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February 8, 2005


Board Members Present: Brian Reardon, Kirk Thompson, Orlando Archuleta, Jeff Erickson, Wendy Bisset, Ann Cook, Kay Karns, John Fredlund, Mike Brown, Karen Taylor

Meeting Called to Order at 7:15

Treasurer’s Report – Brian reported a balance at LANB of $47,675. Outstanding membership dues are at $31,414.

Water – Kirk had no news to report.

Roads - Kay reported that she received lots of phone calls during the most recent snowfall. Members needed assurance that the roads would be plowed. Normally, plowing takes one day, but due to the unusual amount of snowfall, this took 3 days. . Raue first had to use his truck with a blade and then returned with his plow to continue the job. Raue has been asked to plow the higher elevations (ie Los Griegos) first and then continue with the lower areas. In November Raue plowed twice; in December he plowed twice; in January, he plowed once and to date, he’s plowed twice in February. Our contract with Raue includes 6-8 plowings. Any plowings after the 8 will require additional payment. General questions arose on plowing lots on unit 10 which are not part of the association. Kay will clarify with Raue.

Architecture - Karen reported that building plans had been approved for Unit 2, Lot 32. She also indicated that plans for partial fencing on Unit 8, Lot 3 had been approved as well. General discussion arose as to member parking their vehicles on Los Griegos as well as near the road in front of the “No Parking” signs. Members are reminded to park their vehicles on their own property, and not on the road easements. Members are further reminded that if they must park their cars at the top of the hill in anticipation of a snow storm, they are expected to dig their cars out and return them to their own property in a timely manner.

Legal – Ann mentioned that some non-operating cars had been removed from members’ lots. The board has not received notice of insurance on the fence on Hovenweep. Action by David will be taken to address failure on the homeowner’s part to comply with prior agreement.

Parks – a member approached Brian reference grading an area of SLPPOA for a horse exercise area. General discussion ensued about possible liability and fairness to all members. No decision made, but the board will look into possible liability.

Forest Service / Firewise – Brian and Ann will meet with Area 1 and Area 2 residents to learn how to assess property for thinning. Work will begin in those areas and later to Sierra Los Pinos. Residents who applied for assistance last August will be notified. Chipper days will be held in April. Dates TBA.

Covenants, By-Laws, Special Assessments – As Wendy has given her resignation, Mike Brown volunteered to work on this effort to unify the Association’s covenants as well as define boundaries, easements, and setbacks.

Old Business – No news on the water issues with Bootzin.

New Business – John asked to remind motorists of the need to be courteous when encountering EMS vehicles in the area. Motorists should allow 1 free lane around the EMS vehicle or personnel and slow their speed to 5mph.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30.