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August 2004

SLPPOA Newsletter August 2004

The intent of this newsletter is to report the meetings notes and other unrelated events or notices which may be of interest to our Association members.
Board meetings are normally held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:15 PM at the SLP fire station. All property owners are welcome.

Next Board Meeting: September 11 (Annual General Meeting) 2PM
August 18, 2004, 7:15pm

Attendance: Donna Smith, Ann Cooke, Wendy Bisset, Orlando Archuleta, Brian Reardon

Brian enthusiastically volunteers to take notes. Many other approved provide he make a sincere effort to spell correctly. The stipulation was noted.

Architectural control:

Jim and Jan Souter of Aspen Grove requested permission to build a huge garage on their house. The request was approved.

Donna Smith pointed out that John Bootzin was not happy with the letter sent to him by Brian Reardon in which his building modifications were approved but he did not receive a variance for his property (Gentry’s old lot). Brian’s response was that if a person wants a variance they must provide evidence that such a variance benefits the community as a whole. Since John Bootzin did not provide any evidence, a variance was not granted.


Wendy reported 42K in the bank. Numerous checks were signed including a check for the filling in of the slash pit. Many letters have been mailed out reminding people to pay their dues. Some people have opted for an installment plan. We are not attaching late fees to late fees.


Kirk is not here but Ann wants to know how much water we have used.


Orlando has done an excellent job. We debated who to turn the Trilobite and Hovenweep contracts over to (Raue or Pete). Raue placed a bit for ~$7000.00 for the Trilobite work. Pete’s is similar but includes adding culverts. The culverts are needed. It was proposed that we write up a contract for Pete to do the road work on Trilobite and Raue to do the plowing. Orlando suggested a contract be set up that states that the work be done between 9/15 and 10/15, for a set price, and for according to the Engineer’s assessment. A similar set up will be for Raue and the snow plowing. Ann will run this by Dave, the lawyer.


A chipper day is coming in 2 weeks. The slash pit has been filled in. It will not be reopened until a reliable burn mechanism can be put in place.


Sandra has still not moved her car or shown proof of insurance. Legal action will be taken this November which is the one year deadline of her doing something about it.

Future meetings: September 11: general meeting. All board members must submit a report. In the event that we do not have a quorum of members, we will have to go door to door to get votes. Brian will bring 10 2-liter bottles of soda, cups, and ice. We will put an ad for the pre meeting garage sale in the Jemez Thunder. Also, Donna will call Scott Alan to move the fire trucks out of the high bay.

Meeting ended 9pm.