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April 8 2014

April 8, 2014

Board Members Present: Joe Brophy, Stan Bennett, Judy Kilburg, John Nyhan, Eleni Fredlund, and Peter Veverka.
Board members absent: Suzanne Star resigned from the board.
Guests Present: Harold Corn, Michael, Eagle, and Timo Schacht.

Meeting was called to order by President Joe Brophy at 7:17 PM. A meeting quorum was met.

Mr. Brophy asked that Board members review and approve the agenda. The agenda was approved with one change that the guests present be introduced. Mr. Bennett made the motion to approve the minutes and Ms. Fredlund seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously

Mr. Bennett indicated that only decisions made during the executive sessions will be reported in the minutes. Actions from the February meeting were: 1) Executive sessions will be help periodically to discuss aging reports. Aging reports will be handed out with personal information, but at the end of the Board meeting they will be turned back in to the treasurer. 2) Lien files will not be duplicated. The treasurer will hold the files.

Ms. Kilburg reported the following account balances:
Operating Account: $115,238.79
Reserve Account: $57,746.77
Special Assessment Account: $75, 036.75

Per the Aging Report, there is $30,438.29 in outstanding payments, which includes the 11 credits from members who have prepaid their special assessments for 2015. Without credits, delinquent accounts total 36,496.29. The uncollectable amount from foreclosures totals $10,945.56. The details of the delinquent accounts will be discussed in the executive session.

Ms. Kilburg reported that she has been in communication with a mortgage company who purchased our longest-standing foreclosure property and just received word today
that they have agreed to pay the back assessments and late fees from the date they purchased the property in March 2013.

Also reported was that three properties are in the final stages of changing ownership. With this is the new requirement that went into effect last year to prepare disclosure
documents. This consists of completing two forms (4 pages) and providing Association bylaws, covenants, articles of incorporation, etc., in addition to several financial reports.
1In discussions with a Thompson Ridge board member, they have instituted a fee of $150 for this service. After some discussion, the board agreed to be in alignment with
Thompson Ridge and begin charging a $150 documentation preparation fee as well.

Water Maintenance
Mr. Veverka reported that Mr. Naranjo wanted to use his standard contract, but it hasn’t been received. A contract is needed, although he is performing the water sampling and
has billed for one sampling. Discussion ensued regarding sampling charges. It was explained that sampling fees are not paid out of the water conservation fee. Samples
are in the database with the State and Mr. DeGuzman knows that sampling is being performed. Mr. Naranjo will only perform water sampling. Mr. Raue is interested in
becoming trained and possibly would be interested in working with Mr. Naranjo and providing other services.
Action: Mr. Veverka will visit Mr. Naranjo’s office regarding the contract.
Action: Ms. Kilburg will send copy of recent invoice.
Action: Mr. Veverka will contact Mr. Raue

Mr. Veverka asked about the policy for Board members spending funds. Upcoming actions include tank inspection ($6 – 8K) and new chlorinator ($1,500). The policy is to
complete a request form and submit to the Board for expenditures over $500.
Action: Ms. Kilburg will send the policy and form to all Board members.

Mr. Veverka inquired about disposing of chlorination chemicals since we will be switching to a new method of chlorination.
Action: Ms. Fredlund will inquire with the La Cueva Fire Department hazmat contact.
Action: Mr. Veverka will send MSDS to Ms. Fredlund.

Mr. Corn reported that Mr. Stanley has the new Level Con probe in test mode. It needs to be installed at the tank site. There will be four reading per day.

Water Compliance
Mr. Nyhan reported that part of the sanitary survey actions need to be completed. The well head at the Aspen well needs to be 18 inches above ground and lacks this by 6
inches. This may be accomplished with shovel work.

Mr. DeGuzman sent us an out-of-compliance report due to the positive coliform sampling result. Samples are required to be taken 48 hours after the initial positive sample. We voluntarily took a third set of samples that showed no presence of coliform. The March samples were also negative and met the requirements of the sampling plan and it’s in the state database. Previously we have been allowed to post the announcement of positive sampling results at the fire station. The new requirement is that the report be sent to everyone on that particular water system. No further posting is required at this time. Whoever takes samples needs to be very careful when taking the samples.
Action: Mr. Nyhan will send form to Mr. DeGuzman stating actions taken.

Mr. Brophy commented that other actions from the state inspection are to complete the fence installations. Water committee meetings need to be scheduled which may result
in volunteer assistance. A suggestion was made to use corral fencing panels instead of barbed wire, which would ease access when tractor work is necessary. One barbed
wire fence had to have a section removed last year about a week after its completion due to unexpected and necessary tractor work. It was also noted that there are valves
that need to be replaced. Action: Mr. Nyhan will contact Mr. DeGuzman and ask for modification to plan from four-strand barbed wire to corral fencing panels.

