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July 11, 2017

July 11, 2017

1. CALL TO ORDER: President, Ms. Judy Kilburg stated we had a quorum and called the meeting of the Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners’ Association to order at 7:18 p.m. at the SLP Fire Station.

2. ROLL CALL: (P-Present, E-excused, A-Absent without notification)

Pres - Judy Kilburg
Water – Peter Veverka
Firewise – Eleni Fredlund
VP - Harold Corn
Roads –

Parks/Architectural – Max Otero
Sec/Treasurer - Lorraine Otero
Legal – John Fredlund

GUEST: Ms. Suzanne Star

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Ms. Kilburg asked if everyone had a chance to review the agenda. Mr. Otero made a motion to approve the July 11, 2017 agenda. Mr. Corn seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Ms. Kilburg asked if everyone had reviewed the 2nd draft of the meeting minutes. Mr. Fredlund made a motion to approve the minutes and Mr. Otero seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

a. President – No report.
b. Vice President – No report.
c. Secretary/Treasurer: Ms. Otero provided the following Monthly Report:

The balance in accounts as of June 30, 2017 are as follows:
Operating Account: $83,917.56
Reserve Account: $125,251.77
Special Assessment Account: $5,218.47

Past due accounts:
As of June 30th, we have 17 past due accounts which total $18,144.80. Of these delinquent accounts, four are considered uncollectible in the amount of $12,066.66. There are four members that owe interest only. I’ve contacted them so they are aware. Five members that requested payment plans are making payments. Liens may be filed on four members that have not paid their 2017 assessment and have not requested a payment plan.

Legal costs for the lawsuit increased by $1,694.51 to $36,154.46. The increase was due to review and drafting of orders pertaining to the lawsuit and responding to various questions and emails from Star. Ms. Kilburg stated Mr. Fredlund needs to ask the attorney why we are paying for questions and emails from Star.

The auditor reported that our taxes were submitted to HOAMCO for processing.

The auditor provided us a 2nd draft of the audit which Judy agreed addressed the comments and questions that she had posed. I believe the auditor is working on the final.

On June 14th, $40,000 from the operating account was deposited into the Reserve account at LANB.

The Water Conservation Fee report was completed as required every Jul and Jan. I instructed HOAMCO to submit a check to the State in the amount of $175.62 for the fee.

The Combined Reporting System was completed as required every Jul and Jan.

A New Member Package was provided to a new resident.

a. Water
i. Water Maintenance – Mr. Corn reported that there’s been no true maintenance or expense items. Everything is running well. Mr. Corn adjusted and replaced batteries in the levelcon for system 2 and it started working ok. We had trouble with that a few months back. Mr. Dave Schmidt has been helping with that but had surgery recently and can’t do anything right now. Mr. Corn raised the System 1 level controller, the ISSCS piece of the water system on System 1 because during the fire season it’s running about 70% and he would rather see it run about 85% full.

ii. Water Compliance – Mr. Corn provided the following report June 2017 Water Compliance-Meter Report

Water System Coliform/Microbiological Reports:
Due to the Cajete Fire, NMED recommend a possible boil advisory. We asked Frank to take 3 extra samples from System 1 and 2 samples from System 2. All came back normal. No boil advisory was issued.

Water System Compliance Schedule required by NMED DWB for 2017:
TTHM complete 6/14/17
Lead & Copper submitted 6/1/2017
HAA5 9/1-9/30/17 (1 sample) due date
CCR (Consumer Confidence Report has been submitted to and approved by NMED).
A copy of this report has been posted on the SLPPOA-WATER web page and posted publicly at Station # 2.
Notification and certification has been sent to NMED

Water System Misc:
The all-time single residential monthly water use was noted in June at 90,437 gals. June is usually our highest month. Mr. Fredlund offered some perspective, the water tender in the fire house could be filled 45 times!
This year's first Sys 1 pipe replacement project has been completed. Covered under a separate report.
The first time ever, the SLP 15kw backup generator was connected to the System 1 Aspen well during the Cajete Fire. Some electrical circuit adaptation was necessary. Volunteers were Dave Ponton, Mark Stanley, and Harold Corn.
Some water was drawn by the local volunteer fire department during the recent fire activity.

Water Usage: (Meters were read on July 1, 2017 by Peter Veverka, reader setup was by Mark Stanley)
System 1
Wells Pumped 749,599 (818,782) gals, (...last month's data...)
Leakage Rate = 8.1 (11.8) gpm
Leak Flags Identified = 13 (15)
Users > 10,000 gals = 8 (5); highest user = 90,437 (NO LEAK FLAG)
System 2
Well Pumped 346,470 (258,810) gals, (...last month's data...)
Leakage Rate = 1.5 (1.1) gpm
Leak Flags Identified = 3 (4)
Users > 10,000 gals = 5 (2); highest users = 75,592, 50,743

Mr. Corn also mentioned that System 1 water line replacement, phase 2 is planned for August. Mr. Veverka drafted an estimate for just under $15,000 based on the last three invoices but didn’t take into account the increase in costs. Ms. Kilburg said it appears to date we used just under $18,000 for the last section replacement based on the financial report. Ms. Otero motioned to transfer $18,000 from the Reserve account to the Operating account for completion of the System 1 water replacement, Phase 2. Mr. Fredlund seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

b. Roads – Ms. Kilburg was provided another name for road maintenace from Mr. Fredlund. She will try to contact him soon. Ms. Kilburg is also waiting on an estimate from Wade who has talked and worked with Pete Meskimon and is familiar with our roads and has worked with Mr. Meskimon in the past. Ms. Kilburg said until we get some moisture we really can’t do much.

