SLPPOA December Board
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Ann calls meeting to order 6:32 PM
Ann Cooke
Donna Smith
Suzanne Star
Barbara Van Ruyckevelt
Dave Stuedell
Farita Tasnim
Daniel Wirth
Scott Dewitt (arriving 7:25 PM)
Matthias Hochanadel
Tersa Hansen
Mark Woodcomb (sp?)
Ashley D’Anna
Tim Umscheid
Tiana Wary (sp?) (new fire dept POC for SLPPOA)
Scott Gould
SLPPOA December Board Meeting
1Holly Gould
Elizabeth Spicehead
Mary Moore
Amberlin Pacheco
Suzanne motions to approve the agenda. Donna seconds. Agenda approved.
Donna motions to approve the October minutes. Farita seconds. Agenda approved.
Harold joins the meeting.
Ann Cooke, VP
Regarding 811 Request - no further action
In March 2022, Jemez Mtn Electric Coop (JMEC) did an electric line locate in Los
Griegos, then 4 days later did another line locate, then the next day (March 25th) a
truck hit an electric line (while digging up for water) - Hines called for emergency
locate. JMEC then fixed the issue. JMEC then billed SLPPOA for 5K for that
incident, 8 months later (see details in attachment)
Water operator status - Donna talked to Jemez Springs, who directed her to Jemez
Pueblo Public Works Dept.
Farita Tasnim, Secretary
Suzanne and Farita will sit down and discuss website renewal through GoDaddy
Mail the December newsletter hardcopy - and ask for emails from residents. We will
phase into electronic copy via email. And those that don’t send us their emails, we
can send hardcopy next time around.
Suzanne Star, Treasurer
SLPPOA December Board Meeting
2End of November Operating: 74K Reserve: 65K, 2K left for water, 12K for roads,
16K in delinquent accounts (all not on payment plans have liens on the property)
Payment plans: One resident: ~700, The other: ~600. It’s in their payment
agreement: could be subject to water service disconnect (within 30 days) and/or
property lien if they do not finish paying off by end of December.
Daniel Wirth, Water
Donna, Harold, and Daniel met to come up with a 3-year work plan (2024-2026),
getting cost estimates in for all capital projects
Donna: 2023 Community Confidence Report (results of water sampling) should
have been posted in July. We need to track it down and post it on the website
Legal - Empty
Dave Stuedell, Roads
All in good shape. Planning to grade next September - if anyone has
recommendations, let Dave know.
Donna asking for estimate for work plan for road improvements after water sections
that get dug up in future projects like Aztec / Hovenweep (Ann / Dave will send
some suggestions)
Member: Are you taking bids for road projects? Would be willing to grade the roads
for less than 40K (will get into contact with Dave)
Member: Are we going to do fill-in? Dave: the best thing is to identify sections where
we’re getting close to water lines and take those on one at a time.
Member: Recommending calling Teresa Ledger Fernandez to recoup costs due to
damage from fire. Ann reports that J. Mumford said that costs already paid would
not be reimbursed (also property ownership issues, are the roads private or
SLPPOA property?). Member will contact Ann with more info and they might try
We have cinders - help yourself as needed.
SLPPOA December Board Meeting
3Donna Smith, Architecture
Is it a good idea for board members to be on the committee? Elizabeth (member)
volunteers. Potentially need 1 more member. If no more volunteers, we can take a
board volunteer.
Suggests that at the next board meeting we look over the Interim Assessment
(which would be a membership vote if/when approved by the board; quorum: 2/3,
60% of those must vote in favor to pass, etc details in By-Laws for votes on
Has draft of long-term plan, spending a lot of time gathering information for what our
current infrastructure (+ what it costs to maintain / replace for each component of
the water system) looks like so as to better inform how to proceed with future plans
The document includes plan for all domains: financials, water, roads, parks,
We need a Records Retention Policy (how long to keep each type of document)
Ann suggests keeping minutes, legal documents, anything needed for future
decisions. Otherwise suggests to get rid of anything older than 7 years. Would
like to see a record of board policy decisions collected in one place to be
handed off to future board members.
Donna and Daniel (and maybe Ann periodically) willing to come and start
sorting records, one chunk at a time.
Mary suggests keeping all documents scanned and saved online, and so
nothing should be shredded.
Dave suggests keeping all important documents in Google Drive, and not
digitizing non-important docs.
Scott Dewitt, President, joins the meeting at 7:25 pm
Ann Cooke, Firewise - nothing to report
Tim Umscheid (guest volunteer for Parks) - nothing to report
SLPPOA December Board Meeting
4Any member comments?
POC for fire department:
Asks to add to the agenda a slot for any questions for Fire Dept.
Would like to have a book for each property with house location and propane
tank location, elevation, etc. Wants to have this by coming summer. Would help
with structure fire, wildland fire, and EMS calls. Would like to have board’s
backing for this - will present a whitepaper to the board.
Donna: Also wants to mark locations on map to where we can put fire
POC: will talk to Chief about if the water system could support that. We
could find locations for drop tanks.
Scott Dewitt made an official FB page for SLPPOA. Talked to the administrator (Brittney)
of the other unofficial FB page about putting a banner on the page which says it’s
Suggestions for Dec newsletter:
Scott: FB page for SLPPOA
Ann: If people want to get ahead on assessments - can add extra money after
paying 2024 assessment.
Scott makes a motion to adjourn at 7:32 PM. Farita seconds. All approve.
SLPPOA December Board Meeting