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May 10 2005

SLLPOA Notes of May 10, 2005 Meeting

Board Members Present: Brian Reardon, Kay Karns, Jeff Erickson, Kirk Thompson, Karen Taylor, Ann Cook, Orlando Archuleta

Guests: Jeff and Bonita Eichorst

Meeting called to order at 7:15

Treasurer’s Report: SLPPOA has over $60k in the bank. Late fees are accruing for those owing over $125. Almost $6k in unpaid dues.

Water: no news to report. Web page link to water updates is down

Roads: Attempts to grade all roads will start soon. Discussion of the cost of base coarse and general discussion on cost of snow removal for last year. Kay will get estimates of future roadwork from Raue.

Architectural: no news

Legal: Jeff will call our insurance carrier about Contrell's non-compliance with including SLPPOA on her insurance. Ann talked to David. Contrell needs to notify us of her insurance. She failed to due this last year and this year she indicates that we can’t be on her insurance. David is ready to proceed.

Parks: Orlando obtained estimates of $1100 to $1300 per acre for Chaco and Black Bear park thinning. Park’s budget is $500. Kirk offered $600 from his water budget to Parks. Kirk motioned, Brian seconded that SLPPOA divert money from water. All agreed with the exception of Kay, who opposed. A board member should be present for the first day of the park thinning. Neighbors near the parks should be notified. The chips from the thinning will be spread around the playground.

Forest Service/Fire wise: At the last fire wise meeting, 5 property owners were present and told to gather their surveys in anticipation of thinning. Some participants of that meeting were concerned with closure of the old campground road and of thinning in general.

Covenants/By Laws/Special Assessments: general discussion of what SLPPOA needs to purchase as a “big ticket” item, i.e. Water tank, more basecourse, etc. Kay wants more money to base coarse the subdivision.

New Business: Kay will call the forest service reference covering the culvert and the exposed telephone line on Forest Road 10. Kirk will purchase a fire hose and nozzle to clear culverts. General discussion on erosion on Los Griegos which received base coarse last year. The problem is that residents don’t use 4WD when proceeding up Los Griegos, causing the washboard effect and general erosion. Kirk will get a quote for a new water tank and installation.

Old Business: no news on water dedication. Chroninger was not present to discuss a horse arena

Meeting adjourned at 9:05.