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November 14, 2023

SLPPOA November Board
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Call to order 6:32 PM
Scott Dewitt
Ann Cooke
Donna Smith
Suzanne Star
Barbara Van Ruyckevelt
Angela Mielke
Dave Stuedell
Farita Tasnim
Daniel Wirth
Paul Lisko
Mary Moore
Tim Umscheid
Donna - motion to approve agenda up until 8:30PM - passes
Ann - motion to approve agenda - passes
SLPPOA November Board Meeting
1Scott - 2 hour time limit
Farita - will incorporate changes on October minutes from board members (will approve
next meeting)
Ann makes a motion to increase the dues 10% for HOA for 2024. All approve and
motion passes.
Farita about newsletter
What to put in? Cleaning of culverts + filling of cinder barrels from Dave, Donna will
send electronic suggestions, winterizing faucets - winter prep in general, Suzanne
has sent suggestions via email, & that SLPPOA is not affiliated with the FB group,
see water projects completed per Harold’s document
In 2 weeks Farita will send a draft
Farita will bring new member HOA Law certification form
Suzanne about 2024 budget
Donna suggests to remove 6800 from Reserve Study and put it into Reserves
Dave suggests to consider CD investments, maybe once the reserves go up in 2024
Donna makes a motion to accept budget with removing 6800 from Reserve Study -
Suzanne about JM Elec Coop $5400 invoice, an 811 issue
Scott mentions it was due to JM Elec Coop marking their own line incorrectly
John tried to call JM Elec Coop to address it
Ann will try again
Donna suggests getting 811 report for that date to document the line locate
SLPPOA November Board Meeting
2Suzanne - $105,000 in operating account; reserve has $68,000
Hot Topics
1. Angela will send the HOA Law certification form to Farita
2. FEMA application for flooding damage - Cheryl Sowder looked into it - doing so
with Jill - Ann doesn’t have much hope: They won’t reimburse anything already
paid. They could also argue they won’t help private or association land
3. Fire hydrant parts are in the shed (Harold)
4. Paul - speaking about email from Jack Nyhan being posted on Facebook. Scott
& Donna - board doesn’t own the FB group, so it’s not a board issue. It’s a
private chat so it has to be taken up with private owners. Scott - will ask group .
Ann makes motion to put in the newsletter that SLPPOA is not affiliated with the
FB group
1. Suzanne reviewed the benefits of a second water billing vote that included (see
attachment). She makes a motion to accept a 2nd vote on water billing .
Barbara seconds. Discussion begins
a. Scott: It’s not an education issue. Just putting out the same proposal with
different wrapping doesn’t make sense.
b. Ann makes a point that not voting is not necessarily “Abstain” - it could also
be a silent “No”
c. Angela makes a point that the vote represents the membership’s feedback
so we shouldn’t go out for a second vote
d. Donna - The process for a by-law change is very cumbersome - we
shouldn’t do it again.
e. Scott - We shouldn’t waste more money on the process
f. Daniel - Also doesn’t support it unless there’s a dramatic change in the
SLPPOA November Board Meeting
3g. Angela - Our goal is working water, so let’s try a different approach.
h. Scott - two biggest issues: 1 - expensive, and 2 - no detailed implementation
i. Angela - The membership understand that the water system needs fixing,
but don’t want water billing
j. Ann - The solution for fixing the water system should be split out into one
decision at a time
k. Membership:
i. Tim Umscheid - suggests water billing capped at 2%, what does a bank
that might give a loan care to see?
ii. Paul Lisko - USDA, DOE could give grants but need to see revenue
iii. Mary Moore - Need to make the case that we need quite a bit more
l. Farita - will only consider putting out for a second vote if I see a new
proposal that’s quite different.
m. Motion fails 7-2 (Barbara and Suzanne voted in favor)
2. Donna makes a motion to disband the Water Management Team, so the board
from now on will handle water management. Ann seconds. All in favor, passes.
