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January 14, 2020

January 14, 2020

1. CALL TO ORDER: @ approximately 7:35 P.M.

2. ROLL CALL: (P-Present, E-excused, A-Absent without notification)

President –
Paul Lisko
Water – Vacant
Legal – Geraldine Burnworth and Dave Stuedell
Vice President - Cindy Hines
Water Compliance – Tamara Weary
Firewise – Paul Lisko
Secretary - Geraldine Burnworth
Roads – Dave Stuedell
Architectural – Josh Toennis
Treasurer - Jeremy Oepping
Parks - Cindy Hines and Tamara Weary

GUESTS: Harold Corn, Suzanne Star

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Jeremy Oepping made the motion to accept the agenda. Dave Steudell seconded the motion.

MOTION: All approved.

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Dave Steudell made the motion to accept the Minutes. Jeremy Oepping seconded the motion.

MOTION: All approved.

a. President – Paul Lisko
b. Vice President – Cindy Hines reported that there was nothing new regarding the newsletter, except she will be reaching out to those on committees. Cindy is in the process of building a Facebook page.
c. Secretary – Geraldine Burnworth reported that we do not have an official letterhead for correspondence. Geraldine will send out correspondence without logo for now.

d. Treasurer - Jeremy Oepping reported: January 14, 2020

1. The balance in accounts as of December 31, 2019 is as follows:
Operating Account: $145,889.81
Reserve Account: $111,605.27

2. As of December 31, we have 10 delinquent accounts (one fewer than last month) totaling $3,882.12, a decrease of $877.37 from November.

3. The December amount of $666.67 was transferred to Reserves during the month.

4. There was one change in property ownership in December.
Welcome Andy and Melissa Cogdill – 12 Cerro Pelado Trail


Water – Tamara Weary Reported:

January 2020 Water Maintenance-Meter Report

Water System Maintenance:
• General – No water delivery maintenance events to report for January 2020.
• VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to learn and maintain our water SLP systems. Training will be provided.

Water System Misc:
• Well meter readings were sent to NMED? [Need to ask Harold about this.]
• A new home owner is under contract for 754 Los Griegos Road where the System 2 storage tanks are located. Need to discuss the easement and create an agreement with the new homeowner for access to the storage tanks. Walk down scheduled for Saturday, December 21 at 1300.
• Drafted wording for owner notification of leaks detected in their system.

Water Usage: Meters were read January 1, 2019. Mark Stanley provided the setup, read the meters, and distributed the Readings and Usage reports:
• System 1
◦ Wells Pumped 516,361 (431,938) gals, (...last month's data...)
◦ Usage = 241,570 (200,660) gals
◦ Daily Average Household Usage = 87 (80) gals
◦ Main Line Leakage Rate = 6.0 (5.5) gpm
◦ Leak Flags Identified = 17 (11)
◦ Users > 7,000 gals = 6 (2);
▪ 29,417 gals (leak flag);
▪ 12,564 gals (leak flag);
▪ 9,826 gals (leak flag);
▪ 7,389 gals (leak flag);
▪ 7,097 gals (NO leak flag);
▪ 7,063 gals (leak flag);
◦ Tamper flag noted on one (1) location. Possible communication issue with the unit.
• System 2
◦ Well Pumped 807,870 (724,750) gals, (...last month's data...)
◦ Usage = 221,162 (204,728) gals
◦ Daily Average Household Usage = 108 (110) gals
◦ Main Line Leakage Rate = 12.7 (12.5) gpm
◦ Leak Flags Identified = 7 (9)
◦ Users > 7,000 gals = 6 (5);
▪ 71,898 gals (leak flag;);
▪ 18,695 gals (leak flag;);
▪ 11,428 gals (NO leak flag;);
▪ 8,358 gals (leak flag);
▪ 8,125 gals (NO leak flag;);
▪ 7,804 gals (leak flag);
• Summary
◦ Twelve (12) users are above the 7,000 gal recommended usage threshold.

