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February 11, 2020

February 11, 2020

1. CALL TO ORDER: @ approximately 7:20 P.M.

2. ROLL CALL: (P-Present, E-excused, A-Absent without notification)

President –
Paul Lisko
Water – Vacant
Legal – Geraldine Burnworth and Dave Stuedell
Vice President - Cindy Hines
Water Compliance – Tamara Weary
Firewise – Paul Lisko
Secretary - Geraldine Burnworth
Roads – Dave Stuedell
Architectural – Josh Toennis
Treasurer - Jeremy Oepping
Parks - Cindy Hines and Tamara Weary

GUEST: Suzanne Star

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Tamara Weary made the motion to accept the agenda. Dave Stuedell seconded the motion.

MOTION: All approved.

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Cindy Hines made the motion to accept the Minutes. Josh Toennis seconded the motion.

MOTION: All approved.


a. President – Paul Lisko

b. Vice President – Cindy Hines reported that the neswletter will be mailed out by the end of this month or the 1st of next month. Cindy says she might send both hard copy and an email copy. She further said that what would be included in the newsletter would be cinders & cans, by-law changes, upcoming engineering study, architectural (Josh will provide bullet points and contact information), small water leaks(Tamara will provide the data). A call to join the Board will also be included in the newsletter as well as service contact information. There will also be an avertisement for the water position. For a Facebook page, Cindy said that we need to know it’s purpose and we need to determine if we need one. It was stated that we could include things like snow plow information, meetings, and it can contain a conversation within the page. Cindy also said that she would continue working on the letterhead/logo.

c. Secretary – Geraldine Burnworth reported: No report.

d. Treasurer: Jeremy Oepping reported: February 11, 2020

1. The balance in accounts as of January 31, 2020 is as follows:
Operating Account: $180,299.96
Reserve Account: $112,314.64

2. As of January 31, we have 8 delinquent accounts (two fewer than last month) totaling $1,705.07, a decrease of $2,177.05 from December.

3. The January amount of $666.67 was transferred to Reserves during the month.

4. There were no change in property ownership in January.

Hot Topics:

Excessive water usage: It was determined that a policy with no assessment attached would have to be drafted regarding the excessive leak problem, by the Board. A certified letter (to respond within 7days) would be sent explaining water shut off at the property owner’s expense. The Board still has to determine who would be managing this matter. It was termed “The Water Shut Off Policy”. It was determined that an assessment would be attached which would make it legal. Someone stated that the Board had a legal basis in the by-laws. It was noted that System 1&2 have leaks as well. Tamara Weary requested further time for thought on the matter. Cindy Hines as well.

Winterizing Homes:

Livestock questions: Where does it stop?

Water Maintenance Person: The new water person will need volunteers. (Send Paul any comments regarding the matter.)

Leaks in the Winter (Tamara commented): Tamper flags may not be corrected until May with regards to high leak systems. We might have to put contingencies in the policies at least for that. We also need isolation identification.


Water – Tamara Weary Reported: No major delivery problems to report. Tamara needs to contact the Water Test Technician. Tamara needs to speak with Mark Stanley regarding meter readings and totals. Tamara will send January and February reports to the State engineer. There was low pressure on Cerra Polado. Tamara is assuming the problem is fixed. No one has heard anything.

Tamara filed the report with the State engineer’s office. She has documentation to request HOAMCO to pay the fees. A $50.00 check is required. She said the form and amount of fees comes from the State website.

Tamara received the waiver report for asbestos water samples from N.M.E.D. we won’t need another test for another 9 years in 12/20/28.

February 2020 Water Maintenance-Meter Report

Water System Maintenance:
• General – No water delivery maintenance events to report for February 2020.
• Frank Naranjo had to remove the stenner chlorination unit from the booster pump station due to the roller assembly not pumping chlorine into the injection point. A new part has been ordered and will be installed by Frank upon arrival.
• VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to learn and maintain our water SLP systems. Training will be provided.

Water System Misc:
• Well meter readings need to be sent to the Office of the State Engineer 1, email:; reports are required to be sent monthly.

