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September 9, 2023

Annual Meeting 09/09/20231Annual Meeting 09/09/2023
Meeting starts at 2:07 PM
Attendees (not a complete list)

Anne Cooke
Dylan Lyman
Justin Owens
Sally Hunter
Carolyn Corn
Harold Corn
Suzanne Star
Judy Kilburg
John Nyhan
Keith Rigney
Samantha Rigney
Sandy Roylos
Marsha Gaillouv
Joe Brophy
Cheryl Sowder
Terry Stright
Angela Meilke
Dawn Filer
Matt Filer
Donna Smith
Barbara VanRuyekevelt
Lissa Moore
Juston Moore
Tyler Gilstrap
Ed Partridge
Sandy Partridge
Daniel Wirth
Farita Tasnim
William Stellwag
Shawn Amburgey
Russel Lyon
Sara Lyon
Matthias Hochanadel
Tersa Hansen
Kurt Standley
Kyle Spielvogel

Anne Cooke tries to motion to accept last year’s meeting minutes, but no quorum yet,
so cannot proceed.
Paul Lisko and Harold Corn present on the Water Billing Proposal developed by the
Water Management Team
Issue: leaks, outages, line replacements, generally unsustainable water system
Proposal: Water billing could provide a stream of money and open up the possibility
of receiving grants and loans for expensive water system upgrades
Alternative Option 1 - Status Quo
This option will
deplete reserves with each emergency,
prevent long-term planning,
burn out the water operator, and
rely on volunteer support, which is not reliable.
The annual increase of 10% of HOA dues is not enough to cover even the
expected increases in system fixes and maintenance required with the current
Alternative Option 2 - Special Assessments
This option will require a quorum of at least 2/3 of the community to vote, and at
least 2/3 of those voters in favor.
Annual Meeting 09/09/20232The proposed special assessment could be up for vote more than once.
Urgent Projects
System 2 booster pump line exposed (because of water runoff from the Cerro
Pelado fire) - 1K
System 1 meadow main line replacement - 8K
Dead end branch lines - 21K
Replace Meadow well pump line? - 3K (prefer Schedule 80 PVC pipe)
System 1 Ashley Lane main line section replacement - 25K
Professional engineering report for continuity between administrations (10-15K)
Update metering system (70K)
Badger system & meters
residential leak detection
system main line leak calculation, from water audits
excessive use awareness
two-way communication from meters and reader
Option 3 (Proposed) - Water Billing
Increased water conservation
Demonstrating financial responsibility for external funding
Allow for long-term planning for water system infrastructure upgrades
Would require 60% of all members to vote in favor of the proposed By-Law
If a resident requires help, there is a Low Income Water Assistance Program for
those who needs help
This would require software for the billing system
Proposing a 2 cent per gallon charge
Annual Meeting 09/09/20233The money from water billing would go into a separate account that is used only
for funding water projects
The vote will be in late October
Questions from residents on the Water Billing Proposal:
Bill Stellwag
Why doesn’t the $400 from the annual HOA dues go into the water account
too? Why does it go into a general account?
Lisko - Water billing will account only for water system projects, not regular
maintenance and system upkeep (which is funded by the general account).
Keith Rigney - The general account allows for jockeying up the funds as
needed for water, roads, and snow removal.
Justin Owens
If we raise funds is there an explicit intention to reduce the rate after the
proposed projects are finished?
Lisko - It’s up to the new board, so it’s not guaranteed.
Juston Moore
How does this interact with the amendment to the by-laws posed most recently
on water?
Lisko - That did not pass. It was actually a set of several proposals, none of
which passed.
The 2 cents per gallon charge would set us up as one of the highest prices for
water utilities in the state of New Mexico
Lisko - Part of it is accounting for the fact that the system itself is just bad,
and needs to be replaced.
John Nyhan
Voicing opinion on the proposal having too many fines and not liking the
language of the proposal document.
