SLPPOA Board of Directors Meeting
February 13, 2024
Meeting called to order at 6:48 pm by Scott DeWitt
Board Members present:
Scott DeWitt
Suzanne Star
Donna Smith
Barbara Van Ruyckevelt
Angela Mielke
David Stuedell
Board Members Absent:
Ann Cooke
Farita Tasnim
Daniel Wirth
SLPPOA Members Present
Elizabeth Swicegood
Tim Umscheid
Paul Lisko
Harold Corn
LCVFD Representative
Tamara Weary
Agenda Approval – Suzanne Star motioned, Donna Smith second. Agenda approved.
Suzanne asked to get the agenda out a week in advance to allow time to get it to the membership.
Suzanne sent the email address for SLPPOA wide notices to DeWitt so that either he or Tasnim
can send out information and agendas as needed.
President’s Report – Scott DeWitt
Bob Bootzin and Catherine Coulter have requested that their property be brought into SLPPOA
to supply water, as their well has gone dry.
The discussion centered around restrictions on water use, cost of installing infrastructure to
supply the water, requirements for joining SLPPOA. A number of concerns were raised regarding
cost, water use, restrictions on development. Scott volunteered to continue the discussion with
Bootzin about the concerns. No decision was taken, pending further discussion and gathering of
more information.
Vice President - -Ann Cooke
No Report
Secretary - Farita Tasnim
No Report
Treasurer Report – Suzanne Star
Financial Summary
Operating Account - $207,411.07
Reserve Account - $68,381.03
5 Delinquent Accounts- $15,876.04
30 Members unpaid for 2024 - $60,442.68
All Board members received the 2023 Year End and January 2024 financial statements prepared
by HOAMCO. These will be distributed to the Board each month and the Board members areresponsible for reviewing them. They will be reviewed and approved by the Board at the regular
Donna Smith motioned for approval, Angela Mielke seconded, motion carried.
Suzanne led a discussion on options for collections on the 5 delinquent accounts. Two are from
payment plans from 2023 that were not fulfilled, 3 are long-term. Members with payment plan
issues were sent water disconnect notices. Payments must be received by Feb 15, 2024 or water
will be disconnected. Payment plan specifics and issues were tabled for an Executive Session.
Collections on long-term delinquencies include sending them to collections, initiating
foreclosure or waiting until the lots are sold and the liens paid. After the discussion of the pros
and cons, likely recovery of funds and expenditure of funds to collect, no specific decision was
taken. Dave Stuedell will check on the tax status of the 3 lots.
Suzanne proposed an updated Annual Assessment policy, specifying the timelines for
Assessments and reminder notices sent by HOAMCO.
Angela Mielke motioned to approve, Donna Smith Seconded. Motion carried.
Suzanne proposed rescinding the Past Due Lien Policy currently in place.
Donna Smith motioned to approve, Scott Dewitt seconded. Motion carried.
Barbara Van Ruyckevelt proposed a revised Financial Oversight Policy, which had been
distributed to the Board.
Barbara Van Ruyckevelt motioned to approve, Suzanne Star seconded.
Donna Smith and Angela Mielke have additional comments and suggested the Policy needs to
more clearly state requirements.
Barbara withdrew the motion to approve, and Donna and Angela will supply suggested additions
for consideration.
February 2024 Water use data was posted on the SLPPOA website.
Suzanne Star asked if notices are being sent to members where the meter indicates a leak. Harold
will discuss with Daniel Wirth.
A fine was issued for a late response to an 811 locate. Harold Corn is working with the State to
resolve the issue and fine. He sent a letter on behalf of SLPPOA to address the issue.
Paul Lisko provided information on the Jemez Valley Water Leadership workshop which will be
held Feb 29. He will invite a representative from that organization to the Feb 24 SLPPOA Water
Infrastructure meeting for anyone interested in learning about the program or signing up for the
Paul Lisko also provided an update on the Fire Station Water Tank. Sandoval County is issuing a
Purchase Order for surveying and engineering of the site on the Fire Station property above the
station. Construction is expected to start in the spring, with access from FR10.Water Operator
Donna Smith led a short discussion on the tasks listed in the SLPPOA job description for a water
operator and difficulties with those being performed by an out of area Water Operator.
Tim Umscheid volunteered to learn about the system and help with on-site water operations. The
consensus of the group was to investigate dividing the water operations between a Certified
Water Operator and local Water Operations Team comprised of volunteers, much as we have had
in the past.
Donna Smith will make a first pass at this definition, we will ask for another volunteer or two at
the Feb 24 meeting to make a local operations team. Harold volunteered to mentor and teach the
team about the system. A meeting of interested parties will be scheduled after the Feb 24 th
Infrastructure meeting.
Donna Smith volunteered to contact Mark Cordova, the Certified Water Operator to continue
discussions with him.
Water Infrastructure Meeting, Feb 24 th .
Donna Smith will send out an information packet by email to the SLPPOA members and by mail
to the 19 members for whom we do not have email addresses.
Tamara Weary has made arrangements to open the Fire Station bays for the meeting.
Roads – Dave Stuedell and Angela Mielke
Dave and Angela will begin soliciting bids and information for 2024 road grading.
Difficulties in snow plowing with the amount of snow were noted, as some roads are getting
narrow and there are not many places to put the snow. Tamara Weary noted that emergency
vehicles that do not have safe passage may not be able to respond or there will be delays in
reaching the emergency. Also difficulties were noted with soft spots and thin spots developing
due to warm weather and sun. Star asked if Morris could raise the plow blade 1 inch to reduce
the loss of road surface. Dave will discuss with Jonathan Morris about any actions that can be
taken to address these.
Paul Lisko provided an update on the High Road to FR 4am. The District Ranger contacted him
to verify the items that need to be addressed and to inform him that the project is in the District
plan for 2024. The Forest Service will have an on-site inspection, probably in May, and Paul will
inform the Board when it is scheduled.
Architecture – Donna Smith
Donna Smith had distributed an Architecture guidance to ensure consistency over time in the
interpretation of the setback requirements. The guidance incorporates the Sandoval County
definitions on the front, side and rear of a property.
Scott Dewitt motioned to approve, Angela Mielke seconded, motion carried.LCVFD – Tamara Weary
The department identified three locations where fire hydrants would be useful:
The top of Los Griegos, on High Road and Trilobite near SR4. This input will be used in
planning water infrastructure projects.
LCVFD plans a mapping and structure assessment in SLPPOA, probably in the summer of 2024.
Tamara noted that FEMA has not started paying out claims within the proscribed timeframes and
there are lawsuits being initiated as a result.
Meeting adjourned at 2038 into an Executive Session.
Executive Session summary:
Water disconnects on 2 members who are past due on their payment plans will be initiated after
Feb 15, 2024.
Suzanne Star developed a revised Financial Hardship Policy. As the Board was in executive
session, no action was taken on the Policy. She will send it out to the Board requesting an
electronic vote to adopt the policy.