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January 2005

SLPPOA Board Meeting Minutes for January, 2005

The intent of this newsletter is to report the official minutes of the Board meetings and other unrelated events or notices which may be of interest to our Association members.

The next SLPPOA Board meeting will be 7:15 pm on 2/8/05.

Meeting called to order at 7:20

Board Members present: Ann Cooke, Brian Reardon, Kirk Thompson, Wendy Bisset, John Fredlund, Kay Karns

November '04 minutes read and approved


Handed out income/expenses for last 2 months. Several new residents that John will have to get new member packets to. Some questions about dues being paid by people that are not listed as the owners were cleared up.


The Sys2 leaks in December were found at 3 non-resident homes. Bednar turned off water to those homes. Owners who have leaks after their isolation valve should fix them and/or contact Don or Kirk for guidance.


Our plowing contractor responded very fast. Two plows in November, two in December, None in January so far. Sand buckets can be refilled at fire station.


Not present


We are in the process of writing a letter about the wall on Bonito.

Other business

Firewise meeting is January 19, 7:00 at SLP fire station

We need to replace Wendy on the Board. Mike Brown was first alternate. Renee Collier was second. John to contact Mike Brown.

Meeting ended at 7:58.