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February 9, 2016

February 9, 2016

Board Members Present: Stan Bennett, Peter Veverka, Judy Kilburg, Joe Brophy, and Max Otero. Board Members Absent: Jack Nyhan, Eleni Fredlund, Katie Ballman and Scott Bushnell.

Guests Present: Suzanne Star; Sabine Shurter; Barbara Van Ruyckevelt, Harold Corn; Heather Margaret and Timo Schacht; and Lorraine Otero.

Meeting was called to order by President Stan Bennett at 7:15 p.m. Mr. Bennett stated that the Board members present met the quorum requirement.

Mr. Bennett identified two additional items to include in the agenda under Old Business: 1) Badger meter renewal; and 2) Payment Plan. With these additions Mr. Veverka made the motion to approve the agenda and Mr. Otero seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Joe Brophy made the motion to approve the 2nd draft of the SLPPOA Board Meeting Minutes dated January 12, 2016. Mr. Veverka seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Kilburg handed out the Budget and Expenditures report, which included the P&Ls and Balance Sheets.
Ms. Kilburg reported the following account balances as of February 8, 2016.
Balance in Bank Accounts:
Operating Account: $151,183.31
Reserve Account: $65,932.21
Special Assessment Account: $28,930.23
Past due accounts:
UNCOLLECTABLE remains at three properties totaling $12,395.78.
COLLECTION is POSSIBLE on three properties, of which two are still making monthly payments and the third is being actively pursued by the attorney.
Total Amount Past Due that is Collectable is down to $1,233.15.
The property that was to close on December 31, 2015 closed on January 6, 2016.
Received another request for disclosure documents for a home off Los Griegos Road.
Mr. Brophy commented that the report on water usage is very encouraging but the electrical usage was up. The electrical usage is up due to the huge leak last month but overall the electric usage has dropped too.

Water Maintenance
Mr. Veverka stated that all wells seem to be working fine. There was a large leak on System one. The communication on tank level is not going out to everyone who needs to get it. Ran a meter reading for system 1 and found the leak. The homeowner was notified and their water was shut off. Thanks to Brad Shurter, Mark Stanley and Harold Corn that helped with the leak.
No new issues on maintenance at this time. System 2 is still running tight.

Leak Study
Mr. Harold Corn stated that the water meters were read on February 1, 2016:
- One meter was not read (Fire Barn), probably due to the snow cover. A quick read – single re-read was successful. The missed read data was manually entered into the water database.
- Five meters exceeded 10,000 gallons.
- 53,801 gallons was due to a broken frost free during snow removal (water shutoff…no leak flag on the monthly read).
- First meter read to successfully locate and isolate a serious homeowner leak (12-13 gpm) that did not surface!
- Out of other four >10,000 meters, three had leak flags.
- One meter simply has higher than average usage.
- Total Leak Flags = 21
Water Audit for January 2016:
- System 1 pumped 1,109,412 gallons; metered 291,301 gallons; unaccounted for water = 73.74%
- System 2 pumped 135,700 gallons; metered 127,435 gallons; unaccounted for water = 6.09%
Mr. Veverka stated that installation of approximately 10 isolation valves in system 1 is needed.
We need to set up a future date to establish a water committee meeting.
It was suggested a probe or core sampling may be a way to test soil moisture to detect leaks.

Water Compliance
Mr. Bennett stated that all compliance requirements are up to date.

Mr. Bennett stated that Ms. Fredlund is looking into the possibility of extending the thinning application response date. Ms. Jill Mumford from the USDA would be willing to consult with residents.

IT – Web Page Status
Ms. Heather Margaret reported that the system is up and active. Things are getting posted as requested.

Mr. Bennett reported that the sander was out on Friday. The contractor was not pushing to widen the roads due to all the snowfall. We need to get good stakes and reflectors for water, phone and electrical stands. There are concerns with phone lines and propane company
deliveries especially in the higher area of our community.
Mr. Otero provided a copy of a map with GPS coordinate points for a specific area in the community which will help determine the points for the rest of the community. Mr. Bennett will provide to Chris Luster and Mr. Bushnell.

Mr. Brophy reported that the law suit is still in process. The next trial date is March 11, 2016 at 9:00 am.

Community Relations
No actions.

Architectural and Parks
Mr. Otero received a proposed architectural change request from a resident. The package was complete and Mr. Otero approved the request.

- ALD Final Report/Sonic follow-up (Veverka) - Mr. Veverka made a call and provided he address.
- Well dropping head tests (Nyhan) – These will be done in the spring.
- Reserve Study (Brophy) – a second source to do the study has not been found. Ifanyone knows of another company please let Mr. Brophy know.
- Thinning Applications (Fredlund) – Ms. Fredlund will find out if there is another cycle for submitting the applications.
- Water committee Meeting (Veverka) – Mr. Veverka will establish a committee and a date for the committee meeting.

Old Business
- Unit Covenants for property owners – no new input.
- Water Leak Policy for Leak Identification and Notification – Mr. Bennett will discuss in executive session.
- Grant Proposals – identifying sources – Mr. Bennett suggested the possibility of a newsletter that informing residents of plan for roads in the spring and to request if any resident has grant proposal writing experience to please let him know.
- Verbiage for payment plan

New Business
- Badger Meter Renewal – Maintenance is costly but is essential. The cost is $45.50 per month or $573.98 per year. It includes upgrades and software maintenance. Mr. Veverka motioned to accept this cost. Mr. Otero seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Identifying Water Meter installations along snow removal paths – There are clearance issues and it is important to protect the meter installations. It was recommended to add reflectors or jersey bouncers. One of the members recommended placing a large
boulder on her property to protect the meter and would be more in line with the environment.
ACTION: Mr. Bushnell to identify meters that could potentially be damaged with plowing for installation of deflectors.
- Request for questions regarding 2013 McKinney & Assoc. Audit
- Will have to be delayed until court action by Star et. al. suit is completed in the event of conflict.
Mr. Veverka motioned to go into executive session. Mr. Otero seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The public Board meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
Executive Session
- Delinquency actions.
- Legal action.
The Executive Session adjourned at 8:34 p.m.

Open Meeting
A SLPPOA member requested a motion to consent to a fixed monthly payment with accrued interest to be paid off by the end of the year. Mr. Veverka motioned to accept and Mr. Brophy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

The Open Meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.