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September 12, 2017

September 12, 2017

1. CALL TO ORDER: President, Ms. Judy Kilburg called the meeting of the Sierra Los Pinos Property Owners’ Association to order at 7:15 p.m. at the SLP Fire Station.
2. ROLL CALL: (P-Present, E-excused, A-Absent without notification)
Pres - Judy Kilburg P
VP - Harold Corn P
Sec/Treasurer - Lorraine Otero P
Water – Peter Veverka (arrived late)
Roads – Brian Nelson P
Legal – John Fredlund P
Firewise – Tamera Weary P
Parks/Architectural – Max Otero P
GUEST: No guests were present.

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Ms. Kilburg stated that we need to add Budget under New Business on the agenda. With this addition, Mr. Otero made the motion to approve the agenda.
Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.
4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Ms. Kilburg asked if everyone had reviewed the 2nd draft of the 8/21/2017 meeting minutes. Mr. Otero made a motion to approve the minutes and Mr. Corn seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.

a. President – No report. Ms. Kilburg thanked and welcomed the new members. The new members introduced themselves. Ms. Kilburg stated that Brian Nelson will fulfill the one-year position on the Board.
b. Vice President – No report but Mr. Corn also wanted to thank the new Board members for volunteering to serve on the Board.
c. Secretary/Treasurer: Ms. Otero provided the following Monthly Report:
The balance in accounts as of August 31, 2017 are as follows:
Operating Account: $79,531.25
Reserve Account: $108,009.26
Special Assessment Account: $6,904.56
Past due accounts:
A/O this month, we went from 15 past due accounts to 11 for a total of $16,882.97. Four members paid off their balances. Of these delinquent accounts, four are considered uncollectible in the amount of $13,271.68. I received a request from a title company for HOA information on the largest delinquent account. I sent a history breakdown on the arrear amount. However, the title company said Fanny Mae will not pay any charges prior to the filing date of the foreclosure which was 10/19/16. So unfortunately, we probably won’t get but a small portion back if any. All members but one have paid off their payment plans. We have one remaining member that continues to make payments on their lots in accordance with their payment plan.
On Aug 8 th, I deposited the monthly check from our HOAMCO operating accounting to the LANB Reserve account. On Aug 21 st I issued a payment from the Special Assessment Account in the amount of $1,466.25 for the vendor that installed a water meter can assembly or one of our members. I have the member’s check for the meter can assembly which needs to be deposited into the Special Assessment account.
Legal costs for the lawsuit increased to $36,222.99. This is an increase of $68.53 which was for the attorney’s review of the Notice of Assignment to General Calendar; draft email transmittal for Notice; review client response; respond.
A New Member Package was provided to a new resident.
a. Water
i. Water Maintenance – Mr. Corn said he and Mr. Veverka have an appointment tomorrow to put in a pressure regulator at a member’s home. The pressure regulator was taken out when they were installing the meter can because they didn’t think it was needed. Now they will put it back. Also, some kids were playing at a lot where the storage tanks are located and broke the water line so the water was turned off. Now the connection is fixed and the water needs to be turned back on.
ii. Water Compliance – Mr. Corn provided the August 2017 Water Compliance-Meter Report
Water System Coliform/Microbiological Reports:
 System 1 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 8/20/17
o Total Coliform - Absent
o Total E. Coli - Absent
o Disinfected, Residual 0.04 mg/l (87 Aspen Grove)
 System 2 sample taken by Frank Naranjo, 8/20/17
o Total Coliform - Absent
o Total E. Coli - Absent
o Disinfected, Residual 0.11 mg/l (720 Los Griegos Rd.)
 Post Mimbres Line Replacement
o Total Coliform – Positive. Frank will test this again. The home is empty and the water is stagnant. If we get another positive we will send out a warning.
o Total E. Coli - Absent
o Disinfected, Residual 0.11 mg/l (78 Mimbres Way, outside hydrant)
Water System Compliance Schedule required by NMED DWB for 2017:
 HAA5 9/1-9/30/17 future due date, (1 sample)
 Annual water survey has been completed and submitted. This year they are also requesting AWWA Drinking Water Audit Results.
Water System Miscellaneous:
 The all-time single residential monthly water use in July at 160,462 gals appears to have been repaired.
 This year's second Sys 1 pipe replacement project was completed in August. New water meter can assembly installed on Sys 2, Unit 6, Lot 13. Lids for the meter can assemblies are still back ordered.
Water Usage: (Setup & read on July 1, 2017 by Dave Schmitt & Harold Corn)
 System 1
o Wells Pumped 585,673 (644,430) gals, (...last month's data...)
o Usage = 237,279 (292,630) gals
o Leakage Rate = 7.8 (7.9) gpm
o Leak Flags Identified = 14 (6)
o Users > 10,000 gals = 2 (3); highest user (same residence as last month) = 24,241 gals (LEAK FLAG); next 13,673 (leak flag) gals

