreement with Sandoval County form needed to go by the lawyer? Dave said he thought it was pretty straight forward and Paul Lisko agreed. Judy reminded Dave to add a place for two officer signatures. It should have the SLPPOA Officer signatures, and the signers will include their position when signing.

Dave might have to order a load of red cinder in the cost amount of $794.00 The roads are in pretty good shape right now. Dave asked if anyone needs any work done regarding culverts or roads? No need yet.

c. Legal – Paul Rightly reported: Absent. Paul Rightley is on travel and couldn’t attend.

i. Judy stated that on 8/20/19 we received a notice from attorney regarding Suzanne’s Writ of Cert. It was rejected by the New Mexico Supreme Court.

ii. Judy stated that the Board should just follow the Bylaws when filing a lien. She said the 3 month retroactive item is what we need to pay attention to.

iii. Judy stated that the foreclosure property is sold, but we may have to write off the balance owed to us. A demand letter is being sent by the attorney to notify about lien. Judy stated that the attorney takes action after 6 months. That is when a lien is filed. Judy said that HOAMCO wasn’t billing the company that took over, and we might have to pay. The treasurer will get attorney fees. The treasurer has to remind HOAMCO regarding warning letters. It is spelled out in the Bylaws.

iv. Geraldine volunteered to oversee legal. Dave volunteered to assist. Paul and Judy agreed that Judy will notify Geraldine and Dave regarding legal issues.

v. Paul Lisko asked for feedback and any suggestions from the Board regarding the leash issue regarding rental policy.

d. Firewise –Paul Lisko said that the Forest Service is coming to thin when fire season is over.

e. Parks – Cindy Hines and Tamara Weary will be taking over parks. Judy said that there is a budget for parks. There are four parks. 2 developed and 2 undeveloped.

f. Architectural –Paul reported that we got one request from Eric Larson for top solar panels. They are Photo Voltaic Panels. Paul stated that Eric is not changing the foot print on his property. He is just upgrading. Paul sent a copy of the request to John Hines and Peter Veverka. The Board approved.


a. Water Surcharge Committee Proposal: Re: Paul Rightley: Paul Lisko said he will write to Paul R. to find out where he is at regarding the Board/Committee. Judy reminded everyone that we still needed to talk to the attorney. Judy said that she needs to bring Paul R. up to date on that.

b. Renters/VRBO Covenant Modifications – The Board decided that we do not have to put the new policy into place until we have to revisit the issue. Jeremy made the first motion. Tamara seconded the motion. All approved.

c. Agreement with Sandoval County for Cinder Storage- The Board reviewed Dave’s Agreement draft. Paul stated that it seemed pretty straight forward to him. It just needed to include the word County in the manager’s title. Judy said that it needed 2 officer signature places.

d. Fire Department Property Assumption - No report.

e. Water Engineer Proposal Status- Paul Lisko stated that the attachment wouldn’t open for him. It was determined that the Board needs a waiver for contractors regarding tax liability. The Board decided to wait for a motion until Jeremy gets the waiver. Judy reminded the Board that they cannot vote via email. Paul stated that he would like to see John Schrandt make his proposal. The Board decided to hold off on a motion to sign waiver until next meeting.

i. The Water Co-op: Kurt Moore from D.W.U.A Co-op in Canon contacted Paul. Paul said that Kurt had some good suggestions. Dave said that he would contact Dave Raue because Harold said that Dave Raue expressed an interest. Dave said he would do as much as possible to negotiate a number. Tamara said that we should try to work something out with one of the other co-ops. It was suggested that Frank Naranjo could assist Dave Raue as well. Paul reported that Madrid went from a Water Co-op to a Domestic Water Consumers Association. Paul set up a committee to follow this direction. Tamara volunteered to go with Paul to Madrid. Paul and Tamara plan to go on a Friday. Paul said he would call and get a time. Jeremy asked if this was for the long term or just the short term? Dave asked what it would do? Paul said it would allow us to qualify for State funding, but he still needs to find out what is required. Paul said that the Board should continue identifying and focusing. He asked the Board to read his handout from the New Mexico Environment Department Drinking Water Bureau. Judy said that Bylaws would have to be created along with an overseeing body.

ii. Reading Meters: Paul asked that since Harold is not available, what would be involved with regards to reading meters? Judy explained briefly what would be needed. For example, to read the meters one needs a current / updated member list, a thumb drive to upload information and the water computer as well as the training books. Judy said that she will scan and send a copy to Paul. She said it takes a couple of hours.

iii. Waterline Replacement: For the waterline replacement on Hovenweep see Harold’s 9/17/19 email. It was suggested that it may be beneficial if the Board could ask Harold to help with logistics. Some questions raised: Do we have a timeline? Has Harold put together a list of all the duties?


a. A newsletter is typically sent out to announce the new Board members and to transmit the budget and annual dues amount. Members must receive a copy of the budget at least 30 days before the due date.

b. Budget Preparation: Jeremy needs to contact the accountant by October or sooner. Judy reminded the Board that it can only raise the dues to a maximum of 10%. Suzanne stated that with the upcoming costs, for example engineering contracts, the audit, the reserve study, that we would have to do an increase.


a. Water Rights Perfection Extension Application – Tamara stated that she needs to incorporate comments and bring it in.

b. E-mail re: County taking over some roads-Dave stated that at this time they are not taking over any new roads. Please see the email that Tamara read at meeting. Dave Stuedell said that he will contact the county for more information. He also asked if there is a responsibility for the county to do roads? It was stated that it depends on the original deeds. The asphalt base on Hovenweep was cited in the discussion. Dave stated that he would find out about signs & speed limits. Paul stated that John Schrandt could do the drainages as well. He also said that John’s Water System Survey can help detect and pinpoint problems to get fixed.

c. Volunteer needed to be POC for NM 811- This item will be added to the newsletter. Judy, Harold and Paul are currently on the list as point of contacts.

d. Policy development for NM811-SLP Requirements-We need to talk to Harold about NM811 requirements. Question: How do we stay legal?

e. Covenant Revisions-Someone suggested the bylaws be changed from 2/3 to 51% membership vote being required to change the bylaws. Dave Steudell proposed a Bylaw change in the covenants regarding: that if a property structure burns, that the property owner must re-build the exact same structure. He also proposed a Bylaw change to give a 20% reduction on dues for serving on the Board. The Board is going to review the SLPPOA Bylaws. Judy will send the Bylaw change proposal to all.

10. NEW ITEMS: Tamara proposed to put an Information Center at the parks for community information which would be located at multiple locations. A community information board that could have different sections such as events, realtor’s information, lost pets etc. Judy said that it would have to be incorporated into the budget. Judy also stated that Parks currently has an existing budget. Jeremy needs to get signatures. Jeremy will not be at the October Board meeting.

11. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 7:15 p.m.

12. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:20 p.m.


Submitted by: Geraldine Burnworth