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April 12 2005


Board Members Present: Kirk Thompson, Orlando Archuleta, Jeff Erickson, Ann Cook, Kay Karns, Mike Brown, Karen Taylor

Guests: Andy Vigil, Dan Key, Fire Mgmt Officer, Ron Gallegos, Fire Protection Specialist, Rita Gentry, Planning, all of the Jemez Ranger District.

Meeting Called to Order at 7:21

Forest Service Presentation – The guests from the Jemez Ranger District, Santa Fe National Forest gave a two-hour presentation on the proposed Bonito Wildland-Urban Interface Fuels Reduction Project. The project involves thinning and prescribed burns within and near the area known as Vallecitos de los Indios, located approximately 6 miles northeast of Jemez Springs. The District proposes pre-commercial thinning of trees smaller than 9 inches diameter at breast height (DBH), commercial mechanical timber harvesting of trees approximately 9-36 inches DBH, public fuelwood use, slash treatments, and prescribed broadcast and pile burning. Thinning and timber harvesting would begin in May 05 and may continue for 3 years.

Board members voiced concerns over the proposed time line from notification to formal Record Of Decision and the time allotted for public/stakeholder input. Discussion ensued as to a provision for a broader representation of the homeowners in the area, as this project will frame the environment for generations to come. Mike Brown agreed to draft a request for an extension on this proposal until more input could be garnered.

Minutes Read – The minutes of the March 8th meeting were read. Kay proposed the minutes be accepted as written. Mike seconded the motion.

Treasurer’s Report – not present.

Water – Kirk had no news to report. A general discussion of insulation or lack thereof at the pump houses could be a factor in how often the baseboard heaters must be run to prevent them from freezing. No news on the dedication issue.

Roads - Kay reported that Raue has completed one or two extra plowings above our contract agreement. Additional roadwork was done on Hovenweep.

Architecture - Karen reported that Unit 8, Lot 7 has been sold and the new owners submitted plans for fencing. A general discussion of SLPPOAs previous decisions on fencing ensued. Generally, no chain link or barbed wired fences. Fences must not obstruct the neighbors’ views, and must be made of materials that blend with the environment. Fences must be erected to comply with the covenants.

Legal – SLPPOA received a letter from Contrell’s attorney indicating that she has met the requirements of increasing her insurance liability to cover possible issues with her fence. Jeff will contact the insurance company to verify if SLPPOA is listed as a co-insurer and to see if he can find out how long the coverage has been in effect.

Parks – Chipping will take place on April 16th. Other chipper dates will be posted at the mailbox area. Orlando will check on obtaining bids for thinning of parks.

Covenants, By-Laws, Special Assessments – no news

General Meeting/Election – Chroninger has expressed an interest in running for the board. We anticipate 3 openings.

Old business – further discussions on horse arena and liability issue. Chroninger was asked to provide documentation as to how this would not impact SLPPOAs insurance premiums.

New business – no new business

Meeting adjourned at 9:50