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April 14, 2020

April 14, 2020

1. CALL TO ORDER: @ approximately 7:11 P.M. Meeting was conducted online through Zoom meeting software due to the COVID-19 restrictions associated with groups of 5 or more persons gathering in a single location.

2. ROLL CALL: (P-Present, E-excused, A-Absent without notification)

President –
Paul Lisko
Water Maintenance – Vacant (Tamara Weary – Acting)
Legal – Geraldine Burnworth and Dave Stuedell
Vice President - Cindy Hines
Water Compliance – Tamara Weary
Firewise –Ann Cooke
Secretary - Geraldine Burnworth
Roads – Dave Stuedell
Architectural – Josh Toennis
Treasurer - Jeremy Oepping
Parks - Cindy Hines and Tamara Weary

GUEST: Suzanne Star, Harold Corn

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Dave Stuedell made the motion to accept the agenda. Cindy Hines seconded the motion.

MOTION: All approved.

Note: Tamara Weary’s microphone was not working for the meeting, so responses were noted in the chat session.

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes for March 2020 could not be approved as the minutes were not received from Geraldine Burnworth due to her suffering an accident that has left her incapacitated. Paul Lisko will retrieve the recording of the minutes and transcribe in the future.

MOTION: None made or recorded.


a. President – Paul Lisko

• Zoom Membership Meeting: The meeting lasted two hours and included 18 participants. Good back and forth discussion. For the most part participants stayed on topic and members were able to have their issues addressed. Received some complimentary emails post-meeting stating they were satisfied with how the meeting was conducted. Board members Cindy Hines and Jeremy Oepping provided comments on the meeting, in general stating that it went well, was very cordial, and had good turnout. For the first electronic meeting, the process was good. Nice job to Paul Lisko for working through the technical aspects of having the meeting. Paul Lisko offered thanks to the Board for providing consensus on how the meeting should be handled. The comments were helpful to ensure a smooth, fair meeting for SLPPOA members.
• Invoices for Submittal: Total of three invoices: a) one from January 2020 that was a new plat of SLP from Sandoval County that clarifies the locations of tanks and lines; b) invoice for printing of ballot initiatives and cover letters which was $34.04; and, c) Zoom membership on a monthly basis which is $16.10. Total is $65.14. Paul Lisko will submit for payment unless there are any objections. No objections noted.
• Notice of a Free Webinar: Paul Lisko will be attending and will send out the information for Board members to participate. The webinar is on COVID-19 and Your HOA to be held on Thursday, April 23, 2-3:30pm EST. The areas of discussion are included in the email Paul is sending. The catch is that the HOA information company hosting the webinar is that you must sign up with the company and provide a credit card but you are not charged if you cancel the subscription in the noted time. Board Members stated they would not be able to attend as they are working (Cindy Hines, Tamara Weary, and Jeremy Oepping). Paul Lisko will attend and report back to the Board.
• Drafting Correspondence to Membership: Three letters/correspondence will need to go out to the SLPPOA members. “Don’t be left behind, time to get online.” This is the slogan Paul Likso would like to use in the correspondence. Many members have stated that they do not have online access and can’t attend a virtual meeting. The Board will give the members 60 days to obtain internet access to be able to attend online meetings. If a member can’t provide an email address or conduct actions on a virtual platform, the member is still allowed to use the US Mail. However, if a member wants to actively participate and social distancing requirements are still in place then the member needs to take the appropriate steps to obtain internet access. Paul requested comments from the Board. No comments provided aside from agreement. Tamara Weary made a comment that we do have several members that do not have an email address on record with the Board. Paul stated we will contact those members to allow them to provide an email address.
• Draft Water Shut-Off Policy: Under new business but is related to feedback received from the general membership meeting and relates to leak forgiveness, etc. Paul Lisko emailed Chief Eric Masterson regarding fire department resources under imminent domain to put out a fire. What does the Sandoval County FD have in place for this?
• Ballot Revision: Discuss in the legal session.
• Next Membership Meeting: Tentatively scheduled for June 13, 2020. The date is open for discussion. Thirty days prior to the meeting date a notice will go out saying it is either going to be conducted via Zoom or in person if the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. A copy of the ballot initiatives will go out with the 30-day letter.
b. Vice President – Cindy Hines stated she is glad that the newsletter was not completed as this information may be included. Will also include how to check water usage, etc. Educational information needs to be included in the newsletter and am trying to get it out in the next couple of weeks. There was a question regarding Aspen Copies and if they are still open to make copies. Dave Stuedell said he would check and see if they are open tomorrow when he is in town. Updates and revisions to the listserv need to occur. Cindy has the listserv list and the membership list. She can cross-reference to create a combined list. Paul would like to send out the letter that states we want to contact a member via email and what is their preferred email. We will give them time to respond before sending out information.

