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August 13, 2013

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by President Joe Brophy. Attending were Mr. Brophy, Ms. Kilburg, Ms. Fredlund, Mr. Ververka, Ms. Pero, and additionally, Suzanne Star, Harold Corn, Max and Lorraine Otero.

Approve Minutes of July Meeting
Ms. Kilburg moved to approve the July 30 minutes. Ms. Fredlund seconded.
Vote was unanimous. Minutes were approved.

Officer and Committee Reports
Letter from B. van Ruyckevelt added to minutes.

HOA documents for real estate sales in the association were received, passed to Ms. Kilburg to fill out financials, and sent on to appropriate persons.

Operating Account: $ 98, 957.78
bills to pay: DCS (leak repair) $1,394.53
Open invoices: $14,618.83
Uncollectable (foreclosure status) $6,081.14
Reserve Account: $ 52,005.59
Special Assessment Account $ 5,116. 48 Includes $10,000 transferred
from Operating Account to cover bills.
Amount received since 8/1/13 $1, 192.96
Open Invoices: $6, 618.50
Uncollectable (foreclosure status) $2,385.92

Mr. Brophy asks if we can determine actual costs per meter for first round of installations. Some discussion followed. Once the final bills are paid, will be able to accurately judge the per-can cost, and overages.

There are 54 cans installed, with 5 more scheduled for next week. This does not include 9 cans installed last year.

Delinquent Accounts
There are five cans to be installed for delinquent accounts. There have been some payments made from these accounts following the shut off notices sent out. These shut offs will cover necessary action on all delinquent accounts that can be collected.

There has been extremely good progress in collecting some monies from these accounts.

Four remaining accounts will receive letter from our attorney regarding collection processes.

WO report
WO not present

System 1 and 2 status
Leak repaired at storage tank. No definite cost assessment available yet but is expected to be about 1400.

System 2 lost two surge protectors due to electrical storms. We still have 6 on hand.

Levelcon battery replacement. ISACS battery replacement costs are approximately $300-$400.

Mr. Ververka suggests putting together a maintenance calendar in order to more efficiently track various maintenance tasks.

Chlorination Concerns
Mr. Trujillo sent in report of chlorine levels, as requested. Three homes on Los Griegos Rd. were tested. The levels were .15, .36, and .44, all within the normal range.

Mr. Ververka agreed to contact Mr. Trujillo about emailing these reports to him as soon as possible after taking the samples (results of these samples are available immediately). Also, Mr. Ververka will report to the Board if levels are outside of normal range, and will contact the resident who requested to be notified about the sampling done.

Meter Project
54 cans have been installed, with 5 to be installed next week. Including the 9 installed last year. This puts the project at 46% complete. DCS agreed to do the work next year at the same rate as this year. Ms. Kilburg moves to renew the contract with DCS. Mr. Ververka seconds. Vote is unanimous. Mr. Brophy will update the contract and send it to DCS to sign and return.

Sanitary Survey
Mr. Ververka reports that the Consumer Confidence Report was accepted. He will post this info on the SLPPOA website.

There is also scheduled a work party for the coming Sunday, 9am at the Meadow Well. A notice of such will be posted on listsesrv.

NM 811 One Call Membership Process
We will contact our attorney for clarification on liability issues, but it isrequired for SLPPOA to begin membership process.

Leak Detection
Mr. Ververka would like to wait until levelcon is up and running, so we can determine if System 1 or 2 would be the best place to start for the Leak Detection company. Mr. Brophy would like to both systems checked. The cost will be $1500 -$2000 for a day and a half of work. Mr. Corn recommends running the meter loop test, to see which section(s) have the highest leak rate.

Once the last meter cans are installed, the meter loop diagnostics will be done, and then Mr. Ververka will contact the leak detection company to come and begin work.

Mutual Domestic Corporation
Ms. Star questioned whether the issue of the MDC was to be raised at the annual meeting. The Board replied that it had no plans to re-open the issue.

Mr. Brophy is looking for new bids for grading. Pete is currently unable to do the grading.

As stated in treasurer's report, the Attorney will be enlisted to send final collection letter to four property owners, with possible litigation to follow.

No requests for architectural improvements have been made.

No report

Ms. Fredlund reported that Fire Chief said the cost for the platform for storage tank would be $20,000, and that the fire department is willing to move forward. The tank will be 30 feet tall, hopefully located slightly behind the Fire Station.

Nomination and Election of Directors
The attorney has been contacted for clarification as to the number of votes per lot this year. It is expected to hear back from him by Aug. 14.

There was discussion regarding removing inaccurate, or personal bashing comments from the website. Since freedom of discussion is valued, but personal bashing seems unnecessary and out of place, A statement will be prepared to be read at the annual meeting regarding this. Ms. Fredlund agreed to write up such statement.

Ms. Kilburg moves to adjourn.
Mr. Ververka seconds. Vote is unanimous. Meeting is adjourned at 9:55pm
