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February 16, 2023

Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors Meeting

February 16th 2023, 6:43pm at the fire station

The meeting was called to order by the vice president Scott Dewitt, with the following members present: Keith Rigney, Scott Dewitt, Mana Babicz, Suzanne Star, Ann Cooke and Josh Toennis. David Stuedell, Amber Gaston Dewitt and John Hines were not in

Guests: Mary Moore, Harold Corn

Approval of agenda: Ann Cooke moved to approve the agenda of the February 16th meeting, seconded by ManaBabicz and, there being no opposition, motion carried. Approval of minutes: KeithRigney moved to approve the minutes of the January
meeting, seconded by AnnCooke and, there being no opposition, motion carried.

President (vacant)
Vice president (Scott DeWitt)
1) Ashley Lane issue
It was dealt with in the last meeting – decided to not do anything unless it’s escalated
2) Camper
A lady contacted the board asking what the bylaws state about her issue/question. She is in the process of purchasing a property (mobile home) in SLPPOA. She would like to demolish the mobile home and build a new house, and in the process of it live in a camper on the property. She would put a time restraint for the time living in a camper as to not break the bylaws. We would need to ask her questions like:
- are you tapping into the water, if yes, how?
- are you tapping into the electricity, if yes, how?
- do we have to monitor the debris coming off of the property?
Solution: she needs to submit an architectural control form for demolition and reconstruction. Once that is submitted the board will need to vote on her request.
3) ChickensAn association member messaged the board asking if she is able to have a few chickens on her property for her family’s use.
Solution: They can have chickens on their property. If they are planning on building a chicken hut, they have to submit an architectural form for the chicken hut. The board will then vote on it.
Secretary (Mana Babicz)
1) the January meeting minutes were submitted to the board
2) we will be sending out the newsletter quarterly; if needed the newsletter will be sent
out monthly. Keith Rigney made a motion to approve the Spring 2023 newsletter; Scott
Dewitt seconded.
3) a new member’s package is being put together
4) reimbursement for office supplies and stamps for $151.69. Scott Dewitt made a
motion for reimbursement, Keith Rigney seconded.
Treasurer (Suzanne Star)
1) The balance in accounts as of January 30, 2023 is as follows:
o operating account: $178,757.62
o reserve account: $45,676.84
o we have 6 delinquent accounts totaling $13,388.67. Liens have been filed on
each - per SLPPOA lien policy (accounts exceeding
o the amount of $1,989.70 was transferred to reserves
2) There are still 44 members that are outstanding (need to pay the HOA dues in full or
partial by April 1)
3) Scott Dewitt and Mana Babicz signed to be allowed to look at the bank accounts at
the Alliance Bank (through HOAMCO)
4) Audit is in process; Secretary of State report is finished.
5) Scott Dewitt has to go to the Enterprise bank in Los Alamos and sign paperwork to
gain access to the SLPPOA security box (treasurer and secretary also have access to
it). The treasurer has one key; the 2nd key to the security box was lost, a new one will be
ordered.6) Reimbursement of $199.04 for GoDaddy domain and C Panel hosting. Ann Cooke
moved to reimburse Suzanne, Mana Babicz seconded.
(Any reimbursement up to $500 can be sent to the board through email as an
awareness, and the treasurer will reimburse the person)
7) Reserve policy
Treasurer Suzanne Star wrote a draft for a reserve policy to get more funds in our
reserves and to protect the money that’s in there.
The board decided there is no need to have the policy in place because no one on the
board takes money out of the reserves just because they wanted to; the money taken
out of reserves is taken out because of emergencies, and it requires the board’s
There was a discussion about a special assessment; what the bylaws say about it, how
a special assessment would be implemented if there was an emergency that cost more
than the SLP has in the reserves etc.
The board is working on increasing the amount of money in our reserves but in case of
an event of running out of money, a special assessment will be one of the options
Water (John Hines)
Water System Maintenance:
 weekly well and pump inspection
 responded to water freeze up at 1268 Los Griegos Road. Unfroze homeowners
 read meters March 3
 Harold Corn repaired meter reading file
 Replaced 20’ frozen water main line at 071 Los Griegos Road with contractor
 levelcon to System 1 tanks level monitor is broken, getting repaired
 repaired broken water main on Cerro Pelado with contractor
 ran 500’ temporary line on Calypso for frozen water main
 investigated water leak at Aspen Grove well
