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September 10, 2013

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:19pm by President Joe Brophy. Attending were Mr. Brophy, Ms. Kilburg, Ms. Fredlund, Mr. Ververka, Ms. Pero, and additionally, Suzanne Star and Harold Corn.

Approve Minutes of August Meeting
Ms. Kilburg moved to approve the July 30 minutes with one small correction. Ms. Fredlund seconded. Vote was unanimous. Minutes approved.

Officer and Committee Reports
No Report

Ms. Kilburg reported the following:
Special Assessment Account $ 480.36
Transfers from Operating Account to SA account - $24,500
7/28/13 - $10,000
8/19/13 - $7,000
8/25/13 $2,500
9/6/13 $5,000
Bills to pay: Baker Utilities for special can/parts and Fire Dept. can yet to be billed
Amount received since last meeting $ 816.78
Open invoices: $6, 270.23
Uncollectable (foreclosure status) $1,843.50
Operating Account:
Available balance $ 80,304.28
Open Invoices $12,635.33
Uncollectable (foreclosure) $4,500.45
Reserve Account: $ 52,008.68

Ms. Kilburg reports that some monies were transferred from operating account for special assessment. Open invoices are down from a month ago. Projection was for $16k overages, but there were expenses for unplanned parts and new computer. Three residents paid three year project costs in advance. Thus far, only one resident has reimbursed us for replacement frost free faucet.

Ms. Star asks about audit required by new HOA legislation. Ms. Kilburg is aware of that requirement and it isn’t due until end of year. Our books are currently being audited on a quarterly basis by Sunland Mgt. Company. Ms. Kilburg has been trying to reach PRC to certify we are in good standing.

Water Operator (WO) Report
WO not present. Mr. Ververka spoke with Mr. Trujillo.

Discussion followed regarding lack of reporting by WO. Mr. Ververka plans to call Mr. Trujillo in regards to this. Ms. Star requests manual for new chlorination pump to be obtained from WO.

Mr. Ververka reports that samples have been taken from several residences and all were within normal ranges, in fact residual was minimal.

System 1 and 2 Status
Mr. Ververka reports that System 1 is functioning well. Mr. Corn comments that the leak rate is down to 13gpm, from 20-24gmp, which is almost a 50% reduction, and the lowest leak rate since 2009. Mr. Ververka also notes that leaks seem fairly evenly distributed after testing, so that the Leak Detection company will need to survey entire system, as leaks were not narrowed down to one particular area.

LevelCon status. Mr. Ververka has been trying to contact Chuck at ISACS to review why levelcon isn't shutting off.

Chlorination Concerns
Mr. Ververka plans to call Mr. Trujillo to arrange chlorination sample to be taken at resident's house on Los Griegos, as requested by resident.

Meter Project
69 cans have been installed, out of 145. This puts the project at 46% complete.

DCS agreed to do the work next year at the same rate as this year. Contract
renewal for DCS is still in process. Mr. Brophy is working with Dave Raue to complete signatures, etc. on contract.

Meter Can Data Readings.
Suzanne Star is working on a spreadsheet for data gathered from the meters. There will be an email ( for folks to contact about their meter readings.

Discussion followed concerning publishing the data from the meters and how to do so without identifying individual homeowners or properties. Privacy concerns were noted. Meter ID numbers are random, and would not identify particular properties. It was decided to review this issue at the annual meeting as well as next regular meeting to come up with a plan.

Leak Detection
Mr. Ververka is working with Leak Detection company to schedule their work here, dependent on their obtaining helium since there is a shortage and on volunteers here doing the meter loop testing to determine best place to start. Residents whose properties might need to be crossed during testing will be notified.

Sanitary Survey
Fence that was taken down for previous work will be re-built. Mr. Brophy will call One Call to mark the location in the meadow prior to scheduling work party, probably around Sept. 19.

We only received two out of six loads of milllings ordered due to contractor problems. Pete is scheduled to begin some grading.

There is $26K in Roads budget for the remainder of the year, some of which will need to be reserved for snow plowing costs. Mr. Brophy has also contacted Dave Raue to investigate his ability for more road work.

Mr. Brophy reported that four vacant lot owners will receive letters of collection from Attorney Hayes. He was waiting on the legal lot description to complete the letters. Additional liens will be filed.

Shut off procedures in place for one resident, and two others will be notified of imminent shut off. Mr. Ververka will contact Sheriff to accompany him during shut off procedure, and Ms. Kilburg will place notice on door of resident.

Ms. Pero reports that Lauer’s on Lauer Lane applied for, and received approval for a new roof.

Ms. Pero reported that Rich Kilburg mowed and cleaned up the park by the Fire Station. The picnic table in FR10 park needs wood replaced. If someone would volunteer to replace the boards on the table, then Ms. Pero would do the painting.

Ms. Fredlund reports that recent events have been quite difficult for the Firefighters. A dinner will be held Saturday at the American Legion in Jemez Springs to help raise money for the family of fallen firefighter, Token Adams.

Nomination and Election of Directors
Attorney Hayes confirmed that the Board took every possible measure to notify residents of the miscommunication in the number of votes per lot being 5 and not 3, and that the election can continue as planned with no issues.

Agenda for Annual Meeting
It was noted to add New Business to the agenda, followed by the Nomination and Election of Officers.

New Business
Ms. Star requests the Board try and finalize Special Assessment financials and put on the webpage, as well as providing a summary at the Annual Meeting.

Ms. Pero moves to adjourn. Ms. Fredlund seconds. Vote is unanimous. Meeting is adjourned at 9:46pm.