c. Legal – Mr. Fredlund stated he hasn’t heard anything regarding the lawsuit. The attorney is out of town. Mr. Fredlund said he read the transcript from the May 23, 2017 court hearing and he agrees with the Board’s summation that it didn’t make much sense.

d. Firewise – Mr. Fredlund reported that Stage 1 restrictions are still in place. The Gillman Tunnels should reopen on August 1st. In regard to the Cajete fire, Mr. Fredlund said that he had already reported an abandoned fire in that area previously. Someone started the fire in the same spot or nearby. If Mr. and Mrs. Fredlund hadn’t been out of town at that time the fire might not have happened. If you find any fires during your walks call the Forest Service dispatch and report it to them, latitude, longitude, license plates, etc.

e. Parks – Mr. Otero said the park grass is yellowing due to lack of rain.

f. Architectural – Mr. Otero had one person re-start their project for a deck which was already approved last year.

a. Audit Status – Ms. Kilburg reported that she had a discussion with Thad Porch, the auditor because she had several questions on the draft he submitted. She said his focus is specifically on HOA so he is well versed and was a little critical of how our audits by McKinney and Associates were done in the past. The discussion was enlightening and we should be receiving the final soon.

b. Restrictive Covenant Violation – Mr. Fredlund sent an email to the attorney but he is out of town and he hasn’t heard back yet. Mr. Fredlund is concerned that if we get into enforcing covenant violations that people will expect us to enforce them but we are not empowered to do so.

c. Meter Can Install on Vacant Lots – Mr. Corn said he had a question for Mr. Veverka. He will follow up with him this week. Ms. Kilburg said we will go ahead a bill the member for the special assessment portion and let them know that the connection fee will be billed at a later date when the connection cost is known. Mr. Corn asked if we need to collect the money before we order parts and that we have enough money in the Special Assessment account however, Ms. Kilburg said to keep in mind that the money that’s there is money that is owed back to the Operating account since there was a shortfall during the meter can installation project. This is money owed back to the operating account. When the member pays the money, it should be posted into the Special Assessment account. Mr. Corn said the process is a little more difficult right now because this is the first installation that’s been done after the meter can install project was completed. Mr. Corn will inform the member that there will be a connection fee associated with the meter can assembly.

d. Google Drive – Mr. Fredlund authorized access for Mr. Corn so he can access all SLPPOA Google folders. Mr. Fredlund has also added himself to the water folders while working on the Excess Water Use project. He moved all the water usage spreadsheets that he got from Mark and that he’s collected.

e. Board Volunteers – Ms. Kilburg asked if Mr. Otero was planning to run again and he said he would as long as he can serve in the same capacity that he is currently. Ms. Kilburg said the ballots have to go out by the end of the month.

f. Newsletter – Ms. Kilburg said she sent out the latest draft and incorporated comments she received and added a few other things. She would like to get it out this week.

a. Residential water leak flags – Mr. Corn said there was nothing new.

b. Excess water usage policy (surcharge/metering) – Mr. Fredlund asked if the Board had a chance to look at the actual spreadsheets. The first question was how many months it takes to repair a leak. Last discussion said about 3 months would be reasonable. Mr. Otero suggested 2 months because most of the leaks are due to leaky toilets which Mr. Corn concurred. Mr. Fredlund said the purpose is to stop people from using excessive water use not a punitive measure or means to collect money for the Association. Mr. Fredlund said his draft is just a strawman and the volunteers for the Committee will make the actual policy. He will place the spreadsheet in a more publically available place so more members can view. Mr. Corn said he’s not opposed to having a little water revenue because if we have to pump more water we need more revenue to maintain the water system and the additional cost for electricity. This will be generally addressed in the Newsletter and the Committee can discuss and decide what the details will be.

c. Reserve Study Corrections – Ms. Kilburg was in communication with Carlos so we should be getting an update to the study. Carlos said road maintenance should only be included if predictable but since we have a line item in the budget we don’t need to add it to the study. He can create a line item for lawsuits but he would need to know what amount to budget each year. Labor costs are included in all the calculations.

d. Management Company/Accounting Firm Bids – Ms. Kilburg has not had an opportunity to contact perspective companies/individuals.

e. Member Complaint Re: Numerous Inoperable Vehicles on Property – discussed in Legal above.

a. Ballot Mailing – Ms. Kilburg said we need nominations as ballots will need to go out by the end of the month.

b. Complaint regarding barrels labeled flammable on vacant property – Mr. Otero said he received a call from a member followed by an email about two barrels labeled “flammable” on a vacant property. Ms. Kilburg said to call Mr. Mondragon at LANB.

c. Disclosure of Leaks in Property Sales – Ms. Kilburg said a disclosure form is completed at closing and homeowner leaks, if any, should be disclosed on that form. Mr. Corn asked if we have a responsibility for that. Mr. Otero stated that it’s the responsibility of each homeowner to check their water usage and determine if they have a leak, not the responsibility of the Association.

10. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, August 8, 2017, 7:15 p.m.

11. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Delinquent Accounts

Submitted by: Lorraine Otero