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May 13 2014

Sierra los Pinos Property Owners’ Association
May 13, 2014

Board Members Present: Joe Brophy, Judy Kilburg, John Nyhan, Eleni Fredlund, and Peter Veverka. Board members absent: Stan Bennett. Guests Present: Harold Corn, Michael, Eagle, and Timo Schacht, and Tom Horan.

Meeting was called to order by President Joe Brophy at 7:18 PM. A meeting quorum was met.

Mr. Brophy asked that Board members review and approve the agenda. The agenda was approved with one change that Tom Horan will discuss legislative opportunities and be moved to beginning of meeting. Mr. Fredlund made the motion to approve the agenda and Ms. Kilburg seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Legislative Opportunity – Mr. Horan discussed the capital outlay request that was introduced to the legislature. Mr. Horan has been working with representative Stephanie Garica-Richardson and Senator Bennie Shindo on this request. The form submitted explained our water system, fire suppression needs, and water line storage needs. The result was that we are not a political subdivision, so there was some concern. It was suggested that a request be submitted by the fire department instead of Sierra los Pinos as we would need a vote of the general membership to become a mutual domestic water corp. It was also suggested that we find out what they really mean by a “legal” entity. After further discussion, Mr. Horan suggested meeting with the county commissioner. Further discussion will continue at the June Board meeting.
ACTION: Mr. Fredlund will discuss with Chief Taylor for possible action with Sandoval County.

IT Support – Mr. Schacht reported that there were email issues so he didn’t have the password to access the account.
ACTION: Ms. Kilburg will resend the password to Mr. Schacht.

Minutes of the meeting were reviewed with one spelling correction. Motion made by Ms. Fredlund to approve the minutes and Mr. Veverka seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.



Ms. Kilburg reported the following account balances:
Operating Account: $115,755.45
Reserve Account: $57,750.10
Special Assessment Account: $6,790.26

Per the Aging Report, there is $24,172.48 in outstanding payments. The uncollectable amount from foreclosures totals $6,933.07. The details of the delinquent accounts will be discussed in the executive session.

Ms. Kilburg reported that $2,475.35 was collected from one of the foreclosed properties. Two other properties remain in foreclosure status.

New member information and membership fee was received from one new member.

Ms. Kilburg reported that the accountant had to pull a new Quickbooks file for the year-end review due to the partial write-off of a foreclosed property. This constitutes the annual review of the books. A meeting with the accountant is scheduled in two weeks to discuss the books and resulting 1120-H tax return.

Water Maintenance

Mr. Veverka reported that Mr. Naranjo doesn’t have a contract for anyone he works for and questioned why a contract is needed for us. The water systems are getting continuous oversight. Mr. Raue indicated he may be interested in working with us on water maintenance. We are working on the Consumer Confidence Report.
ACTION: Mr. Nyhan will contact Mr. DeGuzumn regarding the requirement for a water operator contract.

We do have a copy of Mr. Naranjo’s certification on file. Concern was expressed on how we guarantee his services without a contract.

Mr. Veverka reported that they are not doing any valve replacements until they finish the meter can installation project. Another valve to be replaced has been identified as well as areas that should have isolation valves.

Thirty five of the 50 meter cans have been installed. An issue with two members on shared line has been resolved, thanks to Mr. Nyhan. This same issue has been identified on Outliers Road. If cans can be installed on the easement, it would save money. It was noted that we need to pay for a survey for water access.

Ms. Kilburg reported that she hasn’t yet transferred any of the $16K that was budgeted out of the operating account. It was agreed that money would be transferred on an as-needed basis as meter install is near completion for year two. Some indicated they would like to continue installation further, although we can’t if we don’t have the money from this year’s budget. The major problem with installations has been the unknown location of some service lines. Volunteers were going to be used, but time is running out. Would like to complete System 1 this year and there are two left on System 1 where locations are unknown.

