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August 12 2014

Board Members Present: Joe Brophy, Judy Kilburg, John Nyhan, Eleni Fredlund, and Peter Veverka. Board members absent: Stan Bennett. Guests Present: Harold Corn, Michael, Eagle, and Timo Schacht, James Downing.

Meeting was called to order by President Joe Brophy at 7:26 PM. At the beginning of the meeting four board members were present. It was suggested to review the Bylaws regarding what was required for a quorum for the Board meeting. Per the Bylaws, a majority of the board present constitutes a quorum. As such, it was decided to proceed with the meeting (Article 6, Section 1, e.). It was also decided that the board would table any critical decisions until such time as a 5 th board member was able to attend (which a 5 th member arrived soon thereafter).

Mr. Brophy asked that Board members review and approve the agenda. Ms. Fredlund made the motion to approve the agenda and Mr. Nyhan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Minutes of the meeting were discussed with no corrections noted. Ms. Fredlund made the motion to approve the minutes and Mr. Nyhan seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Kilburg reported the following account balances:
Operating Account: $95,601.04
Reserve Account: $61,810.48
Special Assessment Account: $1,398.30

As per the decision at the July Board meeting, $2500 was transferred from the Special Assessment Account to the Operating Account. To date we have collected $111,800.86 towards the 2014 budget income of which $$2,800.44 is in late fees.

There is a total of $13,032.75 in outstanding payments of which $6,138.13 is for the annual assessment and $6,894.62 is for the special assessment. Our total uncollectable for the one remaining foreclosure is at $4,138.70. Further details of the delinquent will be discussed in the executive session.

Disclosure documents were prepared for a property that’s selling on Cerro Pelado.

Sunland Management completed their 2 nd quarter review of the books. They questioned the accounts that show a credit balance with no invoice. Ms. Kilburg explained that members are paying ahead on their special assessment and when invoices are generated, this amount will be credited to their account. 1Ms. Kilburg stated that some members are confused when reading the financial reports and should keep in mind that the annual assessment invoices are generated in November of the prior year so when looking at a report for calendar year it will not reflect the prior year information. Next years’ annual assessment invoices generated this coming November may have a January 1 st date instead of the actual date generated.

Budget items were discussed. The expected underrun in the water budget will have to be used to cover the large over-run expected in legal and possibly accounting due to the extra work resulting from the letter from concerned members.

Water Maintenance
Mr. Veverka reported that we are showing a large amount of leaks. We can bring Albuquerque Leak Detection to work with homeowners’ with leaks and share the cost. There would be no set-up fee for members. We’ll have to put information out and inform members. Mr. Raue will be replacing isolation valves on Hovenweep, Bonito, and the fire stand at FR10 and Los Griegos. The three new chlorinators need to be installed. We would like to put a contract or agreement in place with Mr. Raue to maintain, inspect, and perform maintenance on the water system. We’ve been very lucky that everything has been working well. Mr. Veverka would like to keep the contract agreement simple. Mr. Raue is bonded, insured, and dependable. The System 2 lightning strike repair has not been completed. We need to speak with Mr. Schmidt about it as he is most knowledgeable. The unit is working except that it’s
not giving indicators. Mr. Pat Connolly may also know the system and could also be another contact. Whoever works on it needs to be someone who knows the electronics. The question was asked who to call if there is a water emergency. Mr. Veverka replied that he is the first line contact and he will take it from there. A comment was made that more people need to learn the system, and we need to go about this logically. The decision was made to put a simple contract in place and list emergency contacts.

ACTION: Mr. Veverka will contact Mr. Raue

Water Compliance
Mr. Nyhan reported that he has not received permission yet to use corral fencing instead barbed wire around the well/tank sites. The sanitary survey will be sometime in September. Compliance issues are State requirements. It was suggested that Mr. Raue go around with the inspectors so that he is familiar with what’s being asked. Mr. Nyhan added that past boards have not kept an open line of communication and now they are and the results are positive.