Compiled 01/14/2019 by T. Weary

Water Compliance - Tamara Weary Reported: January 2020 Water Compliance Report:

Water System Coliform/Microbiological Reports:
• System 1 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 12/14/2019, RT004, 87 Aspen Grove
◦ Total Coliform - Absent
◦ Total E. Coli - Absent
◦ Disinfected, Residual 0.04 mg/l
• System 2 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 12/14/2019, RT008, 720 Los Griegos Road
◦ Total Coliform - Absent
◦ Total E. Coli - Absent
◦ Disinfected, Residual 0.05 mg/l

Compiled 01/14/2020 by T. Weary

Tamara had sent a question: Were the well meter readings sent to NMED? Harold said that he would speak with Tamara directly.

Harold said the regulator at Cerra Polado may need to be replaced. The water pressure is high. He further stated that a test was run by the Fire Department at the bottom of Los Griegos. Harold said that more testing needs to be done. Harold thinks there may be a leak.
Suzanne Star stated that System 1 has a 54% leak rate and System 2 has a 75% leak rate.
The Board agreed that Water is a priority. Also, that System 2 might rupture if nothing is done soon. During the last power outage System 2 tanks went down 30-35%. According to Harold it dropped faster than usual. He also said that it is usually an indicator of a leak.

b. Roads – Dave Stuedell Reported: Cinders have been removed. Cinder containers were purchased. Dave said that a cinder fill notice should be sent out. He further said that we need better communication. He said that we need to send out a notice to let the members know that the cinders are available to fill roadside containers. Dave said that there might be a work opportunity for summertime employment. Jeremy said that maybe we should ask for volunteers instead. Suzanne suggested that we get a contractor to do it this summer.
Dave also reported that there is a road at the end of Los Griegos that has trees falling across it. If there is a fire there is no way out. Harold said that the road was closed. Suzanne said the access was owned by Bootzin. She recommends someone speak with Bob Bootzin about it. Dave said to put it on the agenda long term.

Plowing report:

Plowing 5.0 hrs.

Plowing 5.5 hrs.

Plowing 5.0 hrs.

Sanding 2.5 hrs.

Plowing 5.5 hrs.
Sanding 2.5 hrs.

c. Legal – Geraldine Burnworth Reported: Dave and Geraldine told Brad Hayes that the final wording would be discussed and decided at the upcoming Board meeting.
Dave said that he thought what Brad wrote was fine. He also said that getting a reduction on dues will help to gain more interest. Geraldine will put it all together and forward the paragraph to Brad Hayes for review.

d. Firewise - Paul Lisko Reported : Cindy said that Paul will work to develop a Hold Harmless Agreement with the Rigneys.

e. Parks- Cindy and Tamara Reported: No report.

f. Architectural – Josh Toennis Reported: No report


1) The Fire Department Assumption: Cindy Hines and Geraldine Burnworth will check the file cabinate for any documentation regarding the matter.
2) Harold read the report from the Drinking Water Project Initiative interview. He had printed out the project information. He stated that he learned that New Mexico is the most water stressed state in the United States. Harold further stated that the goal was to determine needs and concerns of drinking water systems in the state. They asked questions about general information regarding our water system. How the system was managed and organized? What our biggest concerns were for our water system? Harold said that leaks were our number one concern, and water quality. Harold inquired for the results of the publications.
3) JohnSchrandt was notified of the waiver from HOAMCO and contacted.
4) Paul asked Cindy to ask if anyone had any suggestions of where else we could advertise for the Water Operator position besides UNMLA and LAHS. Some suggestions were Jemez Valley, NMRural Water, Craigs List, and Indeed.


1) Year End Financials formal approval needed. Dave motioned to approve. Geraldine seconded the motion. All approved.
2) Jeremy will get them submitted.
3) Agenda order? Dave is happy with agenda. He would like for there to be a place on the agenda for hot topics. There will be a place labled “Hot Topics“ after the Officer‘s reports.
4) The Insurance Review will be discussed with Paul Lisko.
5) The S.L.P.P.O.A. website needs to be updated. Here are a few questions to ponder: What should we be posting? What are we required to post? What would be helpful?

9. ACTION ITEMS: Harold said the maintenance meter was stuck. There was sand or something that would make the audit look worse than it is. It is something that is really hard to find, reported Harold. The Board will also need the maintenance costs.

10. NEXT MEETING: February 11, 2020

11. ADJOURN: Jeremy Oepping made a motion to adjourn. Dave Steudell seconded the motion. All approved.


Lawsuit Settlement

Delinquent Accounts

Submitted by: Geraldine Burnworth