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June 18, 2013

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 6:18pm by Mr. Brophy, President. Also attending were Ms. Kilburg, Mr. Ververka, Ms. Fredlund, Ms. Pero, and
Harold Corn, Sabine Shurter, Ken Lawrence, and Suzanne Star.

Approve Minutes
Ms. Kilburg moves that we postpone approving minutes until the July meeting, since there had not been time to review and make corrections. Mr. Ververka seconds. Vote is unanimous.

Discussion of meeting dates
July meeting is re-scheduled so all five board members can attend. Meeting date will be July 30, and will be posted on web and listserv.

Officer and Committee Reports

no Report

Balance: $112,984.19 in general account
$ 74, 379.02 in Special Assessment
$ 51, 991.51 in Reserve account

Statements have been mailed. 30 Day notices have been mailed.

Outstanding: $17, 685.76 for general account. (includes some carry over from last year. $10, 046.59 for S.A.

Total outstanding $27,732.35, with approximately 26 members delinquent.

Foreclosures – we cannot bill

Vacant lots – cannot collect

An updated member list is ready.

WO not present no report

No problems reports in Sys. 1 and 2, but pumps running continuously.

Leak Detection: No firm appointment has been made, but Mr. Corn believes we can schedule for next week, and requests a copy of the written agreement. Ms. Kilburg will
provide W-9 for down payment to Leak Detection company.

Meter Project:
Mr. Ververka reports on bids received:
Brewer increased price for a $42,710 total.
DCS total is $31,875

Miskemen did not bid a fixed price, but a cost plus at $150/hr. Plus trip charge. Given these numbers, Mr. Ververka recommended that DCS be selected as the winning
bid, commenting that DCS also has a very good reputation for being punctual, staying within cost limit. Mr. Ververka moves to select DCS. Ms. Fredlund seconds. Vote is
unanimous. The contract is signed by President, Mr. Brophy, and Treasurer, Ms. Kilburg. Mr. Brophy is to communicate the decision to all bidders.

Cost Overruns – Discussion over cost overruns for cans. Will be $16K per year.

Sanitary Survey
Only remaining task to comply with Sanitary Survey is to install barbed wire around well sites. Several members have materials that they will donate, and a volunteer party is
organized to begin the work. Ms. Fredlund will organize a materials gathering Sunday, June 30 at Firestation, to be announced on web and listserv.

Mr. Brophy reports that extreme dry conditions prevent road grading, and erosion control is difficult. When fill is able to be delivered and spread, crushed concrete will be requested, as best performance has been from that material. Discussion around needing to open up culverts and pull sediment out of them to spread back and crown roads. There is currently $27K in budget to work on roads.

Mr. Lawrence offers to organize work party to clear culverts.

Insurance policy has been filed for SLPPOA

There has been no response from member, after repeated requests for proof of insurance.

No report

No report

BAER meeting will be held on June 20.

Lee Taylor will pay for the meter installed at the Fire Station.

Mr. Brophy suggests volunteers be gathered to survey powerlines to SW of SLPPOA, given that the last two fires were caused by trees hitting powerlines.

(cannot find notes here for what time, etc.)