Mr. Corn has been doing calculations on water usage and we are showing a 50 – 55% loss rate or unaccounted for water. Mr. Nyhan has been in contact with individuals on other systems as to why such a disparity and have come up with a couple of possibilities: 1) We may need to calibrate meters on the wells every two years or, 2) water is pumped but somehow goes back into the well so it’s actually never delivered into the system. Probably with the pumps, they’re not operating properly and water leaks out of the plug or somewhere between the pump and the surface. Plan is to replace all three, send the existing in for calibration and then we’ll also have spare pumps. Mr. Veverka indicated that there is a point at the bottom of the meadow where we can inject and test there – need to blow-down. There have been leaks there in the past. Then a proper test of System 1 can be performed.

MOTION: Mr. Veverka made the motion to approach Mr. Raue to dig the area in the meadow for a blow-down and ensure we can properly monitor the system. Ms. Fredlund seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Corn added that there are three ways to figure out loss rate: 1) meters; 2) using the level-con, which Mr. Stanley is already performing calculations; and 3) using the meter loop at the top in the middle of the night. He added that more time with the metering is needed to work out the bugs and suggests not spending lots of money and suggests giving it a couple of months to level out.

Mr. Corn reported that the meter readings are being reviewed and it was determined that some meters were not showing usage that should have been. After further investigation it was determined that three were plugged. Two of the three were cleaned and functioning properly and one was returned to Baker Utility for warranty repair. Total water usage was down.

Ms. Fredlund reported that between August 16 th and August 28 th the Forest Service will be burning piles around Cat Mesa unless there is a weather issue. She will send information out before August 16 th .

Ms. Fredlund asked if everyone had been reviewing the comprehensive weather report. Mr. Schacht is posting this on the web as well and it’s very detailed and informative.

Ms. Fredlund also reported that the Fire Department is thinking they might be getting the Intel water storage. We need to talk to two residents regarding possible infringement and view obstruction.

The slash pit is still open! Mr. Schacht asked about clearing on Forest Service land that is surrounding private property. The response was that the Forest Service doesn’t like residents to do that because of liability issues.

ACTION: Ms. Fredlund will get a reading from the Forest Service.

IT Web Page Status
Mr. Schacht reported that he is maintaining and posting information. After some discussion, the Board instructed Mr. Schacht to post the financial information on the password protected side.

1. Lay-down Trade - Mr. Brophy reported that that the lay-down area trade is cancelled. Sandoval County is no longer performing maintenance as it will now be contracted out.
2. Road Maintenance – Mr. Brophy reported that he has ordered five more loads of millings. They will start with the two cul-de-sacs areas. It was mentioned that there is a culvert exposed off from FR10 that needs to be covered.

ACTION: Mr. Brophy will contact Mr. Meskimen.

Ms. Kilburg reported that three of the six members that were referred to the attorney for collections have responded.

The attorney is reviewing the letters sent out by members.

Community Relations
Mr. Nyhan expressed his concern that’s resulted from the member letter(s).

Mr. Bennett was not present did approve one request for the placement of a shed.

Mr. and Mrs. Otero mowed the front park. Mowing of the park is pending availability of someone to mow.

a) Member requested to be on agenda not present.
b) Annual Meeting Plans/Discussion – It was decided that discussion will be limited to 10 minutes. If further discussion is necessary, the member should
request time at the next Board meeting. It was discussed that rules for civilized decorum should be posted on the web.
c) Concerned Residents Letters to Board, Attorney, and Sunland Mgt.– Mr. Brophy reported that response to the two letters by concerned residents is/will be reviewed by the attorney. Discussion was held regarding how the added costs will be handled and should be paid for by the requestor(s) and the general membership should not be responsible.

The board went into executive session to discuss delinquent accounts as all other old business topics were covered under committee reports.

Motion to Adjourn
Ms. Fredlund made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Nyhan seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m.