System 2
o Well Pumped 237,630 (424,230) gals, (...last month's data...)
o Usage = 160,330 (353,856) gals
o Leakage Rate = 1.7 (1.6) gpm
o Leak Flags Identified = 6 (5)
o Users > 10,000 gals = 2 (5); highest users = 24,656 (no leak flag); 15,519 (leak flag) gals
b. Roads – Ms. Kilburg reported that she received notification on Monday from Mr. Mark Pino with CBKN Dirt Works that the road grading will be done on Friday and Saturday. I’m not sure what they can do because the roads are so rutted and there is no material to move around. With the telephone lines strewn across the road we can expect that the lines will be cut. Ms. Kilburg said this past year the Board allocated $20,000 from the Reserve account for roads, in addition to what was already in the budget for a total of about $46,000 for roads but it’s been very challenging. There are several areas that need culverts. Ms. Kilburg said that we are all volunteers and if members see that a culvert by their home is getting plugged or diverting incorrectly they should correct the situation.
c. Legal - Mr. Fredlund provided the following:
i. Delinquent Account Legal Update – was discussed earlier
ii. Lawsuit -No other word on progress of the appeal.
iii. Restrictive Covenant Violations -
(a) Mimbres land trash - the property got substantially cleaned up. Mr. Veverka stated that it appears the trash was placed in a large plastic bin.
(b) Warning Letter re: numerous inoperable vehicles – Attorney said the letter looked fine.
(c) Architectural Change Request for Approval for fencing for business - will request attorney opinion.
d. Firewise – Ms. Fredlund informed Ms. Weary and Ms. Otero that her report for August 2017 is the same report as she presented at the SLPPOA Annual 9/9/17 which is reiterated as follows:
We had 19 wildfires most of them were 1⁄4 acre to 3 acres in size. Of course you all know about the Cajete which was a human caused fire and had a lot of potential to negatively impact your neighborhood. I think it would be good to ask your neighbors to be diligent in the summer months and report any camping with campfires around your neighborhood immediately to us. A lot of people like to camp in the Vallecitos area on the forest side and abandoned campfires are a huge problem on this district.
Out of the 19 wildfires 10 of them were human caused.
We did have the Peggy fire which was a huge success, we were able to safely manage the Peggy fire (880 acres) for the benefit of the forest and watershed in the Deer Creek landing area off of FR 376, I would encourage folks to take a drive out there and look at the fire effects we were able to get some moderate and low severity fire in there. This was a fire that we had in July during our monsoon season (lower temps higher RH’s) so we were able to utilize the Peggy fire for resource benefit. I think the big take away to share is that we live in a fire adapted ecosystem and any opportunity we can take to allow natural ignition fires (lightening) to burn up excess fuel under the right conditions prevents fires like Cajete down the road.
Prescribed fire
We are planning on finishing up a 90 acre block of broadcast near Vallecitos it’s the same area as the RX burn across from East fork Trailhead, also I’m sure you all have seen the piles on the hillside above your community to the south adjacent FR10 we want to take care of those this winter. I would let people know to expect some smoke impacts but it’s very important for your community to get this stuff taken care of because if a fire ever starts down by battleship it’s going to funnel up east fork drainage right towards SLP, these RX treatments will help slow the progression of a fire coming out of East fork drainage.
We are also planning a 2100 acre burn on Stable Mesa this fall it has been delayed due to the fire season up in the NW because all of the firefighters in the country are committed to wildfires and we do not burn until we get those folks back and things calm down with wildfire so we have the appropriate resources to burn. We will let everyone know via news release when we narrow down burn dates.
We also have 900 acres of piles to burn in the Joaquin Canyon area off of FR 376 I’m sure folks are getting fuelwood in there and we want to take care of a majority of those piles.
Thanks for all the support of our fire and burn program I think most folks understand why we do what we do but any help you folks can be to educate others is awesome! Let me know if you have any other questions I’ll try to send you a map of all the RX burns. Have a nice day!
Ms. Fredlund will ask Ron Gallegos or Terrance, the FMO, to see if they will speak at our annual meeting along with Chief Lee Taylor.
Mr. Corn mentioned that the there is a timber sale north of us. They are putting up sale signs.
Mr. Veverka said that leaves us with a good buffer.
e. Parks – Mr. Otero said there is nothing new.
f. Architectural – Mr. Otero said there was one new architectural change approval request which he is reviewing.
