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August 21, 2017

August 21, 2017

1. CALL TO ORDER: President, Ms. Judy Kilburg stated we had a quorum and called the meeting of the Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners’ Association to order at 7:17 p.m. at the SLP Fire Station.

2. ROLL CALL: (P-Present, E-excused, A-Absent without notification)
Pres - Judy Kilburg P
VP - Harold Corn P
Sec/Treasurer - Lorraine Otero P
Water – Peter Veverka P
Roads –
Legal – John Fredlund E
Firewise – Eleni Fredlund P
Parks/Architectural – Max Otero P

GUEST: Ms. Suzanne Star

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Ms. Kilburg asked if everyone had any additions or changes to the agenda. Ms. Fredlund made a motion to approve the August 8, 2017 agenda. Ms. Otero seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Ms. Kilburg asked if everyone had reviewed the 2nd draft of the meeting minutes. Ms. Fredlund made a motion to approve the minutes and Mr. Corn
seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

a. President – No report.
b. Vice President – No report.
c. Secretary/Treasurer: Ms. Otero provided the following Monthly Report:
The balance in accounts as of July 31, 2017 are as follows:
Operating Account: $100,790.93
Reserve Account: $107,629.26
Special Assessment Account: $5,218.51
Past due accounts:
As of July 31 st , we have 15 past due accounts which total $16,707.43. Of these delinquent accounts, four are considered uncollectible in the amount of $12,397.85. There are four
members that owe interest only. I sent a letter to each of them with their balance and informed them that their balance grows by $5 each month. Two of the five members that
requested payment plans paid their balance off. HOAMCO filed Liens on three members that have not paid their 2017 assessment and did not request a payment plan.
On July 12, 2017, I requested a cashiers check in the amount of $18,000.00 from LANB Reserve Account and then send it to HOAMCO to deposit into the Operating budget account
for repairs on Water System 1 as discussed in the June Board meeting.

On July 12, 2017, I also deposited two checks from HOAMCO totaling $741.66 for June and July monthly transfer to the Reserve account.
Legal costs for the lawsuit remain at $36,154.46.
The financial statement shows the audit and taxes were paid in July in the amount of $3,487.66.
The ballots went out to all the members on 7/31/17.
A New Member Package was provided to a new resident.
a. Water
i. Water Maintenance – Mr. Veverka reported that they put in another 1,000 feet of mainline on Mimbres to Ashley Rd. Tests will need to be done to see where we are at this point.
Mr. Veverka said we need to set up a maintenance schedule to replace pipe on a regular basis. We should have sections of pipe identified for replacement not because they are leaking but because they have been there for a long time. In the long run it will save money. Mr. Veverka said things are going well because we were below 8 gpm leakage. We started at 22 gpm or more. The tests will tell us where we can get more bang for the buck. Other than that everything is going well. Mr. Veverka indicated that this is due to how costly those sections will be to replace. Mr. Veverka wants to do a test on the whole system. Every time we tighten things up it adds pressure to the weak point. It will be an ongoing process.
ii. Water Compliance – Mr. Corn provided the July 2017 Water Compliance-Meter Report
Water System Coliform/Microbiological Reports:
 System 1 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 7/25/17
o Total Coliform - Absent
o Total E. Coli - Absent
o Disinfected, Residual 0.09 mg/l (136 Mimbres Way)
 System 2 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 7/25/17
o Total Coliform - Absent
o Total E. Coli - Absent
o Disinfected, Residual 0.12 mg/l (1514 Los Griegos Rd.)
Water System Compliance Schedule required by NMED DWB for 2017:
 TTHM completed by Frank Naranjo, 6/14/17
o Notice of Violation received 8/4/2017
o Retraction (voice mail) of the Notice of Violation 8/9/2017
o Results Received = Nothing Detected at the reporting level.
 Lead & Copper, 5 samples taken and submitted 6/1/2017 by Harold Corn, results
completed 7/5/2017
o 3 locations on System 1, 2 locations on System 2
o Copper - 5 samples had some level results above the Reporting Level
o Lead - 2 samples had results above the Reporting Level
 HAA5 9/1-9/30/17 future due date, (1 sample)