The electric co-op quickly responded to one power-line break. Mr. Raue is very careful with digging around power lines as markings have been very accurate, except for the one cut where the line wasn’t marked. There will be power outages as needed. The plan is to finish System 1 and to the bottom of Los Griegos.
Action: Ms. Kilburg to transfer money as needed from the operating account to the special assessment account up to the budgeted $16K.

Mr. Corn reported that the water is now turned on at 11 Aztec and a leak was found. Many thanks to Mr. Corn for his willingness to assist on a moment’s notice.

Water Compliance
Mr. Nyhan sent a report to Mr. DeGuzman regarding the positive sample notice. Since we took an extra set of samples, he is satisfied.

We haven’t received word yet on the approval to use corral fencing instead of four-strand barbed wire around the well and tank sites.

Sampling results haven’t been received for May and the April results were okay.

Mr. Brophy reported that he contacted Mr. Yardman regarding the survey for the lay-down area and review by the County attorney for at least the first cut of the agreement. Mr. Yardman will talk to the commissioner.

Mr. Meskimen agreed to perform the milling laydown maintenance. Ten loads at $775/load are being delivered. Mr. Brophy and Mr. Meskimen will drive around to determine areas. Some areas already identified are Chaco, Aztec, top of Los Griegos, and a section of Aspen Grove.

Mr. Bennett was not present. Ms. Kilburg reported that follow-up with one member is needed.
Action: Ms. Kilburg will send member’s phone number to Mr. Bennett.

Mr. Bennett was not present.

Mr. Veverka reported that he has noticed that the parks are being used quite a bit. Boards on the picnic table at the front park need to be replaced. It was suggested that a cover with metal roof be placed over the picnic tables at each park. Mr. Veverka would like to have a park day to get input from those who use the park, and others, on what they would like for improvements.
Action: Mr. Veverka will check into a park day, posting signs, etc.

Mrs. Fredlund reported that the slash at the Fire Station was chipped by the Fire Department. A new resident helped out. A sign was put up to NOT DUMP SLASH at the Fire Station.

Firewise documents were sent to Mr. Schacht to post on the website.

Chief Taylor has been trying to make contact with someone regarding the disposal of the chlorine, but has had no response. He will be contacting someone else.

There have been two fires: one on Cat Mesa and one at Jemez Falls Campground. Both were from campfires. The fires were extinguished by the La Cueva Fire Department and the Forest Service. Lots of mitigation has been done to help our area, but if a fire starts in certain areas, quick evacuation will be necessary. Ms. Fredlund indicated she will send out information as she receives it.

The slash pit will only be open until Memorial weekend.

Action: Mrs. Fredlund to follow up on hazmat and capital outlay.

Public Relations
Mr. Nyhan reported that he is gradually making progress. He would like to see us pay for the surveys for the shared property water lines.
Motion: Mr. Nyhan made the motion that the survey of the road easements be paid from operating funds. Mr. Veverka seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

a) Mr. Veverka reported that the new chlorinators are $491 each.
Motion: Mr. Veverka made the motion that three new chlorinators be purchased. Mr. Nyhan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Veverka will look into the installation and has received good guidance from Mr. Naranjo.
b) Mr. Brophy reported that the insurance policy is up for renewal. The cost increased slightly. There are two parts to the policy: Commercial Property and Director/Officers coverage. The new policy expired May 17, 2015. The commercial property covers our parks, well, etc.

a) Verify architectural form is on the website (Stan) – Carry over to next meeting as Mr. Bennett not present.
b) Should a lien be filed when a delinquent account is already on a payment plan – Discussion ensued on the subject. Motion: Mr. Nyhan made the motion that if the total past due is less than $500.00, no lien will be filed. Mr. Veverka seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Kilburg reported that liens will be filed in July.

The Board then discussed delinquent accounts in further detail.

Motion to Adjourn
Ms. Kilburg made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Veverka seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m.