c. Secretary – Geraldine Burnworth’s condition was sent out by Paul Lisko. Her daughter stated that we should be looking for a new secretary. She additionally offered to return equipment Geraldine had in her possession. Paul stated he would confer with the Board on all the items and get back with the daughter. Items include the tape recorder, computer, file drawer key. Tamara Weary stated there might be a USB and document hard copies. Jeremy stated he helped set-up her laptop, she has a printer, and the recorder. She may have office supplies but if the daughter can’t figure out what is SLPPOA Board property we not worry about those items (i.e. office supplies).

In the future, additional duties will need to be covered by other Board members. The Zoom meeting is being recorded and can be shared for meeting note transcription. The link can be shared with one other person. For this meeting, Tamara Weary offered to transcribe the meeting notes. Paul Lisko will forward the information once he has the link.

d. Treasurer: Jeremy Oepping reported: April 14, 2020

1. The balance in accounts as of March 31, 2020 is as follows:
Operating Account: $204,637.85
Reserve Account: $113,716.17

2. As of March 31, we have 48 delinquent accounts (increase of 40). Also the 2020 assessment due April 1, so reason for larger increase. Of those 40, 27 sat at a balance of $500 or more.

3. The March amount of $666.67 was transferred to Reserves during the month.

4. There was one change in property ownership in March. Scott and Holly Gould to 1515 Los Griegos Road.

Paul Lisko noted that the State and Federal taxes were filed by Jeremy on March 28, 2020, and he wanted to recognize him for staying on top of the situation.

Hot Topics:

Placement of a New Verizon Tower: Dave Stuedell has been in contact with Verizon as his cell phone service at his house is terrible even with a booster. Other Board members concurred that cell service is poor to non-existent. Dave will put together a presentation. For Verizon to put up a tower, they need to lease a 100x100’ area to place the tower and they need a high location. A request was submitted to Verizon to inspect the area for a tower placement. Dave will continue to work with Verizon to get a tower placed but needs to know if there are any covenants or restrictions associated with this activity. Are there any SLPPOA locations that are high enough to place this tower? Dave will continue to work the topic but wanted to get the idea out there. The SLPPOA is considered a non-covered area under the Verizon map. Cindy Hines noted that we should look at how many people this tower would help and provide a list of those names to support this initiative. Would be good to put in the newsletter or send out via email to gain member support. Email ideas to Dave. Additional discussion regarding internet service, Veristat, was conducted. In relation to the work-from-home issue, any improvements to connectivity are a bonus. Jeremy stated that congressional actions (State and Federal) may be in place to help rural communities get up to speed with current connectivity speeds in urban areas. Dave noted the point, will include in his presentation, and will look into it. Paul Lisko mentioned that companies are now looking at going 5G, so they should be able to up rural communities to 4G in the future. Paul is willing to speak to our legislative representatives to make sure they are looking out for their rural constituents.


Water – Harold Corn Reported: Harold reported that the ultrasonic transducers have been ordered. Mark Stanley is helping with the project. A separate set for System 2 will be available for testing when we have the main line leaks. He hasn’t heard that they have been received from China as of yet. The major leak on Los Griegos has been fixed. It was a homeowner’s leak that was discovered on the first of the month while running the meter route. They shut it off on the first. This member was difficult to get ahold of as we only had a mailing address. The member happened to be at the home while they were out reading meters, they identified the leak at a frost free hydrant, and the home owner was able to fix within the next few days.

On the 10th, a tamper flag was addressed. In this case a wire was broken by a plumber while working on the system on Trilobite. The break was close to the transmitter, so we are working on a quote for a transmitter to replace. Paul Lisko asked if the plumber was going to pay for the replacement. The cost is ~$100 but has not been requested from the plumber. The transmitter wires are very sensitive and this one can’t be repaired. The plumber probably didn’t even know he did it and it’s been since last summer that this occurred. We could contact the home owner to pursue. Paul Lisko will receive the information from Harold and will pursue reimbursement.