NMED/DWB has requested our annual water survey be completed by 9/1/2017. This year they are also requesting AWWA Drinking Water Audit Results.
Water System Misc:
 The all-time single residential monthly water use was noted in July at 160,462 gals. Repair/excavation activity has been observed since the meter was read.
 This year's second Sys 1 pipe replacement project has been completed. Raised Sys 1 ISAACS Control Level in order to store more water.
 New water meter can assembly installed on Sys 1, Unit 2, Lot 26.
Water Usage: (Setup & read on July 1, 2017 by Dave Schmitt & Harold Corn)
 System 1
o Wells Pumped 644,430 (749,599) gals, (...last month's data...)
o Usage = 292,630 gals
o Leakage Rate = 7.9 (8.1) gpm
o Leak Flags Identified = 6 (13)
o Users > 10,000 gals = 3 (8); highest user (same residence as last month) = 33,587 gals (NO LEAK FLAG); next 16,371 and 14,380 gals
o CONGRATULATIONS SYS 1! Improvements shown on ALL categories.
 System 2
o Well Pumped 424,230 (346,470) gals, (...last month's data...)
o Usage = 353,856 gals
o Leakage Rate = 1.6 (1.5) gpm
o Leak Flags Identified = 5 (3)
o Users > 10,000 gals = 5 (5); highest users = 160,462, 29,920, 15,995 gals
Mr. Corn said we have one more big test to do, the HA5, Frank will do it on September 8 th . Mr. Veverka and Mr. Corn will need to fill out and return the annual water survey.
iii. System 1 Water Line Replacement – Mr. Corn said after the fire he raised the ISAACS Control Level a little bit to get more water in the tanks for pressure. He said that is
working out ok. We have installed one new meter can assembly in Unit 2 as of this report and one more that we finished last week. We don’t have the lids yet. Mr. Dave Schmidt helped Mr. Corn with the meter readings this month. He took Mr. Schmidt through the setup process. The System 1 usage went down from the month before. Mr. Schmidt has offered to help people find their residential leaks. He has a systematic approach to identify them.
b. Roads
i. Maintenance/Bids – Ms. Kilburg said she received two bids. One from JJ Excavation came in at $48,397. This included the installation of 7 new culverts, regrading roads and
correcting drainage with existing materials, if possible. If there are any delays because of telephone, power lines, etc. they will charge $260 per hour for down time. If they need to bring
in fill and import material that will be done on a time and material basis. She also received a quote for $2,000 from Wade at CBKN Dirt Works for grading with existing materials. Wade
estimates it will take about 10 hours for the entire association. Dirt Works provided the recycled asphalt for Pete Meskimen and talked with Pete about our roads and what to expect. He was given the go ahead to proceed last week so Ms. Kilburg will call him to see what is going on. Ms. Kilburg also asked Wade to identify the areas that need more fill on the sides and areas that need recycled asphalt. Mr. Veverka would like to drive the roads with the contractor to ensure he is aware of the areas needing special attention.
c. Legal - Ms. Fredlund provided the Legal report in Mr. Fredlund’s absence.
i. Delinquent Account Legal Update – will be discussed in closed session
ii. Lawsuit -No other word on progress of the appeal.
iii. Restrictive Covenant Violation - Mimbres lane trash - Something worked and the property got substantially cleaned up. One old barrel still out there, but much nicer.
iv. Warning Letter re: numerous inoperable vehicles – No legal advice on this yet.
v. Water Usage Policy Meeting Update – Formulated problem statement - "Some members are using excessive amounts of water, and SLPPOA has no deterrence mechanism." Agreed on base rate and then a tiered rate structure to discourage usage above what we could support if more people abused. Spreadsheet (still available online) updated to show examples of how much people would get billed and how much total we would get for two different proposed rates. I am pretty sure we want a base amount that comes with paying dues, though one member wanted to bill everybody every month. Leak forgiveness will be less forgiving than strawman, with more emphasis on helping get the leak fixed, and forgiving if they move fast.
Mr. Fredlund reported that the fire department would still be interested in some cost-sharing scheme to place a real hydrant at the fire station. Remember that this would be for the benefit of SLP, not really the fire department. Mr. Veverka said that previously the fire department said they would maintain all the fire hydrants that we have in place. Now the FD is saying they are not worth the effort for us to replace so Mr. Veverka suggests removing all of them. He will talk to the fire department.