a. We need to remove WMT email for the board, or forward to water chair
3. 811 locate responses
a. Jonathan Morris will take lead on that. Daniel is on the email list, has done a
line locate with Harold. Suzanne will put Harold and Scott on the list as well.
b. Ann makes a motion to compensate Jonathan (or Harold) between 25-100
dollars per task, depending on the difficulty of the tasks involved. Ann will
write up a written agreement. Donna seconds. Motion passes
4. Ann has a lead on a water operator, a lead from Jonathan Morris - won’t be
followed until 1-2 months from now
SLPPOA November Board Meeting
4a. Donna makes a motion to authorize Ann to pursue this lead. Scott seconds.
Motion passes
b. NM Rural Water Association has Apprenticeship Program which Daniel
might pursue, but nevertheless is happy with Ann pursuing her lead
5. Water system repair progress
a. See attachment from Harold on completed projects
6. Paul - speaking on Water Leadership Institute, to be invited to water leadership
7. Daniel filed well usage reports with Mike, Suzanne asks to send them to the
board as well - Daniel will follow up with Mike. Daniel also hasn’t received
anything regarding compliance reports (Suzanne says they should come via mail
from Frank)
1. Dave says the budget looks a little low for who we’ve been using for grading -
We might need to find a cheaper contractor
2. Suzanne suggests there might be a way to reduce the cost with a different
3. Angela - Long term, as we fix sections of water we should fix sections of road
1. 3 approvals
2. Want to pull together something on interpretation of setbacks - Donna will bring
it to the board - will use same definitions as county zoning ordinances
3. Donna sent research on Accessory Dwelling Units - will several months later
take a stab at interpreting ADUs when the state comes back with invalidating the
4. Airbnb Policy → (1) Not permit, but registration, (2) no parking plat, (3) no notary
SLPPOA November Board Meeting
5a. Donna makes a motion to accept these three changes to the registration
form. Ann seconds. Motion passes, Suzanne voting against.
1. Ann has submitted funds worked on volunteer hours - 450K of labor/real money
spent on the mountain (was only required 19K for the HOA)
2. Ann submitted an attempt at what was required for risk assessment
1. Tim here - weeded Black bear park recently, huge limb in the middle of the park
that needs to be removed
Long Range Planning
1. Barbara suggests to conduct a partial Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) -
Barbara presented a proposal from Wilson & Co. for $22,790 “recommending
improvements and estimated costs” - need to-scale map of water system, and
several other pieces of information regarding the state of the water system and
what’s not working.
a. Angela - we already tabled the reserve study for later during the budget
discussion, so we can come back to PER in 2025
2. Barbara wants to take “Long Range Planning” off her name on the title of the
3. Donna wants to outline a 1-3, 3-5, and 5-10 year plan. Asked Daniel and Harold
for items in the 1-3 year plan.
4. Paul - bid from Wilson & Co. and NV5 already did a CAD report (Paul had sent it
to Suzanne - Suzanne will send this info the board) - Paul will send a
comparison of 3 bid prices to the board
5. Let’s table it until we’ve seen more numbers.
SLPPOA November Board Meeting
66. Donna offers to take on Long Term Planning. At some point we’ll have a
planning session that’s not a regular board meeting.
New Business
1. Donna makes a motion to come up with a new proposal for increasing the 2024
Annual Assessment. Scott seconds. Discussion:
a. Suzanne - Potential new laws which might question board’s authority to
raise dues mid-term - might need legal guidance
b. Motion passes
2. Donna - website doesn’t have official address of board, 950 Forest Road 10 -
Farita to put it on the new website
3. Old business from Paul - talked with Jeremy Goldsmith about fixing high road
(Forest Road 4 AM) off of Forest Road 10 - Jeremy will email the board about
Ann makes a motion to adjourn at 8:29 PM. Scott seconds. Motion passes.
Next meeting: Dec 12, 2023
SLPPOA November Board Meeting