On System 2: Replaced the pressure regulator valve and gate valves at the booster station on April 11. Helpers included the NM Rural Water Association so it only cost us our dues. Harold wanted to make sure we were still paying our annual dues. Tamara Weary stated that these dues have been paid for the year. This should be reported to the membership that this association really helps the community. It has been difficult to get the pressure on System 2 regulated. In pulling out the old regulator it was noted that it was full of sand and pumice, so was probably stuck open. Replacement was necessary and flushing of the main lines should occur as part of routine maintenance.

During this period they discovered a neighbor’s meter leaking from a hole in the fitting. This was discovered by Josh who turned it off but the pressure went too high so the system was turned back on. Maintenance was scheduled to repair the leak after the replacements.

Road grading and additional work was conducted in the area following the work.

It will take a month to understand how the changes have affected the meter readings.

Memorandum of Understanding (Paul Lisko): Sent out for review to the Board Members and then needs to go to the attorney for review prior to signing. Robert Eaton owns the property where the System 2 water tanks are stored. There was no MOU that would allow the Board to access those tanks through his property. If an emergency happens and we have to quickly access the tanks, we can use the Eaton property road. In other circumstances, there is a Forest Road to the side of the Eaton property that Mark Stanley graded so Board members can access the tanks from off of Eaton’s property. You must access the FR from the north. The road to access the tanks requires some more grading prior to use. The MOU between SLPPOA and Eaton is good to go and incorporates suggested revisions. Robert Eaton is happy with the MOU. Paul Lisko requested Dave Stuedell provide to the lawyer for review. Paul will send again to Dave.

Hiring of a Water Systems Operator (Paul Lisko): The only reply on Indeed was from one individual whose resume was forwarded by Paul. The man lives in Maryland and would like to relocate to New Mexico. Paul communicated with the man, he has a high school diploma, would like a change of scenery, has connections to New Mexico, and given the job he would relocate to the area and work for SLPPOA. We could develop an interview to understand the individual’s qualifications but Paul was seeking suggestions. SLPPOA Board members had concerns on why the individual would want to move here for this position. It is possible to perform an interview but with the current situation our applicant pool may open if we place more ads locally. We should try to obtain a few more interested candidates. Paul will post locally and will re-post on Indeed. The Board needs to draft interview questions for future interviews. The best people to be on the interview panel include Harold Corn, Tamara Weary, and Paul Lisko. The Board members were in agreement. Cindy Hines will look into how we can place the ad in local newspapers including Santa Fe, Los Alamos, and ABQ. Expenditures associated with these postings need to be approved. We will shorten the job posting for the papers but include a link to the SLPPOA website that contains the full job advertisement.

April 2020 Water Maintenance-Meter Report

Water System Maintenance:
• General – See attached reports from Harold Corn regarding System 2 replacement activities on the PRV units.
• VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to learn and maintain our water SLP systems. Training will be provided.
• Received the invoice from Frank Naranjo for the chlorinator replacement. Treasurer has a copy and has requested payment be sent for $726.13.

Water System Misc:
• Well meter readings were sent to the Office of the State Engineer 1, email:; on 04/07/20. See attached for report.

Water Usage: Meters were read April 1, 2019. Mark Stanley provided the setup, read the meters, and distributed the Readings and Usage reports:
• System 1
◦ Wells Pumped 568,658 (512,681) gals, (...last month's data...)
◦ Usage = 292,698 (246,539) gals
◦ Daily Average Household Usage = 108 (98) gals
◦ Main Line Leakage Rate = 6.2 (6.4) gpm
◦ Leak Flags Identified = 12 (14)
◦ Users > 7,000 gals = 7 (5);
▪ 61,898 gals (leak flag);
▪ 14,294 gals (leak flag);
▪ 10,869 gals (leak flag);
▪ 10,065 gals (leak flag);
▪ 9,555 gals (leak flag);
▪ 7,705 gals (NO leak flag);
▪ 7,397 gals (leak flag);

• System 2
◦ Well Pumped 820,870 (745,250) gals, (...last month's data...)
◦ Usage = 256,569 (214,668) gals
◦ Daily Average Household Usage = 131 (116) gals
◦ Main Line Leakage Rate = 12.6 (12.7) gpm
◦ Leak Flags Identified = 8 (9)
◦ Users > 7,000 gals = 7 (4);
▪ 92,124 gals (leak flag);
▪ 23,527 gals (leak flag);
▪ 10,124 gals (NO leak flag);
▪ 9,578 gals (leak flag);
▪ 8,328 gals (NO leak flag);
▪ 7,418 gals (leak flag);
▪ 7,185 gals (leak flag);

• Summary
◦ Fourteen (14) users are above the 7,000 gal recommended usage threshold.