Annual Meeting 09/09/20234Keith Rigney
The $90K over budget we went in 2022 was not entirely due to water. 50-60K of
that was due to legal fees, and only about 30K was due to replacing pipe to fix
leaks on Los Griegos
The current leak rate is less than 20% (combined System 1 and System 2)
The system is more than 30 years old.
The current dues are $1100 / year. If water billing passes, the average
household uses 4200 gallons per month, which would result in approximately
70% increase in “dues”
Lisko’s response - Water billing would not be considered “dues”. Just
paying for consumption of resources.
Was told he wasn’t wanted the WMT meetings
Shawn Amburgey
Is the issue that we don’t have enough water? I thought the aquifers are
actually getting larger
Lisko - That’s right. The water billing is for the urgent and deferred projects,
including water system upgrades
The leaks actually go back into the aquifer.
Donna Smith - Yes, but it takes several years.
Why would new members have to pay for past mistakes?
Lisko - HOA dues have always been insignificant.
Donna - We’ve gotten more and more behind as time has passed
Anne - Understanding of why now is that last year was a very difficult year
due to the Cerro Pelado fire, which caused anxiety from the pressure of the
resulting costs, a recurring heavy leak could not be found for a long time,
which led to thoughts and anxiety about having to replace the entire system
Justin Owens
Can we get money from the government due to the Cerro Pelado fire? Also
those with many people living in their household will be paying more for water.
Annual Meeting 09/09/20235Lisko - It may be an option to receive money from the NFS due to the CP
fire. We hope that water billing will reduce each household’s water
Marsha Gaillour
President of the HOA for a community in Albuquerque, where HOA fees had not
been raised in a long time. This year was finally raised from $150 - $245 in
dues (per month?). The community water costs $115/month (per person?). For
many years they had only $17K in reserves. Only recently were they able to get
to $90K, so they may now have the down payment for a loan they need. They
did a study in 2008 that recommended them to raise their HOA dues, but they
didn’t, and therefore 2 million in revenue was foregone. Encouraging everyone
to think ahead (long-term planning) for water system infrastructure. Need to
have 10% down for most loans.
Dylan Lyman
When costs are met for the new system, will the additional cost for residents be
Lisko - That option can be presented to the new board, and there will need
to be a vote.
Worried about giving free reign to the board to increase prices by half a cent per
gallon every year.
Lisko - The majority of the board would have to be in favor in order to do
that rate hike.
Emphasizing need for volunteer work
Member, unknown name, recently bought Sabine’s former house on Mimbres Way
Is there an estimate of how many years would be required to get the money to
pay for projects?
Lisko - We’d estimate getting a maximum of $6K from water billing per
month, so $70K a year. The number of years would depend on water
project priorities.
Annual Meeting 09/09/20236So is water billing a permanent fixture?
Lisko - Not sure. It depends on the membership, with a potential new vote
proposed by a new board
Justin Owens
How are you soliciting for volunteers? Haven’t been informed of any efforts
Lisko, Donna - Often word of mouth. Sometimes Facebook. We need a
better system of soliciting for volunteers in the community.
The water infrastructure is deteriorating every year. The frequency of water
outages is increasing every year. Some of our neighbors, like the Partridges,
didn’t have water all of last winter. Improvements to the infrastructure could help
prevent all of these things.
Lissa Moore
Can we hear more about special assessment? Some possible numbers and
timeline with that option?
Lisko - Not sure special assessments work historically
Concerned the board will keep hiking the per gallon rate of water billing
Keith R - Is it a membership vote or a board vote to raise the rate?
Lisko - Checking the wording of the proposed by-law, it would require
the majority of the board, not the membership
Sandy Partridge
Been here for 36 years. This is the second winter we’ve had no water. The
community’s water system has never been good, and we’ve always struggled to
chase leaks and other problems with it. It’s not an issue of new members having
to pay for past mistakes. It’s always been this way, and everyone would be
paying to have a better system.
Annual Meeting 09/09/2023710% increase in dues only renders $17K per year. That wouldn’t allow for any
long-term planning. It is most fair for each person to pay for how much water
they use.
Another possibility is for members to approve higher HOA dues, say 25%
Tersa Hansen
What would you do if people don’t pay water billing?