Mr. Brophy reported that no progress has been made on the Sandoval County proposal. He needs to discuss a methodology to get the survey boundaries established and would
like to have the county attorney involved. To date, there are no costs towards roads. There is still an overage from the water budget that we need to remember that maybe can be realized out of the underrun on roads. There are some roads that need maintenance that have never had much attention such as Chaco Rd and others that need work as well. It was recommended that packing of some type be put on soft spots. Mr. Brophy was asked if he would ask the county to fix Eohippus and FR 10 area as it needs a culvert. A decision still needs to be made on the disposition of the sander.
Action: Mr. Brophy will contact Mr. Meskimens regarding material for roads.
Action: Mr. Brophy will contact Sandoval County regarding the proposal and culvert.

Mr. Brophy stated that the legal chair resigned from the board and a board volunteer is needed. Mr. Bennett agreed to fulfill this position. Ms. Kilburg made the motion to
accept Mr. Bennett as the legal chairperson. Mr. Veverka seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

Mr. Schacht agreed to take a look at our website and perform basic work. It was noted that access to the listserv needs to be changed and that previous years’ minutes are no
longer available and need to be resurrected. There is also important fire information that needs to be posted.
Action: Ms. Kilburg will send access information to Mr. Schacht
Action: Ms. Fredlund will send fire information to Mr. Schacht

Mr. Brophy reported that as an action from a previous meeting, he scheduled a meeting for himself and Mr. Bennett to meet with the attorney, Mr. Hays. Late the night prior
to the meeting, Mr. Bennett reported he was unable to attend and it was preferred that another board officer attend the meeting so Ms. Kilburg was asked to attend and
provide financial reports. Details from the meeting with Mr.Hays was discussed and a summary of the meeting follows:
1) Develop a policy for aging reports that balances a need to know. Financial information with member names is used by the treasurer and other management and only the treasure holds this information in permanent possession. These reports can be reviewed at the Board meetings and returned by end of the meeting.
2) Any discussion of member information is performed in a closed session.
3) Payback agreements were discussed. The payback due dates need to be reasonable.
4) Review of Books – Financial statements only include the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statements. Personal names and links to delinquencies is not a financial record.
5) The question regarding the PRC registered agent was clarified and remains as filed.
6) The Payback Agreement was discussed and Mr. Hays will further review and modify.
7) The Board president will be copied on legal correspondence.

Mr. Bennett reported that he needs to update the form.

Mr. Veverka reported that his biggest concern is firewise and asked if a slash pit could be resurrected.

Ms. Fredlund reported that the Forest Service is going to open the slash pit on Thompson Ridge in mid-April and it will only be open for a month and a half. Howard Fegan will again do chipping, although he doesn’t have the county chipper yet. Chips should be kept 100 feet away from your home. There were three articles printed in The Jemez Thunder and would like them posted on the web. There will be a fire disaster preparedness meeting this Saturday, April 12 th at the Baptist church in La Cueva. Emergency access road issue was discussed and it was reported that private owners have denied access. The Forest Service will not be improving FR 134, and it takes up to three years to open roads due to Archeology review. In case of fire, the Forest Service could bring a bulldozer to make a way out if necessary.

Mr. Nyhan asked about the status of the water storage tank. Ms. Fredlund indicated that this was determined to be cost prohibited and dropped. Mr. Nyhan thought he may
have a contact that may be able to assist.

Public Relations
Mr. Nyhan reported that he’s had several inquiries regarding access to the SLP webpage. He has had discussion with the web master at Thompson Ridge. Discussion ensued regarding webpage needs.

Discussion on Pet Friends will take place next month.
Mr. Schacht suggested summer concerts and other community activities as ways to bring the community together.
Ms. Kilburg asked about the need to file liens on residents who are on payment plans. This will be discussed next month.

a) Drinking water sampling plan board vote: Mr. Bennett made the motion to accept the Drinking Water Sampling plan that was prepared by Mr. Nyhan. Mr. Veverka seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
b) Verify architectural form is on the website: Mr. Bennett reported that he needs to gain access to the website.
c) Assessment collection process / former legal version of February minutes on website: The February minutes on the web are incorrect. Ms. Kilburg reported that access to archived minutes is no longer on the web and hardcopies are not available. She has been going through the computers and printing off copies for the files.

Mr. Corn reported that one member asked if meters will be installed on a member’s lot who is not in good standing. Response was that a meter will be installed. If there is any
change in the meter placement, he needs to know ASAP as installation is planned to begin next month before the next Board meeting.

The Board meeting then went into Executive Session to discuss the Aging Report.