Water Usage: Meters were read February 1, 2019. Mark Stanley provided the setup, read the meters, and distributed the Readings and Usage reports:
• System 1
◦ Wells Pumped 556,810 (516,361) gals, (...last month's data...)
◦ Usage = 255,853 (241,570) gals
◦ Daily Average Household Usage = 94 (87) gals
◦ Main Line Leakage Rate = 6.7 (6.0) gpm
◦ Leak Flags Identified = 13 (17)
◦ Users > 7,000 gals = 7 (6);
▪ 40,501 gals (leak flag);
▪ 13,275 gals (leak flag);
▪ 9,927 gals (leak flag);
▪ 9,541 gals (leak flag);
▪ 8,328 gals (leak flag);
▪ 8,100 gals (NO leak flag);
▪ 7,018 gals (leak flag);
◦ Tamper flag noted on one (1) location. There are no radio transmissions coming from the location and it is currently encased in ice and snow.

• System 2
◦ Well Pumped 826,890 (807,870) gals, (...last month's data...)
◦ Usage = 230,511 (221,162) gals
◦ Daily Average Household Usage = 116 (108) gals
◦ Main Line Leakage Rate = 13.4 (12.7) gpm
◦ Leak Flags Identified = 8 (7)
◦ Users > 7,000 gals = 6 (6);
▪ 85,646 gals (leak flag);
▪ 21,105 gals (leak flag);
▪ 8,915 gals (leak flag);
▪ 8,505 gals (NO leak flag);
▪ 7,821 gals (NO leak flag);
▪ 7,237 gals (leak flag);

• Summary
◦ Thirteen (13) users are above the 7,000 gal recommended usage threshold.

Compiled 02/11/2019 by T. Weary

Water Compliance - Tamara Weary reported:

February 2020 Water Compliance Report

Water System Coliform/Microbiological Reports:
• System 1 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 01/25/2019, RT001, 7 Mesa Verde Road
◦ Total Coliform - Absent
◦ Total E. Coli - Absent
◦ Disinfected, Residual 0.11 mg/l
• System 2 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 01/25/2019, RT005, 635 Aspen Grove
◦ Total Coliform - Absent
◦ Total E. Coli - Absent
◦ Disinfected, Residual 0.16 mg/l

Compiled 02/11/2020 by T. Weary

b. Roads – Dave Stuedell Reported: Dave suggested that we could pay Dave R. to fill bins. Dave has a map of where all the bins are located.

Plowing report: Dave read plowing report.

c. Legal – Geraldine Burnworth and Dave Stuedell Reported: The Compensation wording is completed. We can now move forward with the ballot initiative.

d. Firewise - Paul Lisko Reported : A) Burn piles complaints, B) Annual Fire Preparedness Workshop.

e. Parks- Cindy and Tamara Reported: No report.

f. Architectural – Josh Toennis Reported: No report


a) Tamara will check Google Drive regarding Fire Department Assumption.
b) MOU for Eaton & Rginey’s H.H.A. for 3/10.
c) Bootzin’s Property: There are felled trees across the road. The high road is the forest service road. The road is not maintained. Dave said that clearing has to be done. Paul said if Bootzin owns the road nothin can be done. Tamara said an MOU can be done. The Board has decided to keep it on the agenda. For the easement we need the recorded plat.
d) John Schrandt : Paul reached out. There is a plan. There will be another presentation. There will be a short list of items: Both medium and long range on improvements and governance. There will be a draft by February to present by the March meeting according to Paul.
e) Water Operator Job Posting: Paul had it posted with Jemez Valley. The person must live within a 25 mile radius.Paul said he would post it on


a) Paul would like to initiate getting the community together. For example with potlucks,
movies, Memorial Day Celebrations, 4th of July and yoga classes.

a) Saturday April 4, 2020 meeting at 10:00 A.M. for extra member votes.
b) Mail ballots by March 2nd
c) Check By-laws
d) Cindy to speak with Fredlund regarding SLPPOAlistserver. Cinday stated that we need at least 2 people

10. NEXT MEETING: March 10, 2020

11. ADJOURN: Tamara Weary made a motion to adjourn. Josh Teonnis seconded the motion. All approved.


Delinquent Accounts

Submitted by: Geraldine Burnworth