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August 8, 2023

Sierra los Pinos Board Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2023

Board Members Present: Scott DeWitt, Amber Gaston DeWitt, Ann Cooke, Suzanne Star, Keith Rigney, John Hines, Josh Toennis (came late)

Board Members absent: Dave Stuedell

Guests: Barbara van Ruyckevelt, Mary Moore, Daniel Wirth, Harold Corn

Meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. Scott DeWitt presiding.

Agenda approved. June, July, August minutes still not available.

Vice President report – DeWitt will attend the meeting at the Jemez Valley Baptist Church on August 12 and will bring receipt and evidence of road repairs necessitated after the Cerro Pelado fire.

Treasurer report – Star
Operating accounts: $112,724.22 + $25,010.57 (ICS)
Reserve account: $57,667.79 ($1,9897.70 transferred last month)

Remaining budget:
For water: $25K
For roads: $23K

Delinquent accounts: Amount has dropped by $2K from $18K to $16,948.95 because the two residents on payment plans have begun paying monthly. A discussion followed concerning a new resident of SLP who is 100% disabled and is delinquent in his payments. The consensus was to handle this resident at the Board’s discretion.

Another discussion occurred concerning whether to consider raising the annual assessment for 2024 by 10% or not. The majority of the Board felt it would be prudent to hold off on this decision until after the vote on water billing occurs. The issue was tabled for now.

Hot topics:
1) Exposed main line repair – Hines is awaiting an estimate from Raue for this.

2) Aspen Grove well leak – The repair has been finished and has resulted in a BIG reduction in the leak rate in System 1. Current data show a leak rate of only 19%. Corn advised to gather another month’s data on System 1 before confirming this number. But if it holds, it will be the best and lowest leak rate ever recorded on System 1. Moore reminded the Board that when leak tests were first conducted by M. Stanley and team, the rate was in the 70% range on System 1.

3) Fire hydrant repairs – parts have been ordered but have not yet arrived.

Water report – Hines
This is Hines last month on the job and last Board meeting. He plans to be active as a volunteer in the community when needed. He reported that water usage was very high in July, mostly because it has been very hot and dry. But one household used 224,465 gallons last month and 130,000 the month before. Discussion followed on what to do about such usage and the frustration about not being able to curtail this abuse. Cooke stated that she thought the Board had the authority, but not the courage, to deal with this problem. Others disagreed whether the bylaws allow the Board to levy fees or penalties for excess water usage. All agreed it is a thorny issue, and one that hasn’t been resolved. Nor was it resolved during this meeting. All agreed it needs attention.

Road report – Stuedell (not present)
De Witt reported that he worked with Stuedell to order the right road material (base course). Stuedell brought up an issue that upsets him, namely, that reimbursement for this vender (JPR) is problematic and that he has had to use his own credit card to pay for the road material. He then is reimbursed months later. Not happy about the situation.
Rigney talked about the overgrowth of plants and bushes on the sides of the road in the subdivision resulting in some troublesome blind spots. Asked what could be done about this. He was assured he could cut back plants in the road easements. Hines said that one such problem was a tree about to fall on the road. He planned to cut it down soon.

Water management team report
The team made the corrections to the introduction of their proposal requested by the Board. It now reads: “The SLPPOA Board directed the Water Management Team (WMT) to pursue water billing and the WMT team has developed this proposal to resolve the need to adequately fund the water system on a sustainable basis by setting and maintaining rates and assessments that are fairly structured for SLP property owners. In order to implement this proposal a change in the Bylaws is required but must be approved through a vote of the community.”
Nothing else in the proposal changed. It will go out to members before the September annual meeting.

Architecture – Toennis
Lots of inconclusive discussion about what to do about “guest houses,” “little houses,” casitas or other structures considered a second residence on SLP lots. The association covenants state that only one residence per lot is allowed. But these rules were written years ago and may have been superseded by recently enacted rules in Sandoval and Bernalillo counties. Star stated that in the past when a resident overlooked SLP’s architectural rules, a letter was sent to the offending party and it was filed to prove the association attempted to enforce its rules. If later lawsuits arise about such issues, the association has documentation to prove it has acted responsibly. It was agreed that that might be all that can be done.

Firewise – Cooke stated that the community’s enrollment as a Firewise community may help residents get or retain their property insurance. She said Sandoval County is working on a communitywide fire protection plan to allow us to retain the Firewise status.

Parks – Rigney. Park still not mowed.

New Business
Plans were drawn up for the September 9 annual meeting and the vote for new Board members. Three people have submitted profiles: Wirth, Tasnim, and Smith. There are six openings on the Board. Star has the electronic files with label information, ballot instructions, and other administrative files associated with voting. She will turn these over to A. DeWitt and Cooke who will buy the materials and will perform the duties of getting out the vote. The Water Management Team will give a presentation on the water billing proposal and will take questions from the membership at the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.

Next meeting scheduled for September 12, 2023, at fire station.