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July 30, 2013

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:25pm by Mr. Brophy, President. Also attending were Ms. Kilburg, Mr. Ververka, Ms. Fredlund, Ms. Pero, and Harold Corn, Sabine Shurter, Suzanne Star, Max and Lorraine Otero, and Jack Nyhan.

Approve Minutes of May and June Meetings
May 14, 2013 minutes. Ms. Fredlund moves to approve. Ms. Kilburg seconds. Vote is unanimous.

June 3, 2013 minutes. Ms. Pero moves to approve. Ms. Fredlund seconds. Vote is unanimous.

June 18, 2013 minutes. Ms. Kilburg moves to approve. Mr. Ververka seconds. Vote is unanimous.

Officer and Committee Reports

no Report

Balance: $100,004.66 in general account
$ 52,002.50 in Reserve account
$ 5,116. 48 in Special Assessment account

Statements have been mailed. 30-day notices have been mailed informing residents their water would be shut off and their delinquent account could be turned over to a collection agency.

$14,618.83 in General Account
$ 7,823.89 for Special Assessment
Total outstanding $22,442.72.

After shut off notices were sent out, some monies were received from several delinquent accounts.

Mr. Brophy suggests we tie costs to date for the meter project with work completed so we can see how we are doing in regards to projected cost overruns.

Mr. Corn reports that we are approximately 70% of costs for contractor and about 90% on costs for materials.

Ms. Kilburg reports that a computer upgrade is needed in order to use the meter reading software. There will be some cost involved in the upgrade.

Per agreement with Mr. Brophy, Mr. Trujillo was not present at the meeting. No report from W.O.

1. System 1 and 2 status.
Mr. Ververka reports a major leak has been located near the tank at the top of Aspen Grove. With assistance from Mr. Corn, Mr. Nyhan, and Mr. Brophy, Mr. Ververka believes they have a very good idea of where the leak is, and repair is to begin Aug. 1. Water will be shut off for the repair, however, he has kept the pumps running 24/7 so that homeowners have not had to be without water for a lengthy period. Materials are already available for repair, and Mr. Ververka is optomistic the leak can be stopped.

2. Chlorination Status
There was some discussion regarding concerns about over chlorination. Several residents have had strong chlorine smell and taste, and questions were asked regarding Mr. Trujillo's monitoring of the chlorination. Mr. Ververka explained that due to the nature of our water system, in which chlorine is added directly to the lines from the well and lift station and not in the tank, homes closest to those areaswill get more chlorine than those homes further away. Furthermore, we are required by law to meet minimum standards of chlorination, which we have done. A new variety of chemicals, coupled with the installation of a new pump, may be partially to blame for the increase in chlorine. July readings were slightly high.

Questions were asked how best to correct this situation. Several suggestions were brought to the table, including investigating whether a different pump might be needed, as well as putting the pump on a timer, to be coordinated with an intentional drain-down of the tank, in order to pull more water through and better disperse the chlorine. It was also suggested to communicate via the Listserv that the issue is being dealt with. More discussion for an immediate plan of action to monitor the chlorine status.

Motion: Ms. Fredlund moves that WO test three houses on System 2, based upon their proximity to the tank (two of the homes have reported high levels of chlorine)
on a weekly basis, and email the test results (immediately available) to Mr. Ververka. A note will go out on the listserv if there is an issue with the chlorine.
Mr. Ververka seconds, and the vote is unanimous. Mr. Ververka will contact Mr. Trujillo with this request.

Meter Project Status Report
We have currently installed 39 cans , out of 55. Five extra cans have been ordered.

Discussion regarding access to cans. Can/should residents be able to access the can? Mr. Ververka responds that residents may access their curb stop (shut off valve) but not the meter can.

Ms. Star suggested that a policy be implemented about access and publicized via the listserv.

Further discussion ensued regarding the need for new keys to shut off water at the curb stops. Mr. Nyhan reported that with the new valve installed, he no longer has a key that will fit, and expressed concerns that he would not have the ability to quickly shut off the water in case of an emergency. It was reported that the majority of homes have a shut off inside the home. Mr. Ververka stated that the association will have several keys available for residents. Mr. Corn suggested that we research where keys may be purchased (Metzgers reportedly has them) and advise residents that they may purchase their own key for a minimal cost. Homemade keys have also been widely used until now. Mr. Nyhan agreed to find information about where to purchase keys, and Ms. Kilburg will send an email to the listserv to notify residents.

Sanitary Survey Action Item and Planning
The only action item left is one fence around the Meadow Well. A work party is planned for Aug. 18, 9am to finish this final task. Materials are on hand. A note will
be sent to listserv about the need for volunteers for the work party.

NM 811 One Call Membership Process
SLPPOA received notification from the PRC that to avoid a possible violation, we are required to be a member of the One Call. There is no cost for membership. Discussion ensued about the ramifications of membership, considering that we are a volunteer organization with rotating membership. One person could not be available at all times to locate water pipes upon request to One Call. More discussion followed regarding the liability of said volunteers. It was agreed that we begin the membership process, as that is a requirement, and that we also have the Attorney review the liability issue.

Mr. Brophy reports that, with the torrential monsoons, roads have taken quite a beating, and some areas are in a state of disrepair. He has contacted Mr. Miskemon about grading. No firm date is available, as Pete has to rent a grader. There is approximately $19,000 in the budget for road repair, and Mr. Brophy will request the roads be crowned and graded for proper drainage.

1. Decision on specific strategy on delinquent SA and Annual dues.

Mr. Brophy investigated several options open to the Board for collecting delinquent accounts.

a. Collection Agencies. These are expensive, with a fairly low success rate (approximately 12%).

b. Litigation. This is a high cost, but also high yield, option. However, the time frame for litigation can be several years to collect, and the attorney will receive 40% of the amount collected.

c. Water Shut off. For vacant lots, water shut off is ineffective. It is effective for resident homes, and within the authority of the Board and the bylaws.

Water will be shut off to 6 residents in August. For the vacant lots, it was suggested that our Attorney send a final letter requesting the past due monies,
before pursuing litigation to collect.

Mr. Brophy asked if we had formally put in past minutes the dissolution of the Mutual Domestic was finally successful. Mrs. Kilburg said she thought we had, but we can bring the documentation to the next Board meeting.

No requests for architectural improvements have been made.

No report

Ms. Fredlund reports that the back burn for the Stable Fire is ongoing, and the Fire Dept. advises that smoke will be visible in the area. Also, that a Fire Dept. member is interested in running for the Board in hopes to assume the Firewise position.

Vacant Board Positions.
Ballots will go out this weekend, and we are in need of more candidates to fill needed positions on the Board. Currently, there are 2 candidates and 6 positions to fill. (Note: Eleni decided to stay on the board, therefore there are 5 vacancies.)

Ms. Kilburg requested help processing the mailing for the ballots. The Oteros agreed to help with that task.

Ms. Kilburg also requested information from each committee chair and officer for the upcoming newsletter, which will be mailed with the ballots.

Next meeting is scheduled for Aug. 13.

Ms. Kilburg moves to adjourn.
Mr. Ververka seconds. Vote is unanimous.
Meeting is adjourned at 10:27pm