Lisko - That protocol is outlined in the document.
Anne Cooke concluding water discussion. Wants to make motion to accept last year’s
minutes, but no quorum.
Lisko raising issue of “emergency” route wording to be changed to “alternate access
route” for fire escape, which would be gated (and controlled by the fire department).
Anne Cooke reads statements from board members not present
Scott Mandela
Please check with Cuba Soil and Water Grant to have your property properly
thinned. Email the board to learn more.
Please come to the board meetings to voice your concernts
Josh Toennis
There were 5 architectural requests this year, all approved
Dave Stuedell
Aiming to grade roads in September - $35K
Partridges - Calypso road needs base course
Anne on the Cerro Pelado fire
Annual Meeting 09/09/20238Jemez Mountain Firewise Assn (JMFA) got donation from LANL Foundation to
purchase culverts to repair Aspen Grove.
Please thank Josh, Keith, and Harold for putting in the culvert on Aspen Grove
Lisko on water tank
President of the JMFA - got $25K grant from Santa Fe for a 30K gallon tank for fire
suppression - with this, your insurance rates may go down. Working with the Fire
service to make a new road from FR10 to connect this new tank
Anne Cooke
Please pass around this document and sign to indicate your efforts on reducing fire
risk on your personal property so we can continue our firewise status this quarter -
need also 2 dollars per member
The Cuba Soil and Water grant is paying for 70 or 80% of your efforts to thin your
property (if you thin to their standard)
Suzanne on budget / Treasurer’s statement
2022 budget was very expensive. Four categories - Admin (insurance,
management, legal), water, roads, and snow removal
146K budget not including reserves
258K expenses
Accommodated by taking ~92K out of reserves
Had 128K before this, now way behind
Currently cannot afford to replace anything in the water system
56K to water system emergencies
36K to flooding on Calypso and Aspen
In March, Water System 2 had repairs
Annual Meeting 09/09/20239September, Calypso repairs - line replacement from Aspen to comingle (not
done yet) - 17K quote and 32K bill so far, 1000 ft of line, and job not done year
We also have an unpaid 44K invoice from a contractor we fired who was
working on meadow line replacement
Now, back up to $57K in reserves.
146K budget
YTD expenses 74K (spent the minimal, only on urgent repairs)
72K left to get through 5 months, and have only 57K right now available
We might need 40K for grading roads.
Let’s hope no emergencies arise
All numbers are posted on SLPPOA website
Can you propose a special assessment to raise reserves?
Anne, Suzanne, Lisko - Not sure, it might be possible. Though people tend
to not vote in favor of special assessments because it’s a big financial
burden all at once.
We’ve also had some delinquent accounts - 16K underpaid, 1 is a vacant lot,
and 2 are unoccupied homes. They are on liens now, to be paid off by
December. We have no more money to spend on legal. If anyone needs help
with payments, come to the board to set up a payment plan. 2024 budget will
be decided by new board and sent out Dec 1st. We’ve been having lots of
problems with contractors not coming out or charging too much for jobs
Can’t we put out bids for each job?
Annual Meeting 09/09/202310Anne - possibly
Can we use FEMA money for the Calypso road replacement? Would residents
or the HOA apply?
Lisko - There will be an office set up soon for folks to file such claims. Not
sure if it would be residents or association for the Calypso road.
Keith - The legal wording is the “landowner” will file the claim. What that is
for a neighborhood road, we’d have to figure out.
Kyle Spielvogel
Can the HOA do a loan?
Why not just increase the HOA dues by 30%?
People running for the board introduce themselves
On the ballot
Donna Smith
Daniel Wirth
Farita Tasnim
Barbara (by Suzanne)
Angela Mielke (self)
Anne Cooke, maybe (self)
Suzanne - Come to the board meeting this coming Tuesday for the board vote
Marsha - Can we start sending out the Zoom link again for board meetings?
Suzanne - Maybe. We’ll see.
Annual Meeting 09/09/202311Adjourned roughly 5PM