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March 14, 2023

Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners’ Association
Board of Directors Meeting
March 14th 2023, 6:36pm via Zoom
The meeting was called to order by the vice president Scott Dewitt, with the following
members present: Keith Rigney, Scott Dewitt, Mana Babicz, Suzanne Star, John Hines,
Amber Gaston Dewitt, Ann Cooke, Josh Toennis and David Stuedell.
Guests: Mary Moore, Harold Corn, Sandra Partridge, Paul Lisko, Barbara Van
Approval of agenda:Mana Babicz moved to approve the agenda of the February 16th
meeting, seconded by Amber Gaston Dewitt and, there being no opposition, motion
Approval of minutes: Suzanne Star moved to approve the minutes of the March
meeting, seconded by Dave Stuedell and, there being no opposition, motion carried.
President (vacant)
Vice president (Scott DeWitt)
Nothing new to report.
Secretary (Mana Babicz)
1) February 2023 minutes were submitted for approval.
2) Spring 2023 newsletter was sent out to the SLPPOA members (4 newsletters were
returned so we need to check the addresses)
Treasurer (Suzanne Star)
1) The balance in accounts as of February 28, 2023 is as follows:
o operating account: $174,477.93
o reserve account: $47,671.81
o we have 6 delinquent accounts (from past years) totaling $20,328. Liens have
been filed on each - per SLPPOA lien policy (accounts exceeding$500)
o the amount of $1,989.70 was transferred to reserves
o System 1 -$23,685 balanceo System 2 -$13,700 balance
2) Delinquent accounts
Besides the 6 delinquent accounts from past years, there are 25 outstanding accounts
for the HOA dues for year 2023, totaling $21,373.
On April 15th, the first notice will be sent out for members to pay their HOA dues.
The board discussed what the best option is to get all the members to pay their HOA
dues. The board decided to send out warnings and if need be, to shut down water to the
members that haven’t paid (per the bylaws section 8, under assessments).
3) Reserve policy
Suzanne Star made a motion to approve the reserve policy and the motion was not
The board’s opinion is that the policy draft is not accurate on all points so the topic will
be revisited when the draft is corrected.
4) SLPPOA email notification is up and running; David Stuedell, John Hines, Harold
Corn and Mana Babicz have posting privileges.
Water (John Hines)
1) Water System Maintenance:
 Weekly well and pump inspection
 Responded to homeowner’s waterline break at 34 Cerro Pelado Trail. Shut off
water and assisted in repair
 Harold Corn repaired meter reading file
 Levelcon to system 1 and system 2 tanks level monitor are broken and are
getting repaired
 Investigated water leak at Aspen Grove well
 Met with Scott Christianson to monitor well water depths
 Met with New Mexico State to take well water samples
System 1:
o the wells pumped 493,490 gallons
o we used 246,045 gallons
o average daily household usage: 90 gallons per day with a main leak rate
at 50%. We lost 247,445 gallons.
o leak flags: 9, with 9 of those being repeatedo there were 8 users over 7,000, with 5 of those having leak flags
System 2:
o the wells pumped 289,980 gallons
o we used 295,008 gallons
o average daily household usage: 164 gallons with a main leak
undetermined. We lost an undetermined amount of gallons
o leak flags: 9 identified
o there were 3 users over 7,000 gallons with 2 leak flags
2) Monthly Water System Coliform/Microbiological Report
System 1 (sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 3/25/2023, RT 005, 631 Aspen Grove)
o total coliform - absent
o total E. Coli - absent
o disinfected, residual 0.08mg/l
System 2 (sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 3/25/2023, RT 003, 136 Mimbres Way)
o total coliform - absent
o total E. Coli - absent
o disinfected, residual 0.10 mg/l
Roads (Dave Stuedell)
1. Cinders need to be bought (around $2,000)
2. The roads were graded; we were waiting for the mud to be better. Los Griegos roads
are barely drivable so we need gravel to be put on the mud before we can work on it.
3. Paul Lisko: the Jemez Mountain Firewise Association came across some funds that
would provide some relief from the Cero Pelado fire (just a little over $2,000).
Legal (vacant)
Firewise (Ann Cook)
1) There is a new ranger for the district.
2) There was an emergency planning meeting on April 8 at 9am, at the Jemez Baptist
church in La Cueva.
3) There is still money available if anyone wants to use the grant to thin trees on their
property.Architectural (Josh Toennis)
1) There is a potential buyer for one of the lots and they asked if they could submit an
architectural request before they buy; yes, that shouldn’t be a problem.
2) There was a person asking about setting a shop on their property, what the laws and
restrictions are for that. They said they will be submitting a request soon.
Parks (Keith Rigney)
1) Parks are covered in snow.
2) Keith received an email from USDA on March 6th (from Christen Chavez). There may
be an opportunity for assistance/reimbursement for the Cerro Pelado fire. Scott Dewitt
will follow up with her.
1) President’s chair
Scott Dewitt volunteers to take over leading the meetings, Mana Babicz volunteers to
take over creating and sending out the agenda.
2) Special assessment purpose
There has been discussion on how to raise the reserve funds. Per the bylaws we can’t
issue a special assessment for that purpose; we can utilize it for special projects.
The board discussed water billing and will look into pursuing it. Scott Dewitt made a
motion to pursue water billing, Suzanne Star seconded. Motion carried.
3) Director’s terms
The board looked at how long everyone’s been on the board and how many years they
have left before they need to be re-elected.
1) Barbara Van Ruyckevelt: recommendation on the Salazar project, the reserve
account and the list server notification service – she will present this at the next board
meeting in person.
2) Water operator contractor – will be discussed in the executive session.
3) Deferred/preventative maintenance projects proposal list for 2023 – with/without
special assessment: there are many projects that need to happen in the association.
The board will look into estimates for it and see if special assessment would be needed
to cover the costs and avoid taking money from the reserves.4) FEMA residents’ applications
The board isn’t quite sure how the process works but will look into it. The homeowners
need to decide how they would like to handle the situation of the Cerro Pelado fire. They
need to contact Theresa Greeno on the application process.
Scott Dewitt made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mana Babicz seconded, motion
carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:40pm on 3/14/2023.
Minutes submitted by Mana Babicz, SLPPOA secretary.