a. Meter Can Install on Vacant Lots – Mr. Corn stated that they are still trying to get all the parts in. Mr. Veverka said he talked with the vendor today. The vendor stopped the order on the incorrect insulation parts and will send the plastic ones.
b. Unauthorized Board Member Email Address - Mr. Fredlund said that someone tried to obtain access to Google Drive by using Mr. Veverka’s name. Mr. Fredlund said to exercise caution to avoid being spoofed.
c. Webmaster – Ms. Kilburg said we are losing our webmaster. Mr. Veverka said Mr. Thompson has webmaster skills and he would talk with him to see if he would be interested and what he would charge. Mr. Nelson also mentioned that he knows of someone that may be interested. Although he is out of state he could still manage the website. Ms. Kilburg said the job will involve posting documents, keeping the website calendar updated and providing an updated look to the website. Mr. Nelson and Mr. Veverka will discuss with their contacts and find out what they would charge.
a. Residential water leak flags – Removed.
b. Excess water usage policy (surcharge/metering) – Mr. Fredlund reported that Ms. Sondra Cantrell contacted him and would like to join the Committee. He will provide her all the information generated from the Committee to date. Mr. Fredlund will set up another meeting soon. He reported that basically there was a couple of different structures proposed without
much basis. If you look at how much we’re spending on maintenance it has to be relevant to how much water and electricity is used.
c. Reserve Study Corrections – Ms. Kilburg stated she hasn’t communicated with the contractor but will do so.
d. Management Company/Accounting Firm Bids – Ms. Kilburg said the bid received from a management company will not work for SLPPOA. The company is delayed in tasks that they perform, i.e., the financial reports won’t be available until the 25 th of the following month. We need the financial reports for the previous month by the second Tuesday of the month. They take a week to post invoices and payments. They charge SLPPOA additional cost to file liens. Right now HOAMCO charges $150 disclosure rate which will increase on October 1, 2017 from $150 to $400. That’s what we’ll get if we use a management company. She has a few bookkeepers that she needs to contact. There are benefits to having a bookkeeper but there is concern that there might be more inclination to harass an independent bookkeeper versus a company. Anytime someone wants to review the financial reports we can get them but there has to be a clear understanding that everything has to follow the HOA guidelines.
a. Election of Officers and Directors – Ms. Kilburg opened the floor to nomination of the new Board officers.
President - Mr. Veverka nominated Ms. Judy Kilburg. Ms. Kilburg accepted the nomination.
Mr. Brian Nelson seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.
Vice President – Mr. Peter Veverka nominated Harold Corn. Mr. Corn accepted the nomination.
Mr. Max Otero seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.
Secretary – Mr. Max Otero nominated Ms. Lorraine Otero. Ms. Otero accepted the nomination.
Mr. Harold Corn seconded the motion. There were no oppositions.
Treasurer – Mr. Peter Veverka nominated Ms. Lorraine Otero. Ms. Otero accepted the
nomination. Ms. Tamera Weary seconded the nomination. There were no oppositions.
Committee Leads –
Water Maintenance – Mr. Otero nominated Mr. Peter Veverka. Mr. Veverka accepted the nomination. Mr. Brian Nelson seconded the nomination. There were no oppositions.
Roads – Mr. John Fredlund nominated Brian Nelson. Mr. Nelson accepted the nomination. Mr. Max Otero seconded the nomination. There were no oppositions.
Firewise – Ms. Lorraine Otero nominated Ms. Tamera Weary. Ms. Weary accepted the nomination. Mr. Peter Veverka seconded the nomination. There were no oppositions.
Legal – Mr. Max Otero nominated Mr. John Fredlund. Mr. Fredlund accepted the nomination. Mr. Peter Veverka seconded the nomination. There were no oppositions.
Parks – Mr. Peter Veverka nominated Mr. Max Otero. Mr. Otero accepted the nomination. Mr. Harold Corn seconded the nomination. There were no oppositions.
Architectural – Mr. Peter Veverka nominated Mr. Max Otero. Mr. Otero accepted the nomination. Mr. Harold Corn seconded the nomination. There were no oppositions.
b. Budget – Ms. Kilburg stated we need to provide our proposed budget for next year to HOAMCO at least 60 days prior to the beginning of our fiscal year. It’s due to HOAMCO by the end of October. Ms. Kilburg asked the Board to look at the financial report and the current budget to determine what monies are needed for each Board member’s respective area. Look at what was spent last year and what is needed for the next year. Additionally, based on the Reserve Study that was conducted, it was recommended we increase the amount of money that goes into the reserve. The Study recommends $18,720.00 per year ($10/month/per resident).
The most we can raise the Association dues is 10% per year.
10. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 10, 2017, 7:15 p.m.
11. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 9:46 p.m.
Delinquent Accounts
Submitted by: Lorraine Otero