Harold Corn’s email and pictures associated with the System 2 repairs:

Sys 2 Lauer Lane Water Leak Repair Report
1 message

Harold Corn 
Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 10:47 AM
To: SLPPOA board
Cc: Mark Stanley

I am pleased to report to you the service line leak near the end of Lauer Lane has been repaired as of, 4/17/2020. This service line and meter actually feeds the residence down the hill on 537 Aspen.

811 One Call was notified over two days ahead. USIC, the contracting locator for JMEC did not show up to locate the underground electrical lines for a duration of almost 52 hours after notification. This is unacceptable, especially when we have a contractor scheduled and on site waiting . For a "Standard Locate", UFOs (Underground Facility Operators) are required to mark or locate their infrastructure spot area called out within 48 hours. After the 48 hours expired, I filed a "Warning Ticket" with 811. This requires the locator to show up within 2 hours. By the time all the calls were made, it was almost 4 hours later before he arrived. I will be notifying the Pipeline Safety Bureau of this discrepancy.

Once the leaking area was uncovered, a crack & eroded fitting (see attached pictures) was discovered in between the curb stop valve and the meter can. I'm estimating the leak flow, it could be 4-6 gpm, but hoping for more. It will take a couple of monthly meter readings to discover how much we may have gained on our Sys 2 monthly leakage rate.

We had enough new service plumbing supplies, i.e. compression fittings & poly piping, on hand to complete the repair. Two members were notified on the Lauer Lane branch of the need to cut off their water supply temporarily. Total down time was probably less than an hour.

Our contractor noticed the meter seemed to be not turning or operational when water was flowing through it. A purging cycle was run several times with the meter disconnected on the downstream end to clear the problem. The owner of the property appears to be part time and not on site, thus they experienced no inconvenience or interruption of water service.

Respectfully submitted,


Compiled 04/21/2020 by T. Weary

Water Compliance - Tamara Weary reported:

April 2020 Water Compliance Report

Water System Coliform/Microbiological Reports:
• System 1 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 03/07/2020, RT003, 136 Mimbres Way
◦ Total Coliform - Absent
◦ Total E. Coli - Absent
◦ Disinfected, Residual 0.04 mg/l
• System 2 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 03/07/2020, RT007, 1514 Los Griegos Road
◦ Total Coliform - Absent
◦ Total E. Coli - Absent
◦ Disinfected, Residual 0.05 mg/l

• Received notification from Frank Naranjo that Lead and Copper samples will be starting June 1, 2020. Need to verify if SLPPOA water system is due this year for sampling.

Compiled 04/21/2020 by T. Weary

Read into the record by Paul Lisko.

b. Roads – Dave Stuedell Reported: Signed the contract for the road grading scheduled in May or June 2020, exact week not scheduled. We are set to go and got onto the schedule early. Jeremy noted that he meant to send an email regarding the Los Griegos road and that it has held up well since the last grading and over the winter. Requesting that they not mess up the road as it ruts during the monsoons. They would like it to be cleaned up a little bit but not so that it affects water drainage. Dave will go drive the road and see how it has held-up. The company will repair the ditches as well. If there is a section of road that we wanted to have them work on, such as the first section of Los Griegos, to repair the road and perform maintenance. We would get a quote for the work. Paul Lisko requested that the work not overlap with the member meeting June 13. Harold Corn stated that the vibrating machine the graders were using may have triggered the large water line break on Cerro Pelado last year. Requesting not using that machine this year. There is also lots of traffic on the lower Los Griegos section and we should consider asphalt millings for that section as well. Dave will check with the graders regarding the vibrating machine. We are unsure if it actually causes problems with the water lines. Paul Lisko did state that complaints were received from members regarding the use of the vibrating machine and items falling off shelves. The Board will send out a notice on the road maintenance. The machine needs to be used to tamper down the road material.

Snow Removal and Cinders: a) We did not use one plowing and one cindering during the last contract. B) Dave Rowley is storing the cindering machine attachment by the shed at Station 52. It is SLPPOA’s attachment.

c. Legal – Dave Stuedell Reported: Paul Lisko included four items for the bylaw amendment revisions. They are straightforward and Paul will revise, and then send out for the Board and the attorney to review prior to sending out in the next mailing.
- Change the official due date in Article 3, Section 3. It was recommended that we just state January 1.
- Change Article 13, Section 1C: La Cueva VFD is not Sandoval County Fire and Rescue.
- Article 14: Left out the X.
- Special Assessment for Excess Water Usage, Section 5a and Section 6: Will change information around. Will also talk about the policy development on how the SLPPOA Board will conduct the special assessment.

Cindy Hines had a comment regarding the lot renaming and just changing the lot name in our bylaws won’t help. It needs to be changed through a quit-claim deed and recorded in Sandoval County. Cindy will be happy to do the research to see what happened and how to legally fix the issue in case the property may be sold in the future. It sounds like the wrong lot number was conveyed to the FD. The FD can convey back to the SLPPOA Board and then the Board can re-convey the correct lot number back to correct the issue. Paul Lisko stated that Scott Allen was the primary person at the membership meeting that was discussing the issue. Suggested that Cindy contact Scott and Lee Taylor for a meeting to discuss.

d. Firewise - Paul Lisko Reported : Ann Cooke was invited but was not present. The annual firewise preparedness workshop has been postponed until June 2020 or later. Ann was going to talk about the placement of a water tank by the Forest Service for fire suppression, but no updates. Paul received an email from Todd Haines at State Forestry. Another member wants timber marked on their property for thinning. Working on a date time for Todd to come up and mark the site. Paul will work on the no-blame/hold harmless clause for those thinning activities associated with Bootzin’s property.

Dave Stuedell noted that we are under a no-burn ban in Sandoval County. It is in place until June 30 for the Forest Service. Cindy asked that Paul forward the information regarding the burn ban for the newsletter.

e. Parks- Cindy and Tamara Reported: Nothing new but now that the snow is gone a park inspection will be conducted.

Paul Lisko mentioned that the new owner of 97 Amber Way would like to use the SLPPOA park adjacent to their property for horse grazing. They are requesting to rent the property for two horses they want to bring into the area. Paul is unsure if there is a method or means to do this. Cindy Hines stated that we should go look at it, so Tamara and Cindy will go out this weekend and inspect the parks and this space. They will report back to the Board what they find with the potential horse grazing area. Paul did state that there were no agreements or promises made, only that we would look at the area. Paul also mentioned that feeding materials should not seed the area with invasive species. The Board will wait on the report back from Cindy and Tamara. Harold Corn mentioned that this may be a well site that was given to the SLPPOA community from the developer and it had water rights associated with it for Unit 9. Ann Cooke and Judy Kilburg may have additional information.

f. Architectural – Josh Toennis Reported: 187 Trilobite updates sent to Peter and John for review. The residents at 100 Los Griegos moved their carport and are now in compliance with the requirements. Paul Lisko did follow-up with the website administrator to place Josh as the POC for this committee.


a) Tamara will check Google Drive regarding Fire Department Assumption. No updates.
b) Hold Harmless Agreement: Waiting on response from Tod Haines to put together in a single package.
c) Bootzin’s Property: Tamara Weary stated that there is an alternate path that she will hike over the weekend and report back to the Board at the next meeting.
d) VRBO, Paragraph VR3: A resident wanted to change the 2-weeks advance notice. It has been revised to state as soon as possible or within 2-weeks of a scheduled stay being booked. The change will go to Mike Schadt for posting.
e) Paid Garbage Service in SLPPOA: No movement reported and no additional updates provided. The SLPPOA member, Robert Eaton, has not moved forward with this idea. Any changes such as this must be brought to the Board prior to incorporation.



a) Developing a proposed water shut-off policy in conjunction with excess water usage policy.
b) Work on a leak forgiveness policy for members who are taking positive steps towards fixing the leaks.
c) How to deal with non-compliant water users in the community and water shut-off policy.
d) Respose from Sandoval County FD on any policies related to water usage during exigent circumstances.
e) Placement of water tanks/bladders by LCVFD for fire fighting purposes.
f) Placement of a water tank in SLP at Station 52.

10. NEXT MEETING: May 14, 2020 @ 1915

11. ADJOURN: Cindy Hines made a motion to adjourn. Dave Stuedell seconded the motion. All approved @ 2057.


Delinquent Accounts

Submitted by: Tamara Weary