d. Firewise – Ms. Fredlund reported that the Peggy fire still has smoke on the inside but 886 acres were treated due to the lightning strike. Many of our Jemez district forest service folks are helping in the northwest.
Ms. Fredlund will ask Ron Gallegos or Terrance, the FMO, to see if they will speak at our annual meeting along with Chief Lee Taylor.
Mr. Corn mentioned that the there is a timber sale north of us. They are putting up sale signs.
Mr. Veverka said that leaves us with a good buffer.
e. Parks – Mr. Otero said he is planning to mow the parks tomorrow.
f. Architectural – Mr. Otero said he received one request but it will be discussed in closed session.
a. Audit Status – Ms. Kilburg received a copy of the final audit and emailed it to theBoard. She will have a copy placed on the website. We are still waiting on our copy of the
b. Meter Can Install on Vacant Lots – Discussed above. Mr. Corn added that he sent out last minute comparisons on the installs for an idea of the costs at the time of the special
assessment project and what it costs now. The big difference is in the cost of the lids. The increase is about $170. Mr. Corn has a call in to the manufacturer because they may have priced the wrong lid. We now have about six vacant lots without meters.
c. Complaint regarding barrels labeled flammable on vacant property – Mr. Otero said that in talking with the realtor they were going to pay $1,000 to have the barrels moved off
the property but the new owners want the barrels because they need the fuel for their backup generator. It was used by the previous owner as fuel for an oil furnace which is how the home is heated. The barrels were left in place.
a. Residential water leak flags – Discussed above. Mr. Corn added that he had a few people that want him to call if they have a leak flag. That’s impossible to do for 155 residents.
Many people are not checking the anonymous water spreadsheet monthly. Mr. Veverka suggested that if homeowners want they could get an individual readout for their meter so they
can track their water usage. Mr. Veverka said we need to find out the cost from Baker Utility and see if we can get a quantity discount for those members that are interested. Mr. Corn said there is also an option to get a reading on your cell phone. These suggestions will be brought up at the annual meeting discussion.
b. Excess water usage policy (surcharge/metering) – We have a certain amount of water in the commons. Each member has x amount of gallons. If you use more than your share then
you have to pay for it. Ms. Fredlund said there should be comparisons for overage costs from other local areas. Mr. Veverka said the majority of the membership is adhering to the amount available for each household. There are only about ten folks that are using excess amounts routinely. If a member is using more than their allotted share that increases the overall costs we pay for electricity, water conservation tax, and stress on the systems. There will be leak forgiveness within the parameters stated in the proposed policy.
c. Reserve Study Corrections – Ms. Kilburg stated that she contacted the contractor by email last month and asked him where he was with the corrections. The contractor said he would send the corrected copy to her but to date she hasn’t received anything. She will send out another email tomorrow.
d. Management Company/Accounting Firm Bids – Ms. Kilburg stated she received a bid from a management company and she has gone through it. There were issues she noted in
the terms and conditions, i.e., a high termination penalty. The 28-page proposal identified all the things the company can do for us but in the end had a proposal and a quote to do accounting only. Ms. Kilburg said she still has to review all the fine print and will send the Board a summary. As of now there are no companies that can provide a good fit.
a. Unauthorized Board Member Email Address – Due to Mr. Fredlund’s unavailability this topic will be tabled until next month.
b. Annual Meeting – Invite Guests? Ms. Fredlund said that Ron Gallegos as the PIO or Terrance the FMO and also Chief Lee Taylor who will discuss the water tanks.
c. Web Master – Ms. Kilburg said we need to find/hire someone to take over maintaining our web site.
d. Possible Unofficial Meeting to discuss Annual Meeting – Ms. Kilburg stated each Board member needs to be getting their report together for their respective area to highlight the
activities that occurred during the past year.
10. NEXT MEETING: Saturday, September 9, 2017, after Annual Meeting Tuesday, September 12, 2017, 7:15 p.m.
11. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m.
Delinquent Accounts
Submitted by: Lorraine Otero