 Found two ruptured lines to houses; one at 488 Aspen Grove (30,000 gallons)
and one at 1562 Los Griegos (95,000 gallons). Both houses were shut off at the
meter andhomeowners notified
System 1:
o the wells pumped 468,449gallons
o we used 250,361gallonso average daily household usage: 94gallons per day with a main leak rate at
53%. We lost 218,088 gallons.
o leak flags: 12, with 12 of those being repeated
o there were 9 users over 7,000, with 5 of those having leak flags
System 2:
o the wells pumped 225,760 gallons
o we used 223,623 gallons
o average daily household usage: 124.37 gallons with a main leak rate of
1%. We lost 2,137 gallons.
o leak flags: 7 identified
o there were 5 users over 7,000 gallons with no leak flag
Water system coliform/microbiological report
System 1 (sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 2/25/2023, RT 002, 241Trilobite Trail)
o total Coliform - absent
o total E. Coli - absent
o disinfected, residual 0.28mg/l
System 2 (sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 2/25/2023, RT 006, 1223 LosGriegos Road)
o total Coliform - absent
o total E. Coli - absent
o disinfected, residual 0.05 mg/l
Roads (Dave Stuedell)
Jonathan Morris’ truck for plowing broke down and he asked David Raue to help. He
agreed to plow and do the work for $1,500 which the board agreed to split with
Jonathan Morris.
David Raue didn’t finish his job because of a break on his truck as well.
The board will ask Jonathan Morris to find a permanent backup for plowing in case of an
Legal (vacant)
There are 6 delinquent accounts, one of them has been delinquent for 6 years. Suzanne
Star asked if we could contact the lawyer to see what are the requirements to foreclose
this person’s property.Ann Cooke said we are probably not the first lien holders of the property and that it
costs money to foreclose. We would most likely not be paid the money owed so it’s a
losing proposition.
Suzanne Star said she will only ask the lawyer what the cost would be.
Firewise (Ann Cook)
The Jemez Firewise Association met at a meeting. They have the same officers and
their biggest problem is that we need a WCPP (Wild land protection plan) to continue to
keep our firewise status. Usually the Sandoval county produces this but we aren’t sure
they will get it done this year.
Ann is thinking about writing the plan by herself so we can use the firewise status.
Architectural (Josh Toennis)
No new requests for the month. A member asked about having chickens (already
discussed under vice president).
Parks (Keith Rigney)
Parks are currently covered in snow.
Keith talked to Bobby Eaton about creating a new website for SLPPOA or taking over
the current one. Bobby asked about the coding of the website so Keith might connect
Mike and Bobby.
Keith asked the board and members to think about what we would want to see in the
They contacted Suzanne and within 2 weeks she should know about where we stand
about some possibilities on money and federal financing.
2) LCVFD/Sandoval county MoU
Lee Taylor said the MoU is in the Sandoval county legal office and we should be getting
a response back.
1) SLPPOA board notice email service
Suzanne Star sent the notice out to the board as a test. She asked the board for
approval to use it for the SLPPOA.Suzanne will appoint certain board members to have posting privileges (secretary,
roads, water maintenance).
2) Alice Slimmons
 Water freeze
Miss Alice brought up the water freeze on her street and asked if something could
be done in the future to prevent more water freezing.
Solution: the board will ask the people on Aztec Lane to leave their pipes open
through the night on very low to try to avoid freezing pipes. Although the board
knows this isn’t a permanent solution, it will be good enough for this winter as the
association doesn’t have much money in the reserves to fix water issues.
 Knicked landline
Miss Alice explained that during plowing their landline got knicked. They called
Windstream to come fix it but they are asking the association to dig it up for
Solution: Mary Moore was at the board meeting and is Alice Slimmons’ neighbor.
She said their landline was on her property and when they were plowing their front
yard they noticed it, didn’t know what it was, and they cut it. Mary Moore said Alice
Slimmons can come talk to her about the situation.
 4-8 foot burm
Miss Alice said there is a 4-8 foot wall of snow on the road before their driveway,
and it’s there because of plowing the roads.
Solution: hire the Morris boys to plow their driveway.

3) Water operator
It’s very likely that John Hines (our water operator) will not be renewing his contract. If
that happens the board needs to find a new water operator and should start planning for
that now.
Keith Rigney made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Scott Dewitt seconded, motion
carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:54pm on 2/16/2023.
Minutes submitted by Mana Babicz, SLPPOA secretary.