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March 12, 2024

@March 12, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting
Not present:
Scott, Dave
Ann motions to accept the agenda as amended. Suzanne seconds. Motion passes.
Donna motions to accept the minutes from Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb as corrected. Suzanne seconds.
Motion passes.
President Scott Dewitt
Not present
Vice President Ann Cooke
Discussing Bootzinʼs request to join SLPPOA Donna:
Bylaws define eligible lot as one that was originally platted with the county
So, the request is to supply water out of the Association
Also the current by-laws do not allow incorporating this property with the house
(where the water is requested) into SLPPOA
Also a precedent was set by denying Hotchkissʼ request to supply water to their lot
March 12, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting
1Has known Bootzin for 50 years
Drilled original wells for the subdivision
Have sufficient water rights
System 2 lot is on Cerro Pelado
We do have an extra meter and meter can available for tying in this lot Catherine
Coulter representing herself and Bob Bootzin:
Unit 6 Lot 2 ( the correct lot is Unit 5 Lot 2) could join the Association, and can
water be taken over to the neighboring property with the house, e.g.
(hypothetically) in a tank in her truck?
Donna - no, it cannot cross the boundary of the association
No desire or intention to sell the water
Would like to write it up in a legal manner, whether MOU Memorandum of
Understanding) or otherwise Angela:
Feels like a gray area - to take water from the lot in SLPPOA “hand carriedˮ over to
the lot outside of SLPPOA
Star suggested that Bootin could build and reside on their lots (Unit 5 Lot 2) and have
access to water.
Donna makes a motion that water cannot be moved outside the association for the benefit
of non-members. Barbara seconds. 4 in favor Ann, Suzanne, Barbara, Donna), 3 abstain
Daniel, Farita, Angela). Motion passes.
Ann presents a revised Excessive Use Policy.
Leaving the fifth clause on Unintended Excessive Use? Yes, with footnote incorporated
into the clause
Also add in Article X, Section 8 to the fourth clause
Donna: This is not an assessment, but an “Action by the Membersˮ Article II Section 5
March 12, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting
2Suzanne: Can we have an attorney look at this proposal to determine if it is legal?
Donna: This would be having the membership direct the Board to adopt the policy.
Farita: I think we should still have a memberʼs meeting to discuss this, and at the same
time have an attorney look at the policy.
Ann makes a motion to present this Excessive Use Policy as an action of the membership via
a meeting (and votes due) on Saturday June 8, 2024. Angela seconds. 4 in favor Angela,
Daniel, Farita, Ann), 2 against Suzanne, Barbara), 1 abstain Donna). Motion passes
Farita makes a motion to present the amended Excessive Use Policy to our attorney to
determine if this policy, if voted in by the membership, can actually be enforced. Suzanne
would contact the attorney, Donna will send Suzanne the appropriate sections). Angela
seconds. Nobody against. Motion passes.
Secretary Farita Tasnim
We Daniel and I and some volunteers) fixed a leak this weekend (corner of
Coryphodon and Trilobite)
Will check Secretary machine to look for original contract from HOAMCO
Treasurer Suzanne Star
29 delinquent accounts for this yearʼs dues - notices for water shutoff for those still
delinquent on June 2024
Suzanne makes a motion to approve the February financials. Donna seconds.
All approves. Motion passes.
Barbara makes a motion to pass the Financial Oversight Policy. Suzanne seconds.
Discussion: Donna - for emergency situations, the board should be informed but does
not require cost estimate immediately.
March 12, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting
36 in favor. Motion passes.
Water Usage Reports have been sent to the Office of the State Engineer
OSE every month, and we are in compliance with them
Water Conservation Fees are paid and up to date
Donna Smith makes a motion to authorize a Memberʼs meeting and vote on the Interim
Assessment April 6, 2024 (see attached Interim Assessment) 4 in favor Angela,
Donna, Daniel, Farita), 2 opposed Suzanne, Barbara). Motion passes.
Daniel has an invoice for Brianʼs excavating work: Certificate of Insurance or President
has to sign a waiver, as well as a W9, to send to Brian
Daniel has quote for the water tanks
Max 10K gallon tanks, polycarbonate Underground is 24K, Above Ground is 17K
(just delivered, not installed)
This is to replace the one 12K steel tank (re-coating that tank is 25K with two 10K
poly tanks
Tim: estimates installation cost is more than 30K. Daniel will obtain a cost estimate.
Daniel has sent leak notices out to folks who had a leak flag, will follow up with
suggestions and plumber recommendations
Donna: Jemez Pueblo is checking on liability insurance. Mike Cordova has not
responded to Donnaʼs email about liability insurance
Leader quotes 4 days of grading for 30K. He may need to do the compactor. Skip Aztec
and Ashley if they are going to be ripped up.
Tim Umscheid: Have we considered buying a road grader (used, can get one for 15K
Need liability insurance, waivers, etc. Angela, Tim, and Dave will follow up to discuss
this plan.
March 12, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting
4County plowing FR10? Scheduled for next week.
Jonathan Morris and Harold Corn took care of 811
April 9, 2024 is next meeting
Angela makes a motion to adjourn. Ann seconds. All in favor, motion passes.
Meeting adjourned 8 30 